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LSE or UCL? Help!

LSE if you can afford it - definately the place to do Politics

Chances of emabrking on PhD programme

Don't know about social psychology, but social science subjects tend to require a Masters qualification before you can progress to PhD

Looking to do PhD part time, Currently working

Find out which research council covers your area and look on their website

I'm PT and I work as well, although I just changed jobs because my four day a week job was too much with the PhD as well (now half time)

theories, individuals and 'things' etc

Industry is based on humans and human interaction to a certain extent i.e. humans run (and other humans regulate) industry. Human perceptions of how industry should function would be surely be a factor?

My *#*@^&ing supervisor...

Definately pushing in the lake

Looking to do PhD part time, Currently working

There are PT funding opportunities through the research councils - don't know about your area though sorry

Christian courtship during PhD away from home

Right, I'm going to start saying I'm from Oxton if we're pairing up our unis with places we don't actually go to...no one need ever know I'm stuck in pants Soton!

First Year Progress

International Relations - security really

What era are you studying??

The most critical point in time...

Apparently half of all PhD students end up clinically depressed

Only a few months in and it is a lot tougher emotionally than I thought it would be

First Year Progress

Thanks deiseal. I'm in social sciences too so good to hear that I'm not a total failure!

don't you just hate it when....

Just moved jobs and have no free access to a photocopier (as I did in my old job) - used to photocopy lots of books like that.

Hate it when academic books are HUGELY expensive, especially when they are 'core' texts.

First Year Progress

How much did you actually get done in your first year? Written two sentences in four months and wondering how far off the mark I am...

would you quit your PhD?

TBH whilst calling myself 'Dr' wasn't the reason I signed up to this, it's probably the only thing that keeps me going some days

Degree straight to PHD

Don't know about linguistics, but in humanities and social sciences a Masters is compulsory

I have a crush on Jose Mourinho...

Don't tell Alan Rickman, but I've developed a bit of a crush on Jon Stewart recently