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Forum suggestion (not so off-topic)

How about a sticky/static thread on this page that gives some tips or rules about posting to the forum? Not a boring or technical one (we have Rules page for that ;-)) but a simpler one so people search the forum before submitting a common question, they post their question to the right section (i.e. the Off topic section) and they don't post "where can I get funding" type of questions.

Journal Papers, What do You Do?

First I tried to keep electronic copies and only print the most important ones to save paper and ink. For the last year or so I've been printing almost everything, as I realised saving my eyes is more important then being environmental. I find it so hard to read from screen, it is killing my eye-sight. Another problem with reading documents from screen is related to how the document is prepared. Some are just prepared for print or photocopied (i.e small serif fonts, blurs when enlarged etc), therefore even more difficult to read on screen.

One link on Endnote, and usually one copy printed. I also put 'p' label on EndNote to the ones that are printed.

The role of the public intellectual?

I'm with insomniac on this one. I looked at google images, there are so many Nigel Barkers. Which one are you guys talking about? Who is he?

What is another word for "Thank you"?

Good luck with finishing the final things today. Do you know when your viva is going to be? It is a bit different over there though, isn't it? I remember something about a public defence of the thesis (or was it in another country..hmmm)

References and Bibliography

I agree with you Otto. It sounds strange. I have seen some thesis with references only; and some with references and seperate bibliography. Not a one big list of everything. This supervisor has not done a PhD, but reads a lot and very a very bright person. So I am not going to dismiss that view totally but I see myself just adding a separate bibliography if necessary (that's how I enter info to EndNote, so it will be just a matter of sending it to Word.)

What is another word for "Thank you"?

Laney, I'll definitely do that. Seriously.

What is another word for "Thank you"?

Piglet, does that mean you've almost completed your thesis?

I can't wait for writing my Acknowledgements page. When I get distracted from my work, I find myself imagining the acknowledgements page and also how I would phrase dedicating the thesis to my father who didn't live to see my graduation. I haven't even finished my first chapter yet Any excuse to get distracted from writing the actual thing...

References and Bibliography

I think I will include both. Because the mixed advice I got from academics and reference guides confused me more, I decided to include a separate bibliography to cover my back really.

One of my supervisors suggests that I should include everything I read (cited or not) in the bibliography alphabetically. This way (because I'm using Harvard system) readers can cross examine the cited references easily but not be distracted with 2 separate lists. I have to get confirmation on that one from my other supervisors though.

hilarious wobble stick

because the film is looped, the woman looks so mad As if she can't let go of the stick, so all she can do is laugh about it.

hilarious wobble stick

Horrible presentation experience

Please don't be upset. That must be his understanding of constructive criticism. One of my supervisors did that to me on my first ever presentation. Academics from our University and other universities were invited. I just didn't understand why he would try to rip my work apart by keep saying things like "yeah but.... this has been done before... what makes you think that it works" etc. I now know that he was only trying to show me the real experience.

This experience will come really handy on your next presentation.

PGF Chat room - Elevenses and High tea

Is the forum repeating itself? I remember these dialogues from another thread.. but which one? Or is it just a simple forum deja vu?

A poem about the forum...

oh I didn't read all of it, just looked at it quickly . I think pea is very nice.

On the other hand, I suppose it's just a poem written with the surface knowledge; none of the things in there can mean anything. We can't even be sure about the nice comments. I'm sure all of these things were said before on this thread, I couldn't be bothered to read all of it

A poem about the forum...

I haven't seen this thread before

Come back to the forum DanB.

Possible to get a mortgage when on a research studentship..?

madeleine, also run a search with the keyword 'mortgage' on this forum. There have been some discussions in the past.