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Psychology and recruitment
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Fini. Bonne chance!

viva corrections
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It's all very well for them to state 'it still fits until the heading minor corrections'- but I would be VERY tempted to question this out of the blue claim, and want to see exactly where this is written down. It must be subject to definition somewhere- and you are within you're rights to expect the same precision from them as they have come to expect from you.

I reckon they're taking the piss mate.

Advice about size of literature review
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ToL, I hear that's the main reason they give minor corrections?!

What does a revise and re-review decision on journal paper mean for my thesis?
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I would have said, the same standards but focussed diffierently- see the examiners at the viva perhaps, as being the quivalent of the journal's peer review?

What does a revise and re-review decision on journal paper mean for my thesis?
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They were only judging a paper not a thesis. They are two different things, and aren't assessed by the samer criteria. Anyway when you submit your thesis you can't have your own paper as a chapter can you?

1+3 studentship and pregnancy
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I don't think maternity applies. But you should definitely ask them.

Which PhDs to pursue and which ones not to pursue in the next 20 years!
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Area of research- 'How to increase the research abilities of robots.'


Can anyone recommend printers and Binders in London?
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Yes, but printing for yourself, you can choose the cheapest option- I didn't see a 'hardbound thesis' option specified, and that's what they'll want.

Advice about size of literature review
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15,000 good for (an HSS) lit review- don't worry about binding increasing the siza as it is accounted for on a pro-rata scale.

Which PhD offer to take?
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It's Boise Ste Uni, not Boston (which would be an improvement!)- Boise State is some Episcopalian set-up that has only been awarding it's own degrees for c. 40 years.

In the begining
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Yes Psychopapa, even if you're not doing what you expected to be doing at this point, there's always something else that can be done. And as Jan suggests, the reading is almost endless.

1+3 studentship
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No; it sounds like the OP was expecting £28K p.a., as the 'The offer letter states &14000' but this is ' half of the amount' expected.

2:2 BSc and MSc, should I not bother to apply to Oxbridge at all?
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Indeed Dunham; Bologna would knock Oxbridge into a cocked hat!

Can anyone recommend printers and Binders in London?
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Yes I have three or four times; I don't spam with adverts but can send photos of the finished product if wanted. Best of luck!

Can anyone recommend printers and Binders in London?
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