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Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Four Letter Word--Change one letter


Four Letter Word--Change one letter


How Real Are You?

You are 71% Real

You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself.
Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great...
But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults.
As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real.

How Independent Are You?

I got the same as you on that one.. these quizzes are addictive.. it's bad!

What kind of font are you?

You Are Andale Mono

You are a geek, pure and simple. You spend a lot of time online.
In fact, you probably love the internet more than anyone you know.

You are picky about design, mostly for readability's sake.
You are the type most likely to be irritated by a bad font.

Mmmm.. not sure that's a good sign!

Starting PhD in Sept, what to expect?

Well everyone's PhD experience is different. I would expect that in your first few months you are going to feel like a fish out of water but this is totally normal so don't panic! I spent the first few months getting to grips with basic lab techniques and reading papers etc to get me up to scratch with my subject area. It took me about 6 months in to feel totally comfortable with what I was doing and to 'feel at home' in the lab. Also try to socialise with other PhD students if possible, as its a good opportunity to vent your fears/problems etc and chances are they are going through the same so it's nice to know that you are not alone!

I think in general first years are expected to read around the subject and get to grips with the methods and techniques that they are going to be using. If you are going to be doing stuff in the lab I have one piece of advice, if you are not sure about how to do something or simply don't know then ask for help even if there is a risk of making you look daft. It's better to potentially look daft when you are new than to muddle through and then mess up further down the line!

Last on to post on this thread wins

oooo it's been a while since i have been here.. but anyway.. I win :p

PhD studentship in MICROBIOLOGY

Well there isn't a guide as such.. If you want to do a PhD then the best thing to do is to start searching for projects and contact potential supervisors, then start applying. There are lots of universities doing work on veterinary realted microbiology and so there will be lots of things out there to apply for. One problem I foresee is that you are not a UK/EU citizen so getting funding could be difficult.

Student fee funding for a PhD

findaphd.com is as good a place as any to start looking.

Where do I go to?

Well go for the project that you most like the sound of.. 3 years is a long time to be doing a project so you got to def go for the one that appeals the most. As for travelling from guildford to London.. If memory serves the faster trains do it in about 40 mins and the slower ones take just over an hour

Lab based PhD's

It does sound like you are getting a bit of a raw deal, but on the plus side, if there is this 'team' mentality in your group then chances are when your time comes then everyone will muck in to help you out.. Your set up is different to my experiences in the lab.. On a day to day basis I just work on my own project, occasionally I get asked to help to do things, but this is generally if someone needs to do something that I know how to do. Everyone has to muck-in when it comes to keeping the lab in order and keeping reagents and consumables topped up but then thats not a problem as we have a rota system to make sure everything gets done and the lazier people in the lab are forced to do their bit. I come in on weekends at least once a month but that is out of choice rather than being expected to by my supervisor. Sometimes it's nice to come in and have the lab to myself while I do certain things.

Funding levels for PHD Chemistry?

Well there are a variety of funding bodies out there for the sciences. If you get a funded studentship then you can be looking at getting in the region of £12-£13k a year (tax free). If you get an industrial studentship (CASE studentship) then you can look at getting a few grand more each year.

Please advise MSc or PhD??

I have a vet degree and I went straight on to do a PhD, so you don't need to do a masters. I think you need to decide what area you want to go into to as 'animal health' is a bit vague. If you approach a university and say that you want to do a PhD in animal health then I doubt they will take you seriously. There must be some particular areas that interest you the most.

i failed my upgrade

Sorry to hear that :o( There's nothing to feel ashamed about but I understand why you feel crappy..

At least you get the opportunity to resubmit :o)