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The One Goal Thread
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I reckon that's a yes Pinknumbers!! After all, it's not like you are just being lazy and will have to come back to them at a later date - they are crossed off the list forever and therefore DONE!

The One Goal Thread
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Procrastination station chez Ev this morning - since 11am I have cleared out my wardrobe, done the grocery shopping, walked the dog, washed a weeks worth of dishes, done 2 loads of washing, hoovered the entire house and washed the floors. B/f will be home at 6 starving as usual so I doubt any work will get done after that. So I have got exactly 1hr50 mins to make a start on reading the background papers I downloaded yesterday for the paper I'm trying to write. So goal1: read 4 papers

Staying fit while doing a PhD
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Hi 4matt - I have a couple of suggestions that work for me:

Commit yourself to something that requires you to be in a certain place at a certain time - this means that you can't keep putting it off forever with the excuse that you are too tired and "will do it tomorrow". Obviously this needs to be a time where you can guarantee to a certain extent that you won't generally be working. It helps if you pick an activity that you look forward to rather than dread too!! I learned this the hard way.

Join a team- this means that you're letting others down too if you don't show up (this amount of pressure is required by me unfortunately to ensure that I won't back out last minute)

Cook your meals in large batches whenever you have the time and refrigerate/freeze the excess. Soups only require some chopping then you can just bung everything a pot and get on with whatever else you need to do whilst it cooks. You get all the vitamins you can possibly need (sprout) and it makes up for excess chocolate consumption too!! (up)

The One Goal Thread
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I haven't posted for a while as I've just been too embarassed by lack of progress - I have family commitments today and a fun run on Monday so tomorrow is my only chance to catch-up.

For anyone working today - I'm sending you motivation vibes (sprout)

Anyone done/doing a PhD by publication?
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I have the option of doing my PhD by publication. At my uni we need three 1st authored articles (I think some people have even got away with submitted and not necessarily published articles too!)

The One Goal Thread
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Anybody else working today? I'm just getting started now as I spent the morning cleaning the house as my parent s announced that they would be visiting and subsequently cancelled - hmphh. To cheer myself up, I decided to have some tea and chocolate and ended up watching 3 episodes of Gok's Fashion Fix :$

So must do at least 2 hours before bf gets home (I encouraged him to occupy himself elsewhere so I could work!! Needn't have bothered)

Goal 1: work out questions to ask supervisor if I manage to get hold of him next week.

What cheers you up?
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I had a rabbit once. I loved him but he hated me. Anytime I picked him up he bit me, he also peed on me alot :-(

H e actually jumped to his death from my 11 year-old arms and broke his wee neck - I'll never forget those awful squeals

On a brighter note, most bunnies are lovely creatures and I'm sure Satchi has a lovely one

Is this unusual?
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I write all of my notes to myself and thoughts and ideas in a notebook that I keep aswell as what I set out to achieve and what I've actually done each day. I would naturally handwrite everything if I could but managed to drop this habit pretty early on in my undergrad degree. Plus my writing is pretty atrocious so trying to decipher what I've scribbled after any length of time has passed has often proved difficult :$

The One Goal Thread
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Well the broken stuff is now fixed, at least temporarily but there's no time to put it to the test until next week.

I got absolutely no writing done today as I was running around trying to find the person I needed but I guess some progress was made on the practical side!

I'm going to try sort the paper out as much as I can until 7 and then head to home to b/f and doggy - I feel like I haven't seem them for a week - that felt like the longest week ever!! And I'm tired and sore as I did three intense gym classes this week.

So all-in-all I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself and so I get to take tonight and Sunday afternoon off - yay 8-)

Hope everyone has a good weekend (sprout)

The One Goal Thread
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Rubbish day today - waiting around for someone to fix a broken set-up but he hasn't materialized as yet.

The aim for today is to have a comprehensive plan for the paper set out - so I know exactly what I need to do. I've already pulled together any bits of writing I've already done that is relevant - so by the end of today I want to know all the gaps that need to be filled in. This should be possible for all but the last part of the paper as I'm still a bit muddled up about what I'm supposed to be doing. I may see if I can arrange some time with my primary sup to have a chat about that next weeks as I haven't seen him for months and could really do with some input/guidance at this stage.

PhD Skills
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Sent that on to you Sneaks - best of luck getting the CV together!

Trouble interpreting conference paper guidelines
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Seeing as there are no specifics given on the length of the paper and also nobody has been told how long they have to speak ( simply a list of speakers one after the other so we know which day we are on, morning or evening and the order of the speakers), I am assuming 15-20mins and aiming for a paper 8-10 pages long. Does anyone know if that sounds about right?

PhD Skills
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The Uni have a PDF which elaborates on these headings - I can send it to you if you like?

The One Goal Thread
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Goal 1: pull together some papers for section of paper DONE

Goal 2: write zero draft of section of paper - I'll give myself until 6pm to do this

Goal 3: spend 2 hours reading about section of paper I know nothing about

PhD Skills
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My uni breaks "transferable skills" down into the following categories:

Research Skills & Awareness
Ethics & Social Understanding
Communication Skills
Personal Effectiveness/Development
Career Management
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Team Working & Leadership

a bit vague I know but hope it helps a little :-)