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"I'm just an average PhD student"

When I think about it logicaly, from what I have shown so far, my work IS kind of average. I know that I'm capable of more, but he doesn't know that (yet). I'm just going to work harder and kick ass

"I'm just an average PhD student"

Well in my department there are few students that have had years of experience working in research BEFORE they started doing their PhD. So now they know exactly what they are doing and how. In my case, I'm straight out of college and PhD is a learning process and my project (which is studentship based) reflects that. I just don't like being called "average".

"I'm just an average PhD student"


You have something there. I just have this strong feeling that I can do better, am capable of more and that my supervisor is underestimating me constantly.

Other PhD students that I know are considered better, only have more industry experience prior to starting PhD, better conections, are more outgoing and pushy. I just don't feel like they are essentially more capable or talented than me but I know that they are perceived as if they are. That is very depressing.

"I'm just an average PhD student"

Oh I will, I know people that he is friends with in the department so I will mention it to them knowing fully that it will get back to him

"I'm just an average PhD student"

So I have been told this by my supervisor. It's left me feeling somewhat depressed (although I know this is the truth) - I have never been told that in so many words.

Also I have a feeling that he is kind of sick of me. My project is dragging on and I think that he would rather just get rid of me, although I haven't really done anything to deserve that. He mentioned that converting to masters by research would finish my project quicker - "not that he is suggesting that". He is generally a nice person and wouldn't really say so in so many words but I just have this bad feeling. I don't want to be a burden to anyone but then again it's PhD or nothing for me. Any advice??

Going on a conference and barely saying a word - feel like an idiot!

So I went to a 3 day conference recently. Together with my 2 supervisors and other people from various parts of the world. I wasn't presenting just listening in.

Anyway, there were no students there and there were "social" activities like lunches and dinners. All the people there are hard core academics. All they talk about are papers, grants and various issues concerning those. I felt awakward and uncomofrtable 90% of the time. I barely had anything to add to the conversation and proceeded to stay silent most of the time. I'm sure they all think that I'm a complete idiot.

By the way, I'm just starting my second year as PhD student. This has happened to me before on another conference I have been on, and I can't help but hear this voice screaming in my head "You don't belong here!!"

I have my doubts about my abilities, but seeing those people "in action" makes my doubts about million times worse. I mean they are all nice enough but pretty much pretend like I'm invisible.

Is feeling like this even close to normal?

Starting a Phd

Juno, it's best to have both ;)

Starting a Phd

You can even find part time funded projects if you are lucky.

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

I got a reply to my email and got invited for an interview. But even in the email, I got the dreaded question already. "Just out of curiousity, why do you want to leave your current project/university???" Yes, three question marks. I don't think I'm going to bother. Sigh

Will you call youself Dr?

Hell yeah!!! That is if I ever manage to get it finished. I'm going to change all my bills and credit cards to say Dr, then whenever I introduce myself I will say I'm Dr . I will throw it into everyones faces. Even my family will have to call me by my title

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

Oh I know what you mean. If I say what I said here, they will think that I'm a problem student and should have somehow "worked it out" at my current place. So I haven't decided 100% if I should even go to an interview if I get invited.

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

Yes I have and at what university, just didn't mention the department (hopefully this won't get back to my supervisor somehow), I pretty much said at the moment I'm exploring the options of doing a PhD somewhere else and didn't go into details.

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

Ok, I have emailed another university that has advertised few PhD projects in my area of work. If they end up inviting me for an interview, and if there is a possibility of doing some clearly defined interesting project, what the hell, I'm out of here.

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

Mine doesn't have super project or even any other PhD students, but works on papers with other academics all day long and travels to exotic conferences.

I have kind of mentioned this issue already and he made big promises how everything will change but it didn't.

I'm thinking of changing PhD projects and universities

I want to change university and PhD but i don't know how im gona justify this to others and i don't know how they gona take it...

That's the problem. I don't know how I would justify to the other university why I'm leaving this one. My current supervisor would be pissed off etc.

It sucks when I talk to other students and they list their publications/conferences and when I say I have none, they all go awww don't feel bad, it doesn't matter. I feel so worthless.