Overview of Doodles

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faculty funded bursary

Yes it does increase each year just like a research council studentship although the award is not as big.

I remember a terrifying episode of Thundercats when Mumra had tied Tigra to a rack in a tower facing the window so when the sunlight hit him he would fry or something like that. I was about that age as well. But it was a great cartoon. :)

Randomness - they won't let me have a single word title!!!

Why not and then we can have the first FindaPhD wedding and even invite Cilla!

going mad because this is rubbish

Eating chocolate muffins is a great idea ... hmmm. As for the literature search trying eating it - it would be much more satisfying!! ;)

What should I have for lunch?

Indeed tell us more about this mystery ingredient! I'm dying to know! P.S. Do you have the recipe please? :)

Randomness - they won't let me have a single word title!!!

Just fancied coming up with a random post on no particular topic ... you can see my literature review is going well. So post away ... anything is possible and the best one gets a mention in my lit. review! There's an offer you can't refuse! ;)

Hmm ... first topic - why won't findaphd let me have a one word title? What if I don't want to describe it in more detail????

Dan B - attention

Chocolate is your best friend!!

The new forum website...

Oh yeah someone has to be! Still undecided about this new "improved" site (I like old site apart from 100 word limit!)

It will take some getting used and I don't seem to have as much free time anymore! My weeks are rapidly filling up!!

How old are we all ?

How about how old do we feel? ;)


Oh yeah! I worry about running out of time even though I started recently (it's a very ambitious project), not be able to do my technique, doing stats, fieldwork, not understanding my topic (certain elements), what my supervisor expects of me, how we interact(haven’t sussed it out yet), when he/she will realise they have made a mistake in choosing me (don't feel very confident when I realise I've forgotten how to do alot of stuff!) etc ....... the list is endless!!! But it's a good experience so far!

7 weeks in China...

Go for it!!! What are you asking for indeed????? I would jump for the chance to go somewhere exciting and for so long as well! It's very good experience and will set you up with contacts which are the key to future jobs so well worth your time and effort. Just think of it as a break form your thesis but still working in your field networking which is just as important! Have fun!

What do you have on your desk ?

I see I'm going to have to start a niece trend here as mine is very cute and says the cutest things! She's 3 and knows exactly what to say to pull the strings! Tweak! Tweak! I've got loads of her pics on my home computer!

As for my desk it's still quite efficient looking (no silly things - give it time - not been here that long - have to keep up pretence) so there is stationery and some cutlery in a mug, a stationery tower, a box of tissues, tons of papers (mostly to be read), paper, a ruler, folders, post it notes (essential!! run my life on them!!) and of course a very nice computer and a very cool mouse mat!

The new forum website...

So why do we need to log in now before we use the forum? Is it so that Big Brother can monitor what we say? ;)