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Advice on writing papers

Good to hear its not only me that get more confused the more papers I read.

I'm trying to write thesis - but the paper reading bit is the same!!

BORED!! of writing up!

Definately understand the genius / moron thing

One minute on top of the world cause you finally understand something, then down again when you either realise you don't after all, or that the next topic you do contradicts all your results!

BORED!! of writing up!

Not exactly - kinda just keep going and hope that it comes together in the end!! Not a perfect strategy by any means.

I never know when to stop reading papers - there always seems to be one more relevant one. There's no way I will remember the details of them all if I'm ever asked in viva.

I have a thesis plan - but its pretty vague.
At the moment I just decide whats going in a tiny subsections of each chapter and try read that stuff and write something. Generally I hope that I will think of what to do next when I've finished that bit!

Any tips appreciated!

BORED!! of writing up!

Its my own fault. I procrastinate too much and won't just work. But reading and writing is so boring. (I know - just do it and it will be done and I can leave science and get on with my life).

Any other bored, procrastinating thesis writers?

I don't believe in my own research!!


Just about to start writing my thesis and the biggest issue is that I think my research is crap.

I know it wasn't well thought out (I was immature and inexperienced when I started my phd. Followed my supervisors lead and got trapped in a bunch of experiments that mean F*** all). I can't publish anything and have been told to 'try writing up, it might be ok'!!!

Anyone else had any vaguely similar situations and hav any advice?

am i the only one in the lab on this sunny friday evening

I'm still in lab - but I go on holiday tomorrow for a week tomorrow so I don't feel too sad.

I haven't even had 2 consecutive days off since christmas and I can't wait. Bring on the sunshine!

2 years of work down the drain :-(

I'm glad things worked out for you cc.

As regards myself - I am just putting my head down and pushing on through it. I just take one day at a time, do as much work as I can and hopefully I will reach the end at some point. There is an end in sight - it just might not be the one I originally intended.

2 years of work down the drain :-(

good luck.

Also is anyone outside of your supervisors you can talk to. I'm in similar position. My supervisors said there was no way I could submit a thesis and would have to do another year unpaid.

I said NO! I went to the overall post-graduate supervisor for department. Explained the situation (and cried a bit) and i've now been advised to try writing up (including everything). The worst that can happen is that at my viva they tell me to do more work or submit it for a masters. Surely that is the position I am in at present anyhow - and sounds like you are too.

I am miserable doing Phd. My supervisor took 2 x 6months maternity and left me to my own devices. With no experience, I went down the 'wrong track'.

I know its really hard - I struggle to force myself into my little dark experiment room every day. You are NOT alone. 3 years is a long time - keep going for a few more months.

Little me.

PS I found university counselling service really helpful. An unbiased, non-judgemental listening ear. You can whinge and cry as much as you like.

In 3rd year and want to quit!!

Thank you to everyone that has replied. I really appreciate it. It helps to know I'm not the only one struggling. The other PhD students in my department are all doing really well and they don't really understand.

I've gotten in touch with a uni councillor, who can't fix my Phd but hopefully will help me keep perspective. The first thing she convinced me to do was to take this weekend off and actually (surprising to me) that helped. I left the city and went and stayed with a friend I haven't spoken to in months and just chilled for a bit. I feel guilty that I didn't work over the weekend - but a bit more positive about life for once.


In 3rd year and want to quit!!

Is anyone in similar position? Any advice?

I'm in 3rd year. Funding runs out in 6months. Experiments are all going wrong. Run out of time to do what I originally intended. Don't have valid reason for doing what I have done (ie research is meant to fill gap in literature - all i've done is preparatory stuff and nothing that is really new.) Hate PhD.

The stuff I have done I haven't done well. I am using techniques that others in my lab use, but I just can't get them right, so my data is useless.

My experimental work took wrong turns - mainly due to my lack of experience and lack of supervision. my supervisor has had 2 x 6months of maternity leave!!

My supervisory committee's suggests try writing up and submitting and see what happens - a bit of a longshot and alot of work. I don't even know where to begin my thesis and spend so long doing experiments each day I don't have a life, let alone time for reading or writing.

I am getting really depressed, lost touch with friends/family. I dread every morning.