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Traditional foods wherever you go

Ah yes, well that most certainly is traditional!

Healthy Eating and Exercise!

Was that three weeks ago already How depressing - I have been saintly (almost) and have lost a grand total of.... drum roll.... ONE pound. What am I doing wrong?????

I have a new theory that cutting out too much food slows down your metabolism so that you don't lose any weight - also less food = less energy for exercise. So the new plan is to eat more??? More good stuff anyway... *sigh*

Hopefully in another three weeks I will see some improvement!!!

Traditional foods wherever you go

That's because they aren't I don't even know what Sauerkraut is lol!!! I was in a bar in the US once and saw a 'Traditional Irish Reuben Sandwich' on the menu and thought 'how come I've never heard of it before'? Then I found out that it had corn-beef in it which - correct me if I'm wrong - is an English thing? Very funny... the lengths people will go to in order to sell stuff!!!

Are my new boots too trampy?

Hi All, thanks for the comments! I was worried that they could easily cross over into dominatrix territory olivia But I think it is just a matter of not wearing a leather catsuit with them lol!!! I'll save that one for another day

I have decided I will keep them - so now I embark on the search for the right dress to wear with them! For now though, they look good under jeans also so yay!!!

Thanks again


My hair is big too!!! I very rarely straighten it though - first of all because it takes about 2 HOURS - second because if even a drop of rain falls it turns to instant afro... and remember that I live in Ireland so lots of rain around!!!

I saw something recently about big hair being back - was it in Grazia? Something about crimping hair and then brushing it... well I for one won't be doing that! It's bloody big enough already lol!!!

Are my new boots too trampy?

Hi all, need some honest opinions here!!! I bought these boots recently - haven't worn them yet so there is still time to return - and I can't decide if I like them or not. Here are pics...


I wanted a pair of 'dressy' boots - but now I am thinking they may have crossed a line from dressy to hooker-ish... The name of the boots is 'Vice' which is also now starting to make sense :-$ Anyone I've asked has just said 'Noooo they're lovely!' but that may or may not be sincere.

So I need objective opinions!!! Thanks, :-)

reverse culture shock!!!

That is so true... I worked with a French girl before (in a hotel) and asked her a question about 'the Welsh guys' who were staying in one of the rooms - and she didn't have a clue who I was talking about! A Welsh accent would stand out a mile to me, but she said that anyone who spoke English just sounded the same to her... be they Irish, English, Welsh etc.

I thought it was so odd... but of course at the same time I wouldn't be able to tell a Paris accent from a Nice accent whereas she probably would! Can't figure out why that is though... is it that you become more attuned to accents you have heard growing up? And I wonder how long you would have to live in another country before you started to pick up on those subtleties???

Hypothetical question Off-topic

Although might I suggest Brad Pitt or Sawyer (from lost) as an alternative?

Hypothetical question Off-topic

I dream of winning the lottery and then taking off with my other half on a never-ending round-the-world trip. Just bought a ticket so that dream could become reality in less than 2 hours time woohoo!!!!!!

@ Sixkitten... Alan Rickman??? Seriously??? Ok if you're sure - I'll buy him for you when I win tonight

reverse culture shock!!!

I remember when I lived and worked in the US for a while people were always saying to me 'Oh your English is really good!' - and I'd be thinking it's just as well seen as that's the only language I speak!!! On the other hand some Americans even thought that I was speaking a foreign language to them and would say 'Speak English please!!!' It is funny how much an accent changes the whole language... I actually had to start 'faking' an American accent after a while so people could understand me! I worked as a receptionist so had to talk on the phone a lot...

Did the earth move for you too?

It was on the radio here (Ireland) this morning too... Poor things hope you are all ok???

29th February is looming..

That reminds me of something my granny said to me when I was stressing out about undergrad exams a few years back... 'Don't worry about it too much love, you'll be giving all that up in a few years anyway'. She was trying to make me feel better of course, so that one was nice and quite amusing rather than insulting!

I just deactivated my facebook account...

No I just thought that you had mentioned having a baby at some point! But now I think I was thinking of smilodon or someone else...

I just deactivated my facebook account...

Oh ok I had you mixed up with someone else. Oops sorry about that God I wish you could delete posts on here sometimes!!!

I just deactivated my facebook account...

I always thought chris was a woman???