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I want to change campus..Now

Hi all, Just want your opinions on how I can achieve changing campus. I enjoy my PhD work, I like my supervisor..... But I hate the lack of research environment and lack of PhD students where I work (about 10 PhD students here no one in my area therefore no scope for Journal clubs, seminar groups etc). I am moving to this new campus in 18 months anyway. Any suggestions on how I can convince my supervisor that I can move earlier. Trust me, it isnt grass-greener syndrome. comments welcomed

Who considers sheffield in the northeast?

spot on team. I can safely get back to my papers safe in the knowledge that I contributed to a fine site. (please make more errors I dont wanna work today)

Who considers sheffield in the northeast?

Dear all (and moderators)

Just being a little pedantic bit just clicked on the new link out of curiosity for the "new business and law zone" just to see what was going on. just seen the section on "phd opportunities" and looking at the areas listed there is "North East" with a lovely picture of the angel of the north" and underneath the link to the university of sheffield Law School.

I believe findaphd staff are based in Sheffield, and to get this wrong is poor, especially when foreign students come here for information.
This map shows the position of universities on a UK map http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/ukinfo/ac/index.php?refs1066=http://uk.search.yahoo.com/search?p=map+uk&ei=UTF-8&fr=slv1-adbe&fl=0&x=wrt&meta=vc%3D
and it looks to me that sheffield at best should be classed as north,

Some may say does it matter, well not really but a) wouldn`t want foreign students turning up in sheffield expecting to be in the northeast of england, and in the same vein I wouldnt want to see students being put off by the idea of sheffield being isolated from the rest of England tucked up there in the north east.

Am I picking faults at noting or does anyone else think that this should be altered.

PostgradForum Merchandise/Freebies

you advertise on posters, who, what, where, when.
I have been at three different unis and I have never seen them, findaphd really helped me in applying and I think it would help many other patential PhD students, should I nag at my careers dept to get some posters up, or will you send me some and I can be an official rep (need something to put on my CV for future jobs)

What Uni is everyone at?

just seen this, something that I had long believed, people of the north are more polite than the south (see my previous ramblings)


(to findaphd team, sorry if you think im offending people if you wish to remove this post please do so. I know its not really following the original thread)