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I've a horrible feeling...

I would LOVE a holiday. If you or I win let's split the money!!!


I've a horrible feeling...

Quote From Si:
...a little more positive/enthusiastic

...trust me, I am. You should see me in action!

Thanks KB, you've all offered good advice and I think that's a good route to take.

At the end of my tether

KB, Glad you posted as I've been thinking about you. Chin up, go do your stuff and show your sup what you're made of!!!

I've a horrible feeling...

======= Date Modified 14 Jul 2011 15:38:24 =======
Thanks Sneaks. I know I'm lucky to be close to finishing and hopefully before it finishes me!

Bil, You've been very helpful and thank you. I am sure some people get jobs through merit and I hope it's more than I think. I can only say going by experience (I've benefited from it and been the victim of it), what others have told me and observation, many don't*...

* I've no problem with it when someone has worked hard, proved themselves and been noticed but it does annoy me when it's only through using people skills, rather than academic talent.

I've a horrible feeling...

I like my supervisor but honestly I could have done as easily without them had I been afforded the opportunity to put forward my own study. I don't rate them as a supervisor and since that's been my experience only I can comment. I am sick, sore and tired of always having to move around to get work, which has been the case to date. Few people have the chance of an academic career (it's really a case of who you know and working under a name) and so I've been moving around doing dead end research contracts away from friends and family. I want a life!

I've a horrible feeling...

I'm sorry if I came across as slightly terse, I didn't mean to and you've both provided really good advice:-)

I've a horrible feeling...

I've flagged it up with my supervisor (in the company of others) a couple of times in the distant past. Frankly, I've completely lead this PhD and believe I've guided my supervisor through some of the process that they're meant to guide me through! They've roles and responsibilities to guide me through certain things and haven't been bothered.

Bil, I did the PhD mainly for the money. I don't think I've a snowballs chance in hell of an academic career as no-one ever leaves this department unless forced to through retirement or death. It's one of the worst performing departments in its subject! This PhD, compared to my research interests, is a waste and really only evidences common sense and I'm tired of faking interest in it (I see myself as getting paid partly to act!) and had hoped to do what you're doing and publish in areas of interest to me. I really can't stand the thought of doing more research in this area without dosh to go with it!

Why did you do your PhD?

Hi DanB, It's good to know your PhD proved to be useful...eventually!(up)

I've a horrible feeling...

I'm coming to the end of a PhD and will be glad to see the back of it. Throughout the process my supervisor has never expressed in interest in my future, never encouraged me to do conferences, never offered careers advice, never talked about publications until recently. It was mentioned very briefly by my supervisor that we would need to start thinking about publications. No disrespect, but since my supervisor has done sod all to help my future why would I want to start publishing in an area that I've no interest in and especially when the money runs out?

Should my supervisor not have encouraged my to publish during the PhD, especially given that I flagged it up that it was expected by the department?

Is this normally expected?

No Job offers 2 Years after earning PhD in Politics

That's absolutely terrible - if I was in your friends shoes I'd be feeling very angry and frustrated. I hate the emphasis put on getting a good education when too often things like this happen. If it were me I would think about retraining (as long as it was funded in some way).

At the end of my tether

KB, I know it's not easy and you're working under difficult circumstances but you'll not have to tolerate this behaviour much longer (you shouldn't have to tolerate it anyway). Get your PhD and get out of there!

The Happy Thread

That's great slowmo, you're nearly there!

Blue, fantastic, I'm very happy for you, especially given your worries. Glad luck with the new job.

Why did you do your PhD?

A PhD is research :-) but are you just using it as a means to end? The way to an academic career?

The Happy Thread

Well done Mog and Bil(up)

Why did you do your PhD?

======= Date Modified 13 Jul 2011 17:35:09 =======

Quote From BilboBaggins:
I'd grieved very painfully for my lost one and was scared of failing to succeed again.

Stop right there! Very unfortunately for you seriously poor health kicked in and made it very difficult, if not impossible, for you to carry on at that time. I greatly admire you for picking up the reigns of a different beast at a later date and going the distance under such circumstances. I was very pleased to read your post in another thread about your recent publications and love your get up and go attitude. I groan and moan about not getting to study my research interests but I've got good health, am funded and quite honestly am very fortunate. Not quite as fortunate as those who got funding to research their interests ;-)

You get a thumbs up from me(up)