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My friend just quit his PhD after 11 months...

The title of this thread is a bit like Jerry Springer or Thrisha show titles

Anyone else working this weekend?

I hope everyone's work is going well. Mine is not going well, very slow. I keep finding other things to engage my mind with. It was a beautiful day. I spent ages playing with cats in the garden, speaking to friends on msn and doing little escapist things like checking what's on ebay. Now I feel so guilty.

cite stuff from blogs

AnnieG, I asked that option to my supervisor before. He didn't agree with it.

cite stuff from blogs

I don't think a blog would be a very reliable source. But if you think it is very relevant and useful, then cite it with the full URL. You can also make a one-off footnote.

another smiley? (apparently two words are two short for a title)

just testing the luck smiley (didn't work on another thread)

(good luck) (lucky) (luck)

First conference presentation...

hmm the luck in brackets was for the emoticon. let's try this one instead (lucky)

First conference presentation...

- Wear something comfortable, so it won't be one more thing in your mind to think about.

- Take a bottle of water with you and drink during your presentation if you think you are too shaky or your throat is drying or even if your mind stops working. I find that one simple action very useful.

- Do not be apologetic; do not start your speech saying this is your first time therefore blah blah. I don't think anyone sympathise with this, and it creates unnecessary criticism.

- Make eye contact with a few people on the audience; or look at the distance so it looks like you are making an eye contact with someone in the audience.

- Don't read from the screen or your notes. There is nothing more annoying then listening to someone reading from a paper.

Good luck (luck)

First conference presentation...

great news that you are going to be presenting your work. It will be really useful to your research and you will learn one more thing through this experience. It's normal to be nervous and to worry. I can't begin to describe how shaky and nervous I was on my first presentation; I think it happens to almost anyone. My suggestions are:

Anyone else working this weekend?


Shall I change my username?

ah, Ok i get it now H.

Shall I change my username?

who's sylvia, and why would she go grrrr? Have I missed something again?

Last on to post on this thread wins

that's a very good point. I'll definitely keep that in mind. Thank you Goodnight to you.

Last on to post on this thread wins

our landlords picked the worst day to re-evaluate the house we live in. They'll be here first thing in the morning. They think we don't pay enough. So if they turn out to be soooo evil about it, I'll blame it on the date.

Shall I change my username?

veery long. Filled 2 application forms, tidied the house, wrote a bit on my thesis and spent ages on the forum. Now I'm waiting for the episode of Lost to be downloaded, so I can watch (I missed it last Sunday). How was your day?

Shall I change my username?

hello insomniac.