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Keenbeen, I have used the following boot for my research ethics and have found it extremely helpful:

Undertaking Sensitive
Research in the Health
and Social Sciences
Managing Boundaries, Emotions and Risks
Virginia Dickson-Swift
La Trobe University, Australia
Erica Lyn James
University of Newcastle, Australia
Pranee Liamputtong
La Trobe

I've got an electronic copy of it that I can send you if you like - just PM me an I'll send it to you. Good luck with the ethics side of things. I can imagine it is harder than with my group of patients.

Checklist before submitting thesis - humanities & social sciences

Check your e-mail, Jojo ;-)

Post-Viva Blues

Thank you very much Danzig! My best wishes to you for a very successful future!


Btw, I haven't written up mine yet! I'm trying to write is as a continue to collect and analyse data. I've got about 8 months left and soooooooooo much to do.


Thanks Keenbeen - maybe I'm looking into it too much. I could do a separate PhD on the ethics alone - it's crazy stuff. I expect that working with Alzheimer's patients, you will be conducting sensitive research with vulnerable patients, like me. It means that all the standard risks and ethical considerations with qual and quan research are exacerbated. Anyway, I digress :$ I'll get it written up and fire it off to my sups and see what they think


Hi DrSeeker, my research is mixed methods, which has it's own ethical considerations, then there's the hairy fairly qualitative research and the quant. And I'm trying to show that I've taken a bioethical principalist approach to research with human participants and describe how I minimised all the potential risks for the different methods I used. Just seems a bit big for a single section. I hate writing :-(


Bit of a random question that I thought I'd ask. I'm working on my ethics for my research, which feels like plucking hen's teeth. Anyhoo, just thought I'd ask whether the ethical considerations for one's research can be written as a chapter? Probably seems obvious, but in some theses, I see it included as a section in the methodology only.



Quote From Keep_Calm:

======= Date Modified 12 Jan 2010 14:13:08 =======
============= Edited by a Moderator =============
I hope I'm not offending you our your dad's father-in-law .

Why would you be offending me? I agree with everything you said. As for my dad's father-in-law, it bemused me first of all as to why he thought it was pefectly acceptable to tell everyone he thought my choice of career was stupid, considering he hadn't even met me at this point.

Slizor 'I think it's easier if I just say I'm unemployed.' That made me laugh!

Sorry, keep_calm, I'm trying to write the ethics section for my research at the mo' and it's making me particularly sensitive towards others:$

Geek-tastic presents - what did you get?

I got a pack of Bic biros: 1 green, 1 red, 2 black and 2 blue. I've already used up half the ink in one of the black ones though.


A few days ago I read in the paper that scientists expect to find some form of life on other planets within the next five days. Surely this would be an incredible find and would create explosive and valuable debates about science, religion, philosophy, ethics? But no, the first comment at the end of the article was ';Why are they wasting all this money searching for life elsewhere whilst we can';t cope with two inches of snow here?';

Let me guess? I'll bet that was in the Daily Mail. I think you need to make it clear to such people that absolutely everything we have, from the material that constitutes our underwear to the U-bend on our toilet which allows us to void ourselves effectively, is based upon research. I hope I'm not offending you our your dad's father-in-law (I try not to be a rude person:$) but without people like use, he wouldn't be hear today making such silly comments because, without us non-productive people with our heads apparently in the clouds, he wouldn't have got past 30. Research creates, informs and develops societies, philosophy informs our morals and space is the only possible future to humanity. Such myopic views do not an intelligent argument make.

Please can I ask a question about hair? (Inspired by Satchi)

Thanks for the input, Megra. :-) I think I'm just going to go for something longish, classy and neat. I spent yesterday looking at loads of pictures of men's haircuts to try and choose one and it, erm, gave me an inferiority complex. They all look like they should either be in a boy band or advertising Armani aftershave - not some little hill-billy who lives in a strange town on top of a hill. I suspect I'll probably have to travel a little further than to my 1980's, shoulder-pad wearing diva or a hairdresser, which is conveniently placed next to my post office, fruit and veg shop and off-licence/convenience store.

Please can I ask a question about hair? (Inspired by Satchi)

Thanks everyone. Satchi, apart from the short back and sides, a bit more length and lots of curling at the back, that's what my hair looks like. I'm not sure that it would suit a hair colour that is sandy with bits of blond and ginger in. Just checked and I'm definitely not balding at the front, so I could grow it longer I suppose - but definitely not for a mullet. I had one of those once, went to mate's birthday party which was at a territorial army camp and...well, not an experience I'd like to repeat. I suppose I could go for Hugh's look, Eska, as it does seem to complement chubby cheeks and a broader face. Sneaks, I'd like to go for a bit of a parting, maybe a sweep over (if that's the right term), but I've got that kind of Hugh hair that sticks up all over when I get up in the morning and it's hell trying to get it to stick back down.
Never been a trendy man-about-town before, so I'll make a careful decision (based on you excellent feedback) and hopefully make it so. Checked shirts are de-rigueur this year, and I bought one, so I'm already making a start. I'm going to be Dr Trendy-man-about-time this year, with any luck.

Checklist before submitting thesis - humanities & social sciences

This might be helpful Jojo http://staff.napier.ac.uk/services/rkt/researchoffice/researchdegrees/Documents/THESIS%20SUBMISSION%20CHECKLIST.pdf

But also, do your uni not have a checklist for people at your stage, or have a document that tells you what your finished product should look like? You could also consider downloading theses similar to your own from the British Library website and then comparing the finished product with your own to see what you need to do.

Please can I ask a question about hair? (Inspired by Satchi)

I'm not known as a man blessed with understanding the epitome of style, but all this talk about hair has inspired me to get a hair cut. The problem in my hairstylist is stuck in the eighties and she can only do two styles of hair cuts: short back and sides or a number one all over - and she charges £7-50. I think I'm going to go elsewhere, but before I do I need to get an idea of a contemporary and socially acceptable style of haircut.
My hair is not particularly long (so I haven't got much to spend) but it's getting to a length where it's starting to curl - it's also very thick hair too. Now, what kind of haircut could I ask for? I'm getting on in life now, so I don't want short back and sides again. I want something that bellows sophistication and that doesn't need a lot of combining or gel. I want a haircut that will keep its shape, so when I wake up in the morning I don't look like cro-magnon man. If it could make my head look longer that would be really ace too.
I've got some suggestions here (I quite like Daniel Craig's and the Asian man one): http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&safe=off&um=1&sa=1&q=modern+day+hairstyles+men&btnG=Search&aq=f&oq=&start=0

Comment is free and suggestions are invited...:-)

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I don't like gerbils. If a hamster had an ugly brother...it would be a gerbil. They've got really extreme faces, with their bulging inky-black eyes and Davina McCall-like, coke-snorting noses. My sister used to have one when I was younger and, my god, how it used to torment me with its hamster wheel orgies at 3 am in the morning. Do be careful with it though PG-Forum team; their tails can come off really easily and never grow back quite the same. I can't remember what happened to my sister's gerbil but I know where to find it: in Hell.