Hi SocialJen, absolutely - the PhD can simply continue on from the MRes project. For some people it is like having an extra year to do the PhD (although the same work cannot actually be submitted for two separate degrees).
Quote From Chemikalie89:
I applied for about 10 funded positions.0 interview, only encouraging messages and positive feedbacks.
I don't know what's wrong: my applications is good, my CV is good (I will graduate with 104/110, which is an upper second class), worked on my thesis for a year (doing research ALMOST by myself), good reference letters. But I'm not enough.
I have applied eveywhere: leeds, manchester, southampton, east anglia and Nottingham. Same results: unsuccessful.
Is it because I'm am a part-time student? because I haven't finished my exams yet (2 to go)? Cause I'm italian (don't think so, italians PhD students are appreciated abroad).
The only reason is cause I have only a BSc - which indeed is not english - and they may believe it's not enough.
It is so competitive. It is not that you are not good enough, but consider that you are up against other candidates who have a first class degree or a Masters, or who studied in the UK at a university the admissions team are already familiar with. Don't give up! I definitely think doing an MRes in the UK would be the best thing.