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How Much is 'significant progress' ???

I think that supervisors in general recognize that progress is uneven--sometimes two steps forward, one step back! The main thing I think is to show SOME sort of progress, work in progress, thought in progress, whatever it might be. I stick firmly to deadlines for turning things in--even if the "thing" is not in the shape I wanted it---it might get sent with a disclaimer that it is being sent "as is" and that there are areas where I have questions, need more work, or got stuck...and highlight those as possible discussion points.

Some self-reflection or self-awareness and so forth in disclosing where you feel like you need to boost up the work might be appropriate? Perhaps depends on your field, your supervisor, and your comfort level with the material and supervisor?

Let us know how it goes!

searching for Phd in economics only by research

If you are doing a PhD by distance learning, the requirements on mandatory courses will vary by university--you can get that information by checking out the requirements on university websites. Distance learning does NOT equal a fake university--I think you need to check it out as you would anything. But distance learning seems to be fairly common in the UK when it come to PhDs, and I have yet to encounter anything that suggests its easier or of lesser value than one that is not via distance learning.

Scratching my head

Why do there seem to be so many people interested in doing a PhD who are unable to get off the ground with even some of the most basic steps--such as figuring out which universities offer what programmes, what the requirements are, and how to find a research topic and structure a research proposal? It would seem to me if you cannot even do these simple things you would lack the basic skills needed to even start a PhD.

Are people lazy, having a laugh, or is this really reality?

Phd family law

As well, I cannot fathom how you could do a PhD proposal without SOME idea of what topic you want to address and why, and what original elements you think that you can contribute via your finished PhD research. A good read of the current literature ought to get you going.

Phd family law

There are a lot of sources out there for guidance in doing a research proposal. Chances are that the universities that you are interested in will have some sort of guidance on their websites. The proposals that universities want may vary in length and style, so you would be well advised to be aware of the particulars wanted by any specific university.

Musings...in this season

Perhaps why a departure to another country seems particularly hard for me is that in this season which across many religions, traditions and peoples is a time of coming together, a festival of light, has become a season of loss. Many people around me are experiencing the loss of friends and family members this month, and it reminds me of the fragility of life and of what is of real importance in this life--your ties to others. I will miss beyond words my family, friends and home. Yes, I have a great opportunity in studying in the UK, but it does not come without a lot of sacrifice, and a real sense of loss. It is at best a mixed situation. I will do my utmost to enjoy the time away, but it is going to be that--time AWAY...away from the people, places and things I cherish most.

why such rudeness in paper rejection?

Consequently, it was a rude awakening that the people who are held out as experts may not know as much as they should (an Emperor's new clothes thing going on?) and that I should have confidence in my own judgment and abilities-careful as I am to be thoroughly read, well sourced, etc.

If you think you have a good paper, carry on. You might have just had the misfortune to have a reviewer that had the temperment of the toilet confronter, and whose statements are worthless and wrong.

why such rudeness in paper rejection?

That experience was an eye-opener. Never let ego substitute for being informed and well grounded in what you are doing. Ego is no substitute for accuracy. I have seen these academics at other conferences, and invariably the ones with the biggest egos seem to be the least informed. Asking a polite question--(Me)"Give the passage of xyz, or the decision by xyz international court--what is your position?" Inevitable blank stare, response, "never heard of it"...well, you WOULD have if you kept up with the developments in the field!!!!!!!!!

why such rudeness in paper rejection?

I had a horrible experience at a symposium once, where in the toilet, of all places, I was rudely confronted by the supposed expert on some minor point in my presentation as being wrong. I was so upset it ruined the rest of the day for me, I had an upset stomach and felt like crying, only to get home and check the point...it was on what some law required, and I was right, she was wrong...

This just points out the EGO that floats about in academia...but it needn't always be the case, at this same symposium there was another well respected academic who was very humble and polite and encouraging to newbies like me.

why such rudeness in paper rejection?

One huge difference between the US and the UK (in law) are the law review journals put out in droves in US law schools. Those are student reviewed ( not peer reviewed--unless you are a student) and the chances of mistaken information coming in to articles is HUGE. I recently read an article saying Treaty XYZ had come into force...when it has NOT!!!!! The authors obviously did not understand the mechanics of international treaty ratification ( in this case a Hague convention) and for me that right away took away from any "expertise" in what they had to say...

Point being, so called experts are not always...and just keep trying. Have you looked across disciplines? I had some pre PhD publications in related disciplines, and was surprised at the kindness and courtesy with which my submissions were met. In fact, those experiences eventually led me to a mid life/mid career re-entry into university to do a PhD.

Introvert or Extrovert?


having brown hair, I did not have to cope with a stereotype regarding blonde females, and so continued with my sports and my academics without apology or the need to demonstrate less ability than I had. On the contrary!

But..given, social stereotypes on women and achievement, attractiveness, and so forth, could it be that blonde females receive different messages about what they should do/what is social acceptable/desirable, and detour from the road of academic pursuit?

Mind, I realize that these are all very broad generalizations, but wonder at the social pressures on people to achieve or not achieve academically, and whether that impacts their likely route to PhD study.

Introvert or Extrovert?


so that the girls who continued or had high achievements in sports, academics, etc, were NOT the most highly attractive, by their societal standards...e.g., my VERY blonde sister was/is very intelligent but made so-so marks in high school, astounding everyone with her university entrance marks in the highest percentages...she said she felt that if she was seen as smart, no one would like her and so she felt pressure to dumb herself down...

Introvert or Extrovert?


the idea being that the more attractive girls succombed to the social pressures to be "dumb", to not be athletic or assertive, and dropped out of extracurricular sports, and become more focused on what would make them attractive to boys...according to the precepts of the day.

Introvert or Extrovert?

I hesitate to post this---it will be taken all wrong and out of context--so disclaimers, its not meant to be racist ( I am not), its not meant to disparage blonde people--it IS a comment on how society sees people and how that effects what they do.

Back a zillion years ago when I ran track and did sports in high school, there was a theory floating around called the "survival of the ugliest..."

Not a nice name, but the theory was that girls stopped being involved in sports and even in their studies as social pressures mounted on them as they hit puberty and beyond to be "attractive".


PhD in Dental Public Health

Or, at today's exchange rates with the pound and the dollar the £2,342.07 question.