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Night out in London

sylvester were you also taught that as part of the "research skills" workshops? We did, and I'm sure it will come handy one day on an airplane.

Where is Stu?

Welcome back

submitting same results for different conferences

OK Ann, thanks, that's actually a good idea. I'll do that. Have a lovely evening.

submitting same results for different conferences

... I've read my original post and now I understand why it sounded like I've already submitted. The small UK conference is run by some people from my industry and they asked me about the sub-project I am currently working on. After few emails back and forth, they said they were happy to add me to the programme for paper presentation. Basically, I need to answer sooner than later. I don't want to put the chance of presenting at the international conference that I'd like to submit an abstract to jeopardy by presenting at this one. But anyway, I'll shut up now because what you said earlier makes sense.

submitting same results for different conferences

Hi Ann. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I haven't submitted anything yet. I am still undertaking the sub-project that the paper is going to cover. I wanted to know in advance if it is safe to submit to both; if not what alternatives I could consider etc. You've been extremely helpful. As you suggested, I will ask my supervisor too. These days I don't hear from my supervisors very much, they don't reply any of my emails and never there when I call. One of them is lovely and so helpful but I have already bothered her with so many things (and she is my external supervisor, only appointed for limited time). Therefore I wanted to ask to you guys about your advice.

submitting same results for different conferences

Thanks Ann. So from your answer I assume that I won't automatically enter myself into any agreements, if my paper gets selected and I accept to present it.

submitting same results for different conferences

Thanks all. I contacted both. One will publish the selected papers and the other "might" publish if they get funding. I am so confused now.

What a great project!! :-D

And if this result was 3 years ago, why the biscuits I bought the other day were cracked? Am I buying the brands that doesn't support research?

What a great project!! :-D

Great one Ann . Did you also check the "SEE ALSO" section? Amazing titles:

-Web takes the biscuit

-Cold milk takes the biscuit

-No more flunking on dunking

Thankyou Postgard Forum Team:

Richmond, mind you the guy who said it was fake also has a gold star identification degree from Belford. Now I'm confused. Maybe it is real after all. // Hi clueless, welcome

Thankyou Postgard Forum Team:

Richmond, I got that star checked and apparently it's not gold, it's fake I'm afraid.

Where is Stu?

Has he disappeared?

Is my second supervisor...

You might be right lamb. I have no idea. I know that at my institution, only the 1st supervisor attends the viva. But I don't know if they get to have a say in the outcome, as examiners. The book was handy, so I typed that paragraph thinking it would be helpful for sue.

Is my second supervisor...

Dear Sue, I am typing the following text from "The Research Student Guide to Success" by Pat Cryer (viva section). It is an Open University publication, so it can be trusted: "Many students prefer not to have their supervisors with them at the oral examination because it can be inhibiting to explain their works in front of someone who knows it so throughly already. Supervisors can, however, be present in certain circumstances, depending on institutional regulations. So you should think about whether there are good reasons for this to happen in your case, and then discuss possibilities wih your supervisor."

Thankyou Postgard Forum Team: