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Paper request
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I'm sorry about this, I need help with a couple of other papers. Can anyone help?




Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Drowning - stressed, anxious, under extreme stress, and have nowhere left to turn
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How's everything?

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

PhD by Publication (Published Work)
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======= Date Modified 28 Mar 2012 15:49:59 =======
There's also this, with an argument put up against the view that PhD by publication is inferior to traditional PhD.


EDIT: The whole process seems, depending upon establisment, to vary between a short statement of originality to effectively a thesis describing and tying together the whole work. In the latter case, you're assumed to have done the research work with the write-up process still to do.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Looming unemployment
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======= Date Modified 27 Mar 2012 08:38:26 =======
I've been there DrDan with my own second post-doc. I am tempted to say 'stay in the position if possible, because it's easier to find work if you're in work'.

However, I couldn't wait to escape the situation I was in (man management issues) and I can see you feel the same. I'll thus say best of luck and make sure you have a reference when you leave (I left without, the breakdown in relations was that bad), as that will make life a lot easier in finding something new.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Is it worth going for PhD
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I've answered 'Maybe'.

If age is the only factor, then that shouldn't put you off. I was 30 when I went for it and there's plenty others here that went for it 30 plus.

However, I opted to do it after a six year period in the real world after Masters. One thing you lack is real world experience.

That said the PhD is Aerospace Engineering and I'd imagine that being a selling point in your resume / CV, by which you could probably follow a Research-based career within Aerospace after. The chance of the right PhD doesn;t necessarily come up for everyone and you need to decide if the PhD is right for you and whether or not you can pass it up.

I prepared a blog a good few years ago to help prospective students understand what a PhD is and what I say in the blog still holds true. It's at:


I hope that's of help to you. Whatever you choose to do, be aware it's going to be hard work.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Paper request
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Many thanks Batfink, you're a lifesaver.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Paper request
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Can anyone access the following paper for me please?


It will be much appreciated in advance.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

October Starters
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I'm an old hand who passed quite a while ago (came back on here as I thought a mate was was going to apply for a PhD and I was looking for info to help him - he's not to take a PhD now). All I can really do is offer these two links.

The first is oft recommended here:


...which will give you a lot of general information.

The other is my own blog:


...which is my take on the whole PhD process (plus some extra advice).

Hope they are of help.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Making new friends
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Quote From delta:

I know but I hope for your sake your social life is better than mine or the next time I get out will be to collect my pension (which I'll not be entitled to as I lag behind in N.I. contributions!!!). Oh, what we do for an education...

On a positive, I just see this as a way of starting a new more interesting life! Bring it on...

My best mate is still local so I get regular drinks with him. Also got a nice comfy seat all of my own in my local.

However, there is more I can do too and if I can get a close relative sorted out first then I will.

As regards yourself, what about your peers at Uni. (other PhD students and post-grads)? Are they still not on speaking terms with you? I assume you're still living in your Uni. town or city.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Drowning - stressed, anxious, under extreme stress, and have nowhere left to turn
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======= Date Modified 25 Mar 2012 22:14:10 =======
Reading the other replies from 'DrowningFast's' post, I understand the gist of see what she can rescue from this situation.  Two questions loom large from the responses:

1) Can the fact she's not been able to get the technique to work be a result in itself?

2) Can she rescue something from this, even if just an MPhil?

We all agree she should take time out in order to sort herself out and take stock of the situation.  We also agree she should see her doctor so she can receive counselling.

What concerns me deeply is she feels she wants to hurt herself or be hit by a car.  That indicates a very dangerous state of mind, hence my earlier opinion that she should call it a day.

My reading of this situation is there appears to be nothing she can retrieve from it.  As such, even after taking a break why go back to a messy situation where the relationship with the supervisor has completely broken down and she likely had no usable data?  Yes, she can try to change supervisor or talk to the Dean of Faculty, however, she is now in year four and financing herself in all likelihood at this stage.  A supervisor change may drag this out for a further year or more and there still be nothing to show for her efforts.

I know alot of us care passionately about the research we conduct and the goal of being awarded a PhD.  However, in doing so we become so focussed that we ignore what is really most important to us.  Our health, our family and our relationships.  When I finished now a few years ago, people had moved on with their lives and I had to repair some friendships simply because for a few years I simply wasn't there.  I also had the hellish 2nd post-doc where I sank to the depths of despair myself.  I wanted to walk away (and twice came to the point of doing so - my mum sat in the car with me and saw me break down and cry), however, financial reasons meant I had to see out the period or be left without income for at least six months (unemployment benefit rules).  It's now five years since that and I still haven't got my life fully back on track (though family illness has influenced matters).

(As an aside, in 'Drowningfast's' case, the chances are she currently has no income.  Leaving will make no financial difference to her, moreover, she may be able to claim unemployment benefit so the situation is easier in her case as she would cease being a student.)

I therefore ask 'Drowningfast' to look at the above two questions.  If you can answer yes to either question, then for now suspend studies and near the end of the suspension see how you feel.  If you feel you can't go back, then quit and call it a day.  If the answer is no, then why put yourself through anymore misery - quit now for your own sake.  Once out of that situation, you can begin to rebuild.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Making new friends
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Quote From delta:

Thanks Batfink. That's another good point, rather than fitting in with the interests of others (and not really doing what I want to do or going where I want to go) perhaps I'd be better forming something and letting interested parties join that. Life's too short to be miserable.

I do look very young Mac but sadly am not.

That makes us roughly the same age!!!

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

How long does it take to write a PhD dissertation?
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======= Date Modified 23 Mar 2012 14:34:07 =======
My science-related PhD thesis took over two years to write with an intensive period of 18 months once a few bits of experimental work were wrapped up. The length of time wasn't helped by my being able to produce too much usable data (i.e. my efforts were a little too effective). At my Uni., PhD thesis were supposed to be 40,000 words plus and no longer than 100,000. I hit 94,500 words, translating to 366 pages. I submitted just over the four year mark.

When I was submitting, I saw a humanities theses going in at the same time as mine of 900 plus pages (maths works out at not too shy of 280,000 to 300,000 words?). I think Humanities were given more scope for length from memory.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Do's and Don'ts in an Interview
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Quote From Slizor:

How about "Try to avoid strenuous masturbation during the interview"?

Can anyone tell I'm alone in the office with a pile of marking?

That depends whether or not you're been interviewed by three gorgeous lasses in short skirts and low cut tops. ;-)

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Making new friends
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I had you down as late 20s, Delta.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Drowning - stressed, anxious, under extreme stress, and have nowhere left to turn
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======= Date Modified 23 Mar 2012 15:24:57 =======
Reading this I couldn't not reply either. The advice you've been offered is sound and rather than self harm or contemplate doing anything stupid get the hell out of there. It seems your supervisor has taken a downer on you since day one and if she felt she didn't want you, she should have told you there and then without putting you through this. It sounds like she made you do this near impossible project in the hope you would pull the plug quicker than this and from what you've said behaved shamefully with you.

I'll be blunt. Call it a day, call it quits. Then you and your boyfriend clear off on a long holiday and then take stock of what you're going to do next. Seek some counselling as suggested, but I'd actually pull the plug on this situation first. A PhD that you're most likely not going to get now is not worth your health, physically or mentally.

I had a hellish second post-doc (not at my PhD Uni.) and things only slowly sorted themselves out when I moved on (and still are a little). If you're going nowhere and thinking something would happen that would end your misery, quit for the sake of yourself (and your boyfriend).

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)