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my pet newt...anybody else have odd pets?

my cat likes to lay along the edge of the bath when I am having a soak. She normally nods off until I get out, but poor thing has fallen in a couple of times where it's been a bit slippery. She has also threatened an attack on her own shadow and pounced on herself in the mirror, which is wierd because I didn't think cats had that sort of awareness of their reflection. She has never caught anything proper but regularly goes for socks from the laundry, and will bring them to me or leave them on the back door mat as some other cats do with dead animals.

I guess my cat isn't too bright.

Phantom funding and the disappearing professor.

FF - you could be the new nancy drew!

my pet newt...anybody else have odd pets?

I had a toad when I was a kid ( as well as rabbit, hamster, gerbils, dog and cats). It was a bit like noah's ark at our house. Now it's just me & my lovely cat who I got as a kitten when I started the PhD. She is great company & listens to all my presentations.

elevensies - ANYONE?

Tea is 'in' official. I read in the newpaper this morning that consumer research has shown sales of tea and cream cakes are on the up due to the cultural revival of high tea.

Where PGF leads fashionitas follow.

PhD's & the information age DJW if you're out there facebook IS mentioned.

Dr DJW I presume! How the hell are you? How's the arm?

The role of the public intellectual?

Aliby your stuff about the role of the expert sounds v. interesting.
I am looking a little bit at personality branding. Do you know anything about this area / have any good refs?

PhD's & the information age DJW if you're out there facebook IS mentioned.


The role of the public intellectual?

I LOVE IT! I am going to print out and put it on my pin board in my office.

The role of the public intellectual?


chris...[don't want to add more words]

Sue how are things today? No frogs raining from the sky or anything?

The role of the public intellectual?

Nigel Barker is the most impossibley handsome man. Sometimes I wonder if he is a real person he is so good -looking.

Hang On. I'm here, suspect DJW is on facebook but where is the artist formally known as Mia?

Sixkitten, ou est?

The role of the public intellectual?

Freaky readers
Honey I'm boring the kids
Lame Academy
What not to study
Literature swap
Lab factor
Britain's next top academic ( though Nigel Barker noted fashion photographer should definately be a judge still )

What "Ch" unes have people got on today?

Alison Moyet

The role of the public intellectual?

This is one for anybody who was at the B.S.A or who saw the front page of the Times Higher on Friday. What with our Bobby's TV series and my dally with an agent I thought it was quite timely. Aparently we have a duty to promote ourselves as public intellectuals, but UK academics in particular suffer from being misunderstood and ridiculed by the media & policy makers who think we're a bunch of abtract wafflers out of touch and with no grip on the real world.