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6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Oh I would love to get some sunshine! Unfortunately the weather where I am isn't co-operating! It was alovely day yeseterday but today is grey and dark. I'm trying to exercise a bit more, but even the motivation to do that is lacking! Whereabouts are you based then Sue?
Good luck with the conference paper!
Try not to beat yourself up about the work plan - that only adds to the bad feelings!

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi Sue,
I had a bad week last week.  The weather and general January darkness left me feeling very depressed and unmotivated.
This week isn't too bad - the sunshine yesterday really lifted my mood
Try not to beat yourself up too much - everyone has periods during which work just doesn't seem to happen.  We can't be expected to work solidly between now and the summer - we'd end up stark raving lunatics!!
Are you presenting at the conference?

Is it possible to transfer to a PhD in the US from the UK?

I know of a PhD student who has relocated to the states while still doing her phd at a UK uni. She uses skype and comes back a couple of times a year. She did talk it through a lot with her supervisors and they all work hard to make it work.
As you said the best thing is to speak to your supervisor and see if you can work something out
Hope this helps

Quitting my PhD - What happens to my funding?

I don't think you have to pay any of it back. I've known people to have quit and they've never had to pay it back. I would check with your research office though.

Tragic end to my PhD life

Hi Scorpio,
Sorry to hear what has happened
Is there anyway you can carry on the project part time? Or change it so it doesn't have to be a collaboration?
It seems really unfair that you are being failed due to something which seems to be no fault of yours.
Who is in charge of research students in your dept? I would ask for a meeting with them and your supervisor to discuss your options.
Sorry not to have been of more help!

How to choose an external?


I've just had a meeting with my supervisor who has said we need to decide on an external examiner around May time. Problem is I have no idea!! My topic is one that hasn't really been looked at so there are lots who could be considered a peripheral expert, but no one is jumping out at me or my supervisor. I would like it to be someone I have met personally ideally.

Basically there are lots of 'maybe' people but no 'yes please' suggestions!!

How did you decide?

Internal & external examiners totally inappropriate - please advise!

I would definitely talk to your supervisor then.
It does seem strange that you weren't consulted and I would clarify as to why this was. I'm sure you are correct and they think they are doing you a favour, but it would've be more courteous I think to have told you earlier.

Internal & external examiners totally inappropriate - please advise!


Sorry to hear about your situation

I would have a word with your supervisor if I were you. It is my understanding (certainly at my uni) that supervisors have to agree to examiners - both internal and external. I've never heard of the uni over-ruling examiner choices before.

I personally also would've thought that if they were trying to do you a favour, then your supervisor would be the one to suggest an external. I certainly know of academics who have asked friends to be externals (and called in favours) if they wanted to ensure a PhD passed. If this is the case it seems odd that you haven't heard of the prof.

I'm not sure about the career impact of having an unknown academic, but I know that personally speaking it would un-nerve me to have an unknown. Simply because I want to have read my external's work and hopefully have some idea of what they are like personally.

I would speak to your supervisor and go from there. Fingers crossed he can shed some light!



I have included it in the methodology section, but my ethics were fairly straightforward. I just had to get clearance from the uni ethics board which i then included as an appendix.

not sure if that helps you or not!

Anyone else struggling today?

Teek - that's such a shame! Do you think you can make the numbers work?

Roro - Thank you for the picture - that is one cute puppy!

Have decided to leave a bit earlier today and go out for something to eat tonight. Hubbie's had a bad day at work too so need some down time me thinks

Anyone else struggling today?

I think building a desk counts as work - it is an essential stage in your PhD journey after all!

Anyone else struggling today?

Feels like such a waste sometimes though!  I keep saying to myself 'Right I'm going to sit here and finish this paragraph' then a minute later I'm on here or facebook or researching some tiny detail for my thesis that really needs no research!

So nice to know it is not just me! Bring on tomorrow!

Anyone else struggling today?

Hey all,

Been in the office since just after 9 and while I should reach my minimum daily target today I feel like I could've done so much more. I slept awfully last night and when I did I obviously slept awkwardly as my one side of my neck is in agony. It is so grey and miserable here and that isn't helping my concentration levels. I'm getting so easily distracted it's ridiculous. :-(

I know we all have those days where work just doesn't happen - thankfully even my supervisor admits to them!! Anyone else having a bad work day today?


6 mths to go - count down's on!!

I had my first nightmare about submission several months ago - I like to get ahead with certain things ;-)

I've got into the habit of setting myself a target of 1000 words a day and if I achieve it I put a gold star in my diary for the day :-) 2000 words = 2 stars and so on! I've gone back to basics with the reward scheme! Silly I know but it does make me feel like I'm accomplishing something. Maybe you could try something like that Teeks?

6 mths to go - count down's on!!

Hi Teek,
I feel like that sometimes too! The end never seems in sight and the amount of work insurmountable - You are not alone! I sat down the other day and wrote myself small deadlines for every 3 weeks or so and that feels a lot more manageable.
Just wanted to let you know you are nto alone!