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The Jewel is bored thread

I found this ont'internet

How to write a good thesis

Avoid alliteration. Always.
Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
Avoid cliches like the plague. (They're old hat.)
Employ the vernacular.
Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary.
It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

Contractions aren't necessary. Foreign words and phrases are not apropos. One should never generalize.Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know." Comparisons are as bad as cliches. Proofread your work, so you don't leave some out or forget to finish. Run-on sentences are really bad because the reader saturates and what you really should be doing is using commas and semicolons and even periods to break the sentence up into more digestible chunks.To have been using excessively complex verb constructions, is to have been bopping the literary baloney.

The Jewel is bored thread

does anyone know any social science jokes?

What type of postgraduate are you?

Awww piglet I am sure you could survive anywhere, but I think it's nice you might have a mouse in your pocket. Chin up honey, how's the finishing off going?

What type of postgraduate are you?


I hope I'm a 6, but conceed a touch of the 2's about me!

Eurovision joy and pain. Huff........................................

lol Ann! What ever happened to her?

Greys Anatomy fans - series 3?

Meredith is the most annoying person in it - and what’s with the lip injections? I have noticed the actress has had more & more 'work' on her face as the show has progressed and I find that really irritating.
Katq I can’t believe you’ve seen series 3 already. I hear it’s a goodie, but nothing can beat the finale of series 2. I actually cried and I NEVER cry at films or the TV. In 31 years I can honestly say only The Mission, some tragic Flemish film and that documentary about the boy who’s skin fell off have made me blub. And now the passing of Dennie

Greys Anatomy fans - series 3?

Anyone out there watch Greys Anatomy?

Things must be pretty slow in the world of pea at the mo as I have just got really excited because I saw a spoiler on Living, for series 3.

Eurovision joy and pain. Huff........................................

ooo ahh just a little bit

Eurovision joy and pain. Huff........................................

I used to love Eurovision for its camp kitchness and dear old Terry who is hilarious, but I haven't watched it properly for eons.
My favourite UK entry aside from the legends that are bucksfizz, is Gina G. She was robbed that year.

I met Irish eurovetran Jonny Logan once in a nightclub in Dublin. He was a t**s-pot

Eurovision joy and pain. Huff........................................

I only caught the last 20 mins when I got in last night, but Terry Wogan has certainly not lost his touch.

Scooch aren't big with the eastern block then?!

what are people up to for the summer

I had all these vague notions of far flung places and writing up my thesis with a view and sound of the ocean over the summer - but alas it is but a day dream. Looks as if it'll be work for me too

Hello, just introducing myself...


how to get through the sleeeeepiness...!

Also avoid sugar, esp at breakfast. The slump you're feeling might be a sugar induced one. Its powerful stuff.

how to get through the sleeeeepiness...!

404 is right, it's all in the diet. I suffer terribley from a 3 o'clock slump and sometimes go and have a 20 min power nap - but a vitB tablet/miso soup / carrot juice or similar usually perks me up.

I sound a bit like Dr Gillian - the shame!

what are people up to for the summer

The undergrad semester and teaching for the year is coming to an end - last year my uni turned into a bit of a ghost town -esp August when tumble weed blew across the campus and the rest of the academic community apart from me and a few other sad indviduals vanished

Obviously H is getting wed but what are people planning for their summer? Is anyone taking any major time off, or going anywhere exciting?