this morning I noticed that one of my cats lost weight (it probably happened in the last few days). I felt so guilty and told myself off saying "you've been neglecting everything these days; yourself, your cats, your house, your boyfriend... hmm what else, there was one more thing.. what's that?" then I realised I was thinking of this thread. Just because we joked about it in that way, I stupidly registered that in my head
It's funny - you're a complete stranger (I don't even know your PhD area, and until recently I couldn't remember if you were male or female - got that sorted now though), you read some words on a screen and they stuck in your head like I was really talking to you... I quite often find myself thinking - or saying to others - 'someone was telling me the other day...' then try to remember WHO it was only to discover it was someone on here.
I know what you mean sue, really weird. Was it DanB (or someone from that era), saw a few people from the forum in their dream, even though they've never met those people
Good luck with your thesis sue, and good luck with that something juno. I'm supposed to be writing my methodologies and hand in last friday. It's sooo difficult.
I had a dream about the forum meeting for drinks in what looked like my old school staff room and we ate strawberry sponge cake. In my dream H's real name was Hamila, Ann had red hair, sylvester looked like Borat and katq was a beautiful blonde. Weird given I have never met anyone from the forum and don't know any of you in the way H and Coastman know each other in real life.
404, I always picture you looking like the Aussie singer Missy Higgins!
I tell other people stories I have read on the forum and then think "where did I hear that?" and then giggle to myself when I realise it was on here. Sometimes I have to hide the truth a bit and say "I read this funny thing on the internet the other day..." and don't mention it was on a forum.
Piglet, I searched her pictures on google and to my surprise there is a bit of resemblance, she is how I used to be (looooooong time ago) and how I wish I could be now. My hair got far too long and out of shape, I no longer wear the things I like. Hmmm you made me think about how I look these days. Well, hopefully only a few months left to the end
But the funny thing is, I sometimes imagine you very similar to this Missy Higgins person too, but sometimes different. You always have long dark hair though. A bit like Holly Golightly when she was younger.
How is the job going? Any more news from other jobs in the meantime?
Tee hee. I have shoulder-length dark blonde hair. Thinking of going shorter and dark for a change soon. Wish I could sing like Missy though.
Job is poos and bums and wees (as my 9 year old nephews would say). I dislike it immensely and am terrible at it. I get scared of the customers who ask me about a wine and I have no idea what wine they are talking about. I live in fear that I will recommend a wine and it will be disgusting. I got a minor telling off for not paying attention to the front counter last weekend, but I was only doing another job I had been told was urgent and had to be done right away. I am getting paid a pittance and although I work 9-10 hour shifts, no one takes any breaks and they look at you like you are a slacker if you ask if you can take a 15 minute break to eat something after 6 hours on your feet. Boo hoo.
I am treating it as the perfect incentive to get a "real" job ASAP!
piglet, that doesn't sound too good! hope you get out of there soon.
perhaps in 50 years you will be telling your grandchildren stories about when that customer asked for a beaujolais and you sold him a bordeau instead, and then he kept coming back to your shop saying you were the only store that had good beaujolais, but in fact you were selling him bordeau all the time... or something like that
i do hope you find a real job soon! keeping my fingers crossed for you.
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