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Everyone writing now through the weekend - sign up!!!!!!!!

hey, i just finished reading yesterday and it has been a battle to get down to typing anything on my word document. i get this sudden feeling like its gonna be hard, can't remember what i read etc.... will keep you posted on how am getting on in the weekend. anyone else gonna be writing? we can pace ourselves. my current piece is about 2,500 and i still have another of the same length to go. sign up on this thread if you'd like join me in this excruciating part of my journey :-)

Are you going to do a postdoc

never . well, right now....

How did you feel when you finished ?


i try to have a job, holiday or something lined up to avoid those moments of lack of meaning when am done with exams.... or certain goals i set to achieve. avoiding gaps in life helps. i find that friends are busy doing something and so to avoid being the only one doing nothing - i make sure i have something to go to when everyone else is going to theirs.

are you a scientist or in the humanities? you said you took four months and it went well. congratulations!

investments - are any of you investors?

keep them coming

investments - are any of you investors?

thanks rick.

so much info on where to invest my £100

investments - are any of you investors?

wow Richmond, you know so much! hopefully that will be me in the next few months. yes, i will look into the stuff you mentioned, particularly tax and weigh my options. will keep you posted.

investments - are any of you investors?

thanks everyone for your contributions - esp Richmond - am looking for an executor as i only want to invest once for the look term - say five to ten years - i don't plan to sell the shares before that. don't know if that is a good thing or a very naive thing.

investments - are any of you investors?

if you are, what companies do you invest in? for instance, tescos, sainsburys etc. do you buy the shares, bonds etc yourself, or do you use a broker? am specifically interested in companies that accept low investments of about say £100. shares and that. am curious whether there is room for ordinary people to invest in the stock market. in case you wonder why am asking here, instead of going to a bank for example, i want views from ordinary people as opposed to views from someone who is trying to sell me something.
moderator - sorry - not exactly phd related. probably phd life related.

Should I stay or should I go???

if its so bad and the other uni is better and am a first year, i would leave and try to finish the next PhD in three years. usually people finish in four years, but you have an upper hand in that you have done research before. my friend is finishing her phd in two years - in the humanities though, she had been researching around the area for a while before enrolling. so if your phd is the same or related, it might help cut time. i have been through supervisor problems and the only reason i haven't left is am self-funded with no other funding prospects. i have invested too much to leave. on the other hand if time if of essence then, stay and persevere and try to keep in touch with other researchers who can help. i have done a lot of that and conference attending and the suggestions i got there really helped my work. eventually when i showed my supervisor that i knew what i was talking about, she came round to my way of thinking though she's not exactly an expert.

love life of a Phd student? zero

actually, i recently met a PhD student who i could potentially be interested in. i find that he understands my PhD woes and listening to his gives me hope - that am not the only one in the whole world finding the PhD hard. the trouble with dating a PhD student is the 'know it all' mentality. always correcting you, always bringing up the PhD stuff i wanna take my mind off, trying to look show me that he knows a thing or two. on the other hand, i'd rather date such a person than the type that are intimidated by PhDs. that said, am steering off relationships til i finish writing up. why? coz i am afraid that the person can't cope with the stress and i prefer to be with someone who understands my troubles or no one at all. i suppose it depends on how good you are in handling stress. if you moan a lot like i do about my work, you're better of being single. only a strong relationship can take that. conferences are a great idea for those looking for PhDs.

love life of a Phd student? zero

very interesting. for me, i found one too much to handle - time wise. anyone else with better luck?

writing up - what motivates you to keep going?

i've been looking for non-academic jobs that i want to apply to this summer to start when am done and i found that that really gave me motivation to get up and get on with it so am done in time to start this job. what motivates you?

What citation styles do you use?

thanks guys, i with try editing my styles on Endnote. Shani - your style looks more like it. but i'll try rick's as well and see which one i like. wow, 404. you're lucky. my sup wants to see the page of where i got everything. so, am going through all the readings again which is really annoying.... but has to be done.

What citation styles do you use?

hey everyone, am doing a phd in the humanities using endnote. am looking for a citation style that displays the page number alongside the citation i.e. (apple 2007:20) or something close to that. currently am using the harvard style and my supervisor is unhappy with it as page numbers are not displayed. Any help? Any style that displays page numbers would do.


Msc : sustainable development : law

hockey - your solicitor skills are not likely to make be of use in a law masters as they are procedural. the masters is substantive. distance learning on sustainable development - i know manchester offers such a course but it is not available to distant learners. you could check their website though.