Overview of Rosy

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the basics....life as Oliver Twist

I don't know what causes it but I think it's so sad I noticed that when I was in london a couple of months ago, it's as if everyone on the tube is trying really really hard to pretend that they're on their own. It's shocking to me that people can't even acknowledge each other, especially living in the same apartment!!! But probably that's because where I'm from is a small town where everybody still says hello to each other on the street even if they don't know each other

What sort of feedback do your supervisors give you after you submit work?

Lostinoz... is there any chance that your supervisor is actually telling the truth and maybe you're just being a bit hard on yourself?

What sort of feedback do your supervisors give you after you submit work?

I have two supervisors - one always take the "hmmm it's fine..." approach. The other one is more direct about it and will just say things like "you must have been tired when you wrote this part because it makes no sense" Just as well I'm not too sensitive I actually prefer the direct approach to be honest why bother beating about the bush!

Hope it all works out...

I'm new to this forum..Nice to meet you ALL

Bulbs I'm still in good old Ireland for now! In waterford aka "the sunny south east" lol... That still cracks me up

I'm new to this forum..Nice to meet you ALL

Hi there bulbs nice to see a fellow Irish person! Whereabouts are you?

I'm new to this forum..Nice to meet you ALL

Welcome lynn and xpm! I was wondering if there were any canadians on this forum... I'm thinking about going to Canada for a while when I finish my PhD - just to see a different part of the world (I'm from Ireland) and heard Canada is the best country in the world to live in

Is it hard to get postdoctoral positions over there... especially for a 'non-national'? Or any tips at all about life on the other side of the pond would be appreciated

Introvert or Extrovert?

Hmm so where do brunette women who dye their hair blonde fit into that theory I wonder?

I don't know if there are the same pressures here (Ireland) so much because we don't have that 'cheerleaders & jocks vs. nerds' divide that seems to exist in American high schools... by the way sorry if I am wrong about that, maybe just I've watched High School Musical and Grease one too many times

I heard an interview recently with a woman who wrote a book about something similar - just had a look and I think this is it... 'Prude: How the Sex-Obsessed Culture Damages Girls (and America, Too!) by Carol Platt Liebau'

partners & the PhD

Yes it most certainly is... I have the same problem most days (actually nearly every day ) that i don't get as much done as I should during the '9-5' and end up playing catch up all the time. I think that's my new year's resolution, work harder when I'm in work and have more time off to address new year's resolution no. 2 - regular exercise! And spend less time on this forum

On that note I'm outta here... good luck xeno and happy christmas everyone!!!

partners & the PhD

No he's in an entirely non-academic field (manufacturing!)... But he seems to understand what's involved (so far anyway)! Although that could be because he works quite late and isn't usually home till after me anyway... I can imagine if he finished work at 5 every day and I was still working till 7/8 there might be problems!

partners & the PhD

Xeno, is this a long-term relationship? I sometimes think of the amount of work I might get done if I was single but I have been with my fiancee for 8 years now so I wouldn't throw that away for the sake of another 1/2 years left of my PhD! Remember a PhD won't keep you warm at night However I am quite lucky because he works really long hours too so there's no guilt there on either side...

I think you need to get across to her that if she wants to stick around in the long run she's going to have to be patient with you working a few late nights! In the grand scheme of things it's only a few short years - you will have the rest of your lives after that to spend every evening together Hahaha if you can stand that much of someone's company!

Introvert or Extrovert?

I'm a 'Shiba Inu' apparently... whatever that is...

Across the Pond
Do you have a blog?

Rogue I am not the 'paranoid type' but I think when you are trying to maintain a professional-looking blog which contains your CV on a sub-page it's probably not a good idea to slander your supervisors on the main page. It might be a bit cautious but it makes sense and to do otherwise would be stupid.

Do you have a blog?

Hi there yick, yes I do have a blog as it happens (actually blogs are part of my research too so it'd be a bit funny if I didn't)! But I hardly ever post to it - I'm a bit paranoid about who might be reading it (like possibly my supervisors!) so even if I wanted to have a rant there I don't feel like I can. Pity really

Festive campaign to remove irritating spelling!

LOL funny thread!!! Oh wait is LOL still ok???

What really really annoys me is misuse of apostrophes - like the sign on the door to our postgraduate area which reads "postgraduate's only"!!!