Overview of Cryogenics

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moan moan moan

Well, there isn't much one can do in that instance other than to respect her wishes. My advice would be to concentrate on yours as well, you'll definitely meet someone else or even get together again once its all over.

Best wishes.

moan moan moan

Ouch! Sorry about that. However, i can't help but think that for her to have made that decision, she must have felt that having you around would not help her concentrate. Were you not giving her the space she requires to do her work (just asking)?

woohoo - it is all official!

Let start the celebratory drinking session already

woohoo - it is all official!

Writing grants should be alright once you're able to express your ideas properly. The only thing you maybe worried about it the competition.

woohoo - it is all official!

Count me in!

woohoo - it is all official!

HEY! Congratulations fluffymonster, you must feel relieved!

I believe celebration are in oder here. Don't you think?

Ladies and gentlemen...I submitted!

Hey Piglet, congratulation!!

All the very best

Will you call youself Dr?

I think its a title to be proud of regardless, and you have worked darn hard for it too! However, it is not one i would enforce or make mandatory on a anyone or on the milk man in Badhaircuts case I think using it would give a sense of achievement, at least, after all the years of sweat! (namely; depression, anxiety, stress and loss of hair)

I for one will use mine, when i'm done that is

my computer can't recognise my USBs

1.Click the Safe to remove icon
2.Make sure the 'display device components' is ticked
Your USB device shold now appear in the box
3.Click your USB and then properties
Another windows opens with different tabs on the top
4.Click 'policies'
Then you'll see the two options: Optimize for quick removal and Optimize for performance

Choose the optimize for quick removal if you don't want the hastle of having to go through the normal protocal.

I hope this helps.

my computer can't recognise my USBs

Juno, that happens sometimes when you have the application you're working on opened and trying to unplug your USB at the same time. if you close the application (word etc) then you should be able to unplug your USB without any qualms.

You can always set your USB to unplug without having to click the green thingy always. Thank God for newere OSs, i tried upluging ME without going through the safe protocal and the darn thing crashed.

Spervisor negotiating with company

That's the angle i have been looking at it as wll, but the award requires a signed form stating that they would commit X amount of money (in cash).

Fingers crossed, it'll all turn out good.

Spervisor negotiating with company

Today my supervisor has headed off to speak to the powers that be at the company that has an interest in me doing a project with them and getting my PhD. We've been trying to get funding that would cater for me but would not hold the company into committing financially (cash wise, because they are a bit stingy when it comes to paying for students) At the moment since we are making head way with a CASE award, it seems it is impossible to avoid the company making that commitment. So my supervisors have gone down there today to speak to them.

Anyone got any experiences with tight-fisted companies or in a simialr situation?

Conference Acceptance / Rejection

I agree

Conference Acceptance / Rejection

How long has it been? Has it exceeded the three days?

I'm not sure what you can do really, apart from giving them a call or excercising a bit more patience.

Conference Acceptance / Rejection

I do not know but I don't see what the relevance of their order of sending their acceptance or rejection letters has. Could you perhaps explain your concern?