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Disillusioned with teaching undergrads?

I could go on & on, but I can see the wisdom in your thinking. I can't worry about educational policy and the standards of universities -that would be a whole new research project!

Disillusioned with teaching undergrads?

I agree completely that you can not force some one to learn. It's strange, if a person is not interested in the content of their degree, yet would sign away 3 years of their life. Their student debt will follow them for years afterwards, but they don't gain any benefits ( other than the social)), by not actually engaging in the process of learning. University for an undergrad should be lots of drinking & nights out, and I do think it is a fantastic experience for most young people to break away from home and meet new people, and have a laugh, BUT- I thought it was about coming into contact with new ideas and ways of thinking aswell. It seems a BA degree is now just a way of stalling from the real world for 3 years.
As for not caring and worrying only about my research - guys again you're right. However, it is again a pretty sorry state of affairs when a) there are other people desperate to teach for all the right reasons who do care and b) it creates an attitude which feeds and perpetuates the exact system of 'pony' degrees I am moaning about.

Disillusioned with teaching undergrads?

Thanks for your comments. It really helps to hear people are going through the same thing.
It isn't a confidence thing with me, just dispair that they are so lazy, but getting away with it. I did send some students away & told them to use the time to do some reading (yeah right as if) & I also gave them quite a stern warning, but the amazing thing is, that I do not have the support of the department. I actually got my knuckles wrapped for being too harsh. Apparently these students "are fee paying customers" - therefore the cutomer is always right.
I'm sorry but I was under the impression that universities were supposed to be centres for learning & excellence...?

How do can I read the views on topics?

I see, I thought perhaps it related to previous posts, on a similar subject, rather than direct reponses which are posted. So it's just the number people who have read the message.

How do can I read the views on topics?

Where there are posts without replies but with a number of views listed, how can I see those views. There is no link on the icon.

Disillusioned with teaching undergrads?

Has anyone else found the experience of teaching really disappointing?
The university seem to let the undergrads get away with murder these days, compared to when I did my BA (10yrs ago). My students are allowed to turn up to semnars having skipped lectures and not done their core readings for the week. Why they are there I am not really sure? When I came down on some students, one response was that they were a fee paying customer and I was being unreasonably demanding.
I am concerned that Unis seem to be passing students & handing out degrees that aren't going to mean anything.