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Journal article help please

Hi Natassia

I can access the journal okay but only back as far as 1996.

The second one came up in a link as a free download from 'ebookbrowse' - never seen this resource before but it 'seems' to be there. You can only download and print if you're registered (which I'm not) but it seems to be fully visible on screen. Better than nothing in the interim...

Towards a native anthropology - http://ebookbrowse.com/05b-towards-a-native-anthropology-pdf-d65263253

First year upgrade looming!

Great news Pixie :-)

what to get as a thank-you gift ?

I think it depends on department and uni. In my department as far as I know supvervisors don't actually get paid per student. Supervision is part and parcel of being a staff member and all about the passing on of knowledge and skill etc. Once a member of staff they are expected to 'want' to supervise.

Re: hours - in my area it's up to supervisor and student to work it out between themselves. The university has issued guidelines about initial contact and number of contact hours a student can expect to have. However, it hasn't been like that for me at all. It's been completely ad-hoc and that has suited me (and my supervisor as far as I know). We went through long periods of not meeting when I was 'out in the field' but now that I am near the end, I have been in much more regular contact.

what to get as a thank-you gift ?

Quote From chococake:

Is it customary to buy your supervisor a gift at Christmas/Easter?

not as far as I am aware, no. I think we're talking post successful viva here.

will i get on fine??

Quote From chococake:

If you can get into a PhD programme, then I would probably say you would be able to do it. However, I think it really depends on the area too. Some social science PhDs are probably considerably easier than say a PhD in mathematics.

Heeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy - I'm sure if I were a mathematican (sp??) that a maths-PhD would be pimps ;-).

It's all relative I feel but I do agree with chococake that if you are successful with a PhD application then you should be able to complete. That said it can be difficult to get accepted if your marks are not tip-top. Perhaps if you have work experience of your field it will help but if you're relying on what you call your average marks you will have to do a really good proposal just to get it reviewed and considered.

Bullying by a supervisor

I agree that if possible wrap up what you have - hopefully it is enough for a PhD - and get away from your really awful situation. Have you had a look at other theses in similar fields? Compare what you have with them and see if you think yours matches quality and content wise. It sounds as if you will have to make the decision to submit, or not, on your own.

If you don't think you have enough for a PhD, you have another decision to make - keep going and hopefully eventually be able to submit as a PhD OR assess your situation and consider if you will be able to remain where you are. Only you can really make such a decision but you're a long, long way from home which I imagine only makes things more difficult.

You have four years work behind you - I really hope you have enough material to be able to submit soon.

Best of luck with what's ahead


Any gardeners/horticulturalists out there?

Thanks for that Delta, I'll check it out :-)

Any gardeners/horticulturalists out there?

Apropos nothing - was wondering if anybody has an idea how to go about getting a flower named after somebody, specifically a tulip? Is it possible, does it cost the earth - any pointers at all greatly received :-)

The One Goal Thread

A bit of bribery in order Dunni (up). That's disappointing for you that you sense your sup not retaining interest in your work. People can be quick to move on and yet the process is not finished for you. However, maybe it's a compliment of sorts in that he feels you don't have much to worry about thesis/viva-wise.

My revision is coming along okay. Have revised chapters 1-4 so now 'just' chapters 5-8 left. He told me he thought it would take me about about a month but I think I'll have it done in about three weeks. Then probably a month for him to read it, based on passed experience and then (fingers and toes crossed), another edit and it's ready September, August if I dare to dream!

The One Goal Thread

Thanks Delta (up)

Still here tweaking, tweaking but at least dog has stopped barking as [strange!] gutter man gone!

Wisdom tooth removed - time off?

Let your parents administer some TLC for a couple of days and try to dettach. Chronic pain is really wearing but then when it's gone you are likely to feel really invigorated and ready to jump back to work. Anything you read while in a lot of pain is not really likely to 'go in' is it so I prescribe some home cooking (when you can eat) and some Saturday night TV - though that's pretty rubbish during the summer so a bunch of DVDs.

The One Goal Thread

Also doing job applic this morning like you Star-shaped and yep, they take ages. With each one I say "I'm not going to take too long on this..." but I tweak and tweak and tweak...

Hard to concentrate as man outside on ladder fixing gutters, dog inside going bananas at strange man (well unknown, not that strange!) up ladder, daughter gone on road trip from Nice to Barcelona for weekend with six others in a mini van so hard to relax 'til she's safely back in Nice. Should be editing thesis not applying for jobs I'm not going to get:-(

Keep going Dunni, you're nearly there (up). Equations are white noise to me but I'm sure you'll crack it.

Happy bunny!

That's lovely news Beajay. It's heartening to hear that some theses at least are read by more than three people, ie the student and the internal & external examiners!

Many congrats to you (up)

The One Goal Thread

I have figures and boxes in mine (and a few tables!). I'm using grounded theory and a large part of this is the use of memos. Some of these I have included in boxes and I just call them 'Box 2.1' etc. I also have some ethical thoughtboxes which are supposed to read like 'asides' - my supervisor's idea and actually they work well. Wish I'd thought of them!

What do I have in my figures? A few screenshots and some GIS maps I have drawn up.


My PhD has been completed as part of my uni's graduate education programme. So not exams per se but a required number of modules and associated assignments (usually 5000 word essay) to complete. The PhD still fails or passes on the thesis alone but you have to amass the credits in order to be able to submit.

Presentations at conferences is generally part of the process but usually not compulsory. Publications are advisable but really your PhD is the thesis. Everything else is extra.