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BRILLIANT advice on thesis writing
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This single hour of talking is more helpful than my entire first year of supervision!! and a great way to make pre-festive insomnia useful...


How to annoy people
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Oh, again! 'mind your own business' could be a good response: ear wigging other peoples' outside work calls which are none of your business is out of order - you could do it a humorous way.

Sorry for the multiple postings.

How to annoy people
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Oh, I deal with that kind of reaction by not putting a value on the person or what they say. They are clearly not your friend or supporter. But as this is work, getting on with them is part of what you are paid to do - so just do your job,, no more,, no less. You have my sympathy.

How to annoy people
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A very admirable and tolerant approach from Bonzo but I'm afraid I'm not that charitable. If people can't see the importance of academic excellence and achievement for the international standing of a country, and begrudge you 2 grand after the blood, sweat, tears and pound signs you've given for this worthy cause, then they are nit wits. Jealousy is rife amongst under - achievers. And I'm afraid dancing with the devil is sometimes necessary to achieve a PhD, but this under achieving, and bitter, ship in the night will surely one day be forgotten as you progress you career. Congratulations on the 2 grand, that's quite an achievement, I'm sure you have quite a career ahead of you. 

Warwick international reputation?
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I was at at Warwick as an undergraduate and it was ABSOLUTELY fantastic. And although it is not as well known, internationally, as the place I did my Masters it was far supeior in terms of research and teaching and a much more valuable experience.

Choice of uni should also be guided by the suitability of your supervisor to your project, and their profile. So I guess if your sup has an international reputation, then that matters in the way a uni's reputation does. Social Sciences/Politics is not my thing though! so maybe some inetrnational league tables or similar will help. Speaking more generally, of the three unis I've experienced it is by far best in terms of student experience.

The new RAE results.
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Ha haaaaaa! my super ace, ace undergraduate department got 60% for 4*, 10 higher than the Courtauld - I always knew they were better! and Oxbridge la de da de daaaaaaaa and my rubish ex PhD department I've just left got......... 0!!!!!!!!. Yes, zero at 4*, even though they're red brick. No wonder they were edgy.

Four letter word--change a letter
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want - so much, but a pint will do

Check This Out
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More, excellent procrastination resources!!!!! LOL 8-) I think I may take a water gun into my viva

Retracting plagiarised paper
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Hi Pyshnov: as this is a postrgraduate forum, I took you to be a postgraduate student. Science is not my subject, but I'm sure some people around here find your info fascinating. It sounds to me as if you have a better idea than any regulars around here what the possible solutions are for your problem.

Retracting plagiarised paper
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hey physhnov,

It looks to me like your supervisor has a pretty weak record and is in a dry spell... desperate times eh. Can you look for another supervisor? It sounds to me as if you really have something, isn't there anyone with a higher profile out there for you? You are the goose that laid the golden eggs after all - even if she nicked one of them.

Theoretical Framework
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WOW i have a STAAAAAAAARRRRR (up)8-)(up)!!! thanks Bug!!

And thanks Heifer (I hope I spelt that right) for the illuminating info on cross-disciplinary approaches.

Theoretical Framework
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Bug I think I have to have started the thread. I had a look round and clicked a few stars but no results - I think you could give me a star though!!! I know I haven't given you any advice but maybe feeling less alone make you feel a bit better? yes, it's just like kindergarten and I know exactly where all my time is going... and maybe why my framework could be coming quicker!

i got a star !! :-) lol
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hey stressed, I'm starless toooo!!!

Theoretical Framework
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Thank you all, that makes me feel so much better!!! If I could give bug and you stars I would do

Theoretical Framework
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Very, very good question bug. I await responses with deep anticipation.