Minnie, I understand this situation. I'm glad that the bitchy one has left, I hope that helps. It can still be difficult though: I'm in a small office which is usually quite quiet, but can be very noisy at certain times. My supervisor has said I can work from home as much as I want (he does!!) but one of the other students asks where I've been every time I WfH. I just politely say that I was working from home, and don't answer any follow-up questions. In the end, it's not their business -- my supervisor seems mostly happy with my work, and it's his opinion that matters. My aim is to spend at least 3 days in uni and 2 at home, possibly more at uni depending on the workload. There is a balance between "being visible" and being productive. I knew a guy who would go into his university and sit on Facebook all day, then go home and work very hard all night. It seemed singularly unproductive to me, but he was under pressure to be seen, and yet he was someone who worked best at night. Not developing great discipline for a job at the end of it, but it seemed to work for him...