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I'm not 100% sure what you mean - do you mean you want to submit a proposal to present a paper at a conference? If so, I'd suggest checking the websites of any business associations. My own area is linguistics, and I look at the British Linguistics Association, as well as a couple of other associations for linguists and language teachers. You often still have to pay to attend the conference, but it's not usual (at least in my field) to have to be a member of the association before you can attend (or present at) the conference. Good luck.

Mortgages and studentships

It is frustrating. I also would like to buy a small house. I have 50K as a deposit and no debts at all, plus I only want to borrow about 50 or 60 thousand, but was told that my stipend doesn't count as income and, in the words of one mortgage advisor, "You're stuffed". I also feel that I'm suffering due to the stupidity of the banks themselves in giving money away to people who clearly could not afford it. If anyone has any success in this area, please do let us know how you did it.

Lecturing Interview, Presentation

I'd suggest that you stick with simple PPT, and don't get too technical in either the delivery or content. They'll want to see awareness of what final year undergrads know/don't know in terms of the overall pitch of the content, but I think they'll most likely mainly be assessing your delivery, the clarity of the material, your ability to explain it. I would do it lecture style too, as that seems most appropriate for an interview, but perhaps say at the beginning that you chose this over seminar style so that they are aware that you considered both approaches. I have not had such an interview in the UK - this is just my view about interviewing for academic posts in general, especially at this level.