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PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

Interesting fact about Imperial, what is now the old chemistry department was the first part of the university, then known as a chemistry college.

In fact the Queen's Tower, landmark of Imperial contains names of important chemists that studied/researched there.

The purple colour the royal college of science wear at their graduation was discovered there (appparantly).

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

lol, it's one of the best universities in the country and one of the top science institutes in the world.

Found in London.

who thinks that their department is...

Am I alone in thinking designer clothes/accessories are a rip-off?

I will happily shop at high-street stores such as Next.

I'd rather have the money to put toward my mortgage or savings.

not enough money

sell yourself?

I'm so lazy

oooh, I like you insomniac

what degree I have MSc or BSc

I guess you have your undergrad BSc but it also sounds like you have completed a year long MSc. You need to check with your department to make sure you will be awarded it.

Ways of relieving fustration (not sexual)

Any ideas? I'm getting really fustrated with wedding plans and my blokes family (who have some really backward ideas). In fact I feel like taking it out of him but I don't think he will appreciate it.

My brother has a slam man at home and I love punching the hell out of it. Alas, I have no slam man here :-(

What do people do?

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

lol piglet. It just means we went to Imperial.

I'm not sure where the term comes from, it was actually after my time. My brother (also a gimperial but after me) kept saying it and thats where I picked it up.

What is the longest feasable time that you can take to do the Lit Rev?

bazzab, to make it more clear I have some questions. Were you expected to finish the lit review before the upgrade or is it an ongoing process?

Is the lack of data collection due to you spending more time on the lit review?

What does your supervisor think?

Christian courtship during PhD away from home

I don't think the things you mentioned are particularly special. I reckon most people have their "thing". I actually fidget without realising and have a low concentration span (amazingly low). Had an argument with my bloke last night because he was telling me something that happened at work and he took too long to tell me (in my opinion) and I got fustrated and yelled at him.

My brother does the rocking thing and has done so from a young age and he's fine.

No one is perfect but it's obvious that people who are more developed in particular areas will be less so in others. This is why it is more noticable at places such as Oxbridge.

I'm so lazy

That sounds like me, apart from the nap but I don't feel any guilt.

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

Down the road from where PGFT are based but also have admit I am a former gimperialian

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

Oh yes, I just remembered so is coastman.

PhD full time or mixed with teaching?

Adem, I thought you were one of the gimperials?

Consider this as a parallel course?

Are you being paid to do this?