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Help please: EndNote question

oh I actually get it now... ok, cool. Thanks

Help please: EndNote question

Thanks H. It makes sense. I tried a similar thing with the existing reference. But when I change the template, it affects the citing too, so I get two authors on citing too.

Help please: EndNote question

I have some entries where the author is a company or government department. I use the abbreviation first and put the full name in brackets next to it. For example:

DCMS (Department for Culture Media and Sport) (2006). "Museums and Galleries" [online] Available at: . [Accessed 14 December, 2006]

When citing from this source, I would like EndNote to put (DCMS, 2006) only. Is it possible to make EndNote ignore the brackets as a rule when citing, but keep it in the bibliography? Because there are so many situations like this, I don't want to manually edit (and word doesn't let me edit these citations once inserted).

Who got the fastest publication

no, it's the main title of the phd.
Zzz: The statistics of letter z usage in English graduate forums...

MRes Under Achievement

and there is the University politics... Having to equal students marks to 69.5 %, just because they are not allowed to give more than certain number of distinctions...

Published Journal Articles

you were quicker than I, Ann

Published Journal Articles

for the "tax" question:
-are you UK based?

No, you don't get paid for publishing papers. But if you presented your work at a conference, you can claim expenses from your department, (or the conference organisers in some cases).

Does it increase someone chances of getting a PhD if they are already studying at the Uni?

doh! you said you had an interview . I must improve my reading skills. Skimming is not always a good idea

Does it increase someone chances of getting a PhD if they are already studying at the Uni?

sorry, I shouldn't have assumed that .

I hope you'll get the place. It's always a good idea to apply to other places, while you are waiting to hear from them (unless they gave you a specific time-scale to give you their decision).

Does it increase someone chances of getting a PhD if they are already studying at the Uni?

I don't think so. I'll try to give 2 examples to put your mind at ease:

- When I applied for the PhD at my current institution, I was already doing my masters there. Two places were advertised. Myself and 4 other class-mates applied. I got one of the places, someone from another university got the second one.

- I was also offered another funded place at another university around the same time. 1 place was advertised, I met a few masters students from that University in the waiting room, also waiting to be interviewed for the same place. So they didn't select one of their students just because they knew those students.

So, good luck with your application. And don't worry about things like this. It will only affect your performance at the interview badly. Think positively

how bad was your Monday morning?

aww poor rah. Please don't blame yourself (nor the cats; behaviours like this is in their nature). You will need better arrangements next time your bf wants to adopt a gerbil. On the other hand, maybe it's not fair on either of the animals to be put in the same house (especially when one of them is in a cage).

pros and cons of a large supervisory team

zelda, thank you for your answer. I am sorry to hear you are in a similar situation. I guess it is a bit too late for me, as this is my 3rd year. It is very annoying to be part of something that you didn't plan in the first place. I know that my University allows max 3 supervisors but more if the reasons can be justified. And my director of studies included this person's name on my list in the first place (they are good friends). I can't really understand the small-office politics.

Referring to oneself: use of personal pronoun

shani, I think what you say is quite logical. I've read similar opinions from academics. But I would be a little scared to suddenly start using "I". But if I do, do you think it would be a good idea to explain the use of language, in the introduction of the thesis? Are you going to be using the first-person in your thesis?

Referring to oneself: use of personal pronoun

Otto, I usually get them from University websites. So you can run a search on google with phd theses (or thesis) archive keywords and select only the ac.uk sites (avoid the commercial cr*p). Your library will have hundreds of them in their archive but they wouldn't be the digital versions. I'd also keep an eye on recent PhDs'academic websites.

Referring to oneself: use of personal pronoun

I downloaded a thesis of a recent Dr yesterday. Now I opened it to see the language and voice the author used. Find command in the pdf brought 1119 uses of "I" as a single word. He wrote the whole thesis referring to himself.