======= Date Modified 19 Jun 2009 11:25:24 =======
======= Date Modified 19 Jun 2009 11:23:14 =======
======= Date Modified 19 Jun 2009 11:22:21
I dunno but whatever multiple accounts you have, please just don't answer my questions, your not even answering them - you're just interrogating everything I've said, are you practicing challenging ideas for your phd/are you using these as exercises - it just seems very inappropriate
Ok bye - hope your feeling better soon PhD Bug - and I hope for your own sake, you develop a healthier attitude.
To the enigma of editing - I left out some words - because I was rushing while I was typing - so I cut it out - cos there's no delete. Take care
Edit 2: rushing off to study loads
Edit 3: Bye, later
Edit 4: and once again, long yawn, I don't have depression or acute depression