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Presentation during interview

Ok, so in between eating ridiculous amounts of food and watching boring TV, I've started worrying about my upcoming interview. I'm supposed to give a presentation of my diploma work. I'm only halfway through this project, and haven't had any real results so far. Also, I'm beginning to doubt how useful any results that I might get will be. I like my project since it has allowed me to learn about an area I was rather unfamiliar with before, but from a more objective view I would say my research question isn't that important for humanity... :-)
Do you think this will matter? What are the interviewers looking for during the presentation?

Different sections in journals

Was thinking about something today: Does it matter in which section of a journal a paper is published? I mean there are all sorts, Letters, Opinion, Brief Communication etc. What is the difference, is it just how long they are?
Hmm, think it is time for a mince pie...

Göteborg - anyone been? holidays elsewhere people?

Hej på er, am very impressed by the language skills displayed here...

Hope you're having a nice Sankta Lucia day!

Göteborg - anyone been? holidays elsewhere people?

Oh, Melodifestivalen is the best! Andreas Johnson will be competing again this year - still a bit upset about him not winning last time.

Have you any connection to Sweden or did you get hooked because of BWO? (I'm Swedish myself but live in the UK).

Göteborg - anyone been? holidays elsewhere people?

I didn't think BWO were participating this year?

Opinions about Bath?

Thanks everyone for your comments, you've made me feel a lot better.

The position I'm interested in is indeed in Bio/Biochem so happy to hear it ranked so well.

If anyone has any other comments about the uni or Bath in general it would be very interesting to read them.

Opinions about Bath?

Thanks for your reply Nimrod. To clarify, I don't really care about what my friends think as such, but rather about if this is the reaction I'm going to get whenever I mentioned where I did my PhD.
I was so excited when I found this group, but more or less everyone I've talked to about it has questioned why I would want to go Bath. I thought it seemed to be rather good, but all these negative comments have made me unsure. That's why I would like to hear what people on this forum think.

Opinions about Bath?

I am thinking of going to University of Bath for my PhD. A group there does some very interesting stuff and the professor seems to be a good supervisor.
Problem is, as soon as I mentioned this to my friends (mostly Oxbridge people) they were kind of sneering at it. Should I rethink and go for some Oxbridge group that does something almost as interesting, or should I stick to my original plan?
Any thoughts? Is anyone at Bath? What is it like? What do you think about the university's reputation?