Overview of Cakegirl

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Difficult decisions: Great PhD offer or good job..

Good luck with your phd, Cambridge is a lovely city (which helps with the sanity thing). I hope everything goes well. Enjoy the 9-5 until then and stash some savings away for PhD treats!

Difficult decisions: Great PhD offer or good job..

Hey Andy, I started in january and it hasn't made any difference. The only difference it could make is if you are doing any taught modules. And that I'll (hopefully) be handing in on new years eve...which I imagine will lead to a rather blurrier-than-usual new years day

Lara's Writing Up Diary - inspired by Jojo

Evening Lara,
Sounds like a good day - and sounds like it was thesis related as you got heaps of advice and spent time thinking about and discussing your thesis
Thanks for passing on the words of wisdom...hope you have a good day tomorrow

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Or is that just me?

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Always Being Distracted

Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day

Always Being Distracted

Lara's Writing Up Diary - inspired by Jojo

Hi Lara,
Good to hear your update, sounds like you have got lots out of your system and maybe are starting again much more refreshed? Be careful working to 4am if it is exhausting you...that won't be productive for 3 months (such a Mum thing to say!). You need to get enough rest to support your positive outlook.
Sounds like you've made a really good start last night and today. That's brilliant!

Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?

Olivia, good point. I'm a big fan of sauvignon (sp?) blanc with food of an aquatic nature. Particularly of the New Zealand variety. Although I'm not fussy. I'll drink NZSB with anything!
Maybe it depends what you serve it with? I like wine, but I'm a bit of a novice. I'm trying to learn more, but have stopped buying it on account of financial limitations. This isn't helping the learning...

Maybe we need a wine/trout thread? I think there are some interesting experiments in this field...

Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?

Olivia - That's brilliant! I'm off to find my fishing rod and hook myself a freezer full of omega 3 rich dinners

How on earth do you give your PhD thesis a title?

I also have an obscure title. One that none of my friends can understand. I wonder if I am allowed to give it a simpler title instead?

It does, however, have a semi-colon in it, so it's not all bad!

Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?

Olivia...what about trout cake?

Do you think we should have an 'introduce yourself' thread?

Hi, I'm cakegirl, I'm female and love a bit of cake. I also quite like wine. Maybe I should change my username to winegirl? I'm doing my phd, hope to finish before I hit the next decade, because if it goes on after that I will have spent too many friday nights working... I'm about 2 years in.
Parts of my lifestyle improved on getting my phd, other parts are less improved.
I am single, and not sure if relationships and phds go well together... Although I think it's probably more about choosing the right person to relate with.
I like this forum for its anonymity, so that's all you get about me! It's good to meet you all.

Holy Cr*p you can BUY a PhD

I seem to remember seeing certificated for sale in Thailand (in fact certificates for anything...degrees...medicine etc) but, strangely, never saw a PhD thesis on sale!
I'm not keen to work for this though!

Incidentally...how did you find that website? What phrase were your googling?!!!

stress of a PhD - is it normal to feel like this?

Hey Charlie,
Nope, you're not alone! PhD is so intense in so many ways and dealing with the emotional side of things is one of the many skills PhD students learn along their rollercoasters.
It's a bit scary how quickly emotions can change too, the ups and downs can both be very rapid and unexpected.
Deadlines are very good for bringing out our biggest fears and insecurities - stick with it, you're not alone and you'll get through it.

examination forms nightmare!

Oops - sorry HazyJane, was composing for a while and hadn't refreshed the page before posting. But I totally agree with what you've posted!