======= Date Modified 22 Mar 2012 23:03:58 =======
Quote From lindalou83:
I think that's brilliant, if only we had the same in the UK!
I actually think it's a really bad idea.
Rather than create divisions (and somewhat arbitrary ones at that) it would be a lot healthier if academia recognised that having a real life outside of work is a healthy and normal thing, and people should not be expected to sacrifice that to the cause of knowledge advancement.
I don't deny that juggling married life with academia is tough, but I don't see what makes it uniquely more of a challenge than, say, caring for an elderly relative, being a parent, having health issues of one's own etc.
Life is a challenge. Academia shouldn't deny that or resort to tokenistic 'solutions' to single out subgroups.
[Edited to add: I'm really not denying the challenges that marital status can bring to an academic career, and I hope that people in that situation find support and recognition in this thread. I just find the idea of singling out *married women* for support, as described in the opening post, a really weird idea, and pretty excluding]