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yeah, sleepyhead

Citing an author, but reading a different meaning in his article

Zelda, yes. I think that was my starting point to feel bad about it. Thanks.

Those annoying little acts of rudeness (angry smiley)

I mean either piglet or pea said it

Those annoying little acts of rudeness (angry smiley)

I remember these two words from another thread. Piglet or pea?

Citing an author, but reading a different meaning in his article

good luck with that. Let us know how it goes

Citing an author, but reading a different meaning in his article

Thank you fluffymonster. I don't know why I assumed it would be a problem. I even thought about contacting the author for my intentions.

How is your thesis changes going? Is the problem about that extra change sorted now?

Last on to post on this thread wins

Piglet, we need to transfer you to UK because of this time-zone thing. Can you imagine writing that on your post-doc application: I would like to come to UK because...

How was the job, is it done now?

Feeling a little bit lonely

big hug to you Pup. I understand how you feel.

Citing an author, but reading a different meaning in his article

Thanks Pup. So if I make it clear that this may not be author's intention in the first place, it should be ok?

Citing an author, but reading a different meaning in his article

I hope I can explain this properly. I would be grateful for your opinions.

I read an article within the wider area (but not topic) of my PhD. I am interested in X subject, and the article is about Z. I believe (knowingly or unknowingly) this guy is actually making a great example for the X subject, without even saying anything about the X subject. I would like to make this comment in my thesis. What I am trying to say is a positive thing, not accusing the author for anything. Do you think it would be ok to write this opinion and cite his article?

please.. help... severe depression?

I agree with Juno. On the other hand, I would suggest not to accept any drugs from your GP, without talking to someone professional. GPs tend to offer prozac far too easily in this country (personal experience in different occasions) within their 7-minutes consultation time, without listening the whole story.

Please don't ignore this. Depression is common but the different levels of depression causes different harms. You've done the biggest step which is admitting the problem. Now take it further and deal with the issue. It will give you a fresh start. And the advice given here by others are great. Like Badhaircut said, don't make any big decisions on your PhD for a while, and as Claudia said try and take a break. If you can't afford it, now is a good time to apply for hardship (or access to learning) fund. Good luck with everything.

Confused Confused Confused!!! Desperate for some valuable advice

I think it is not a good idea to do a PhD without funding. The last thing you need is more debt. I think you should keep that offer without giving your final answer to them and continue looking for more options that offer funding. In the meantime apply for bursaries for that PhD in NZ. See which one comes first, and then decide.

Other issues are the cultural ones I guess. Have you been there before? Surely you must have thought about some of these things when you submitted your application. If the family issue didn't exist, how would you feel about going there?

Confused Confused Confused!!! Desperate for some valuable advice

Hi phdaspirant. It looks like you are face to face with a very tough decision. First of all, there is the family issue. I can understand and related to that problem. What is the level of this dependency. If you go, what happens to them? Do the family depend on you because of a temporary emergency, or a permanent decision that was made by you? When I started my PhD, I had to stop sending money to my mother. This effected her life badly. But I had to stand by my decision and this caused me a great deal of guilty concious. But I still believe it is important to do things for yourself. So I recommend doing a pros and cons list on this matter.
(I'll continue on the next box)

another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)


another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)

so what is it then, can you type here without the brackets?