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meeting in London


is someone taking lead responisibility for organising this meet? if so who? bet its a task and a half!


Hi just wondering whats going on with the meet? Is it still going ahead and where?


Hi. I just sent PM to everyone I know who might be coming to the London meeting. Please PM me if anyone else wants the details.



I've now set up a Facebook event for this, so you can find all the details there.



yay! thank you Caz (up)


Ooh 404, can you still PM me with any updates, as I don't fancy joining facebook just for this? Cheers in advance! :-)


will do :-)


Are any of you admins coming...? They could give you time off in lieu for a daytrip to London, to see your motley bunch of users.
Sound enticing??!!? :-)


I can't work out how many are coming, but it looks like we're still meeting?

Once you get inside the Welcome Collections building, there is a cafe and a seating area to the right. Let's meet over there. We have to find a way to recognize each other though. Carnations are soooo yesterday :-)

Also the question has been asked many times is... to reveal or not to reveal (our forum names :p)

Loads of things are happening in London that evening if you guys decide to stay around...


How to recognise a PhD student...other than the lank hair and aura of suppressed desperation?


lol Juno


lol Juno! Plus a glazed tired expression in the eyes, maybe talking to oneself and what were the other PhD symptoms on H's ugly thread??

404, I went there a few weeks ago on a Saturday and the cafe was really full. Is there anywhere else in there, do you reckon, or is that the best place...? And how *will* we know who we are, so we don't accidentally suspect the usual Wellcome visitors of being someone 'off the internet'...? Possibly just looking a bit shifty and/or expectant might not be enough :-)


haha! we're not doing a very good job of keeping this private, are we? At least the meeting time is not made public :-)

Worst case scenario, we'll all be spending the day with some random tourists visiting the building.

If anyone comes up with a bright idea, please PM all of us or post on facebook, so we can all work out how to recognise each other.

Rubyw, you're right, it might be packed. Whoever gets there first should get a table perhaps? There's another venue just opposite, but shall we leave that to last minute? We can hang around at Wellcome's cafe until everyone is there.


======= Date Modified 03 Nov 2008 20:03:28 =======
oops yes sorry 404, I'm not very good at being anonymous either, I forget sometimes :$

Will have a think about it.

hehe I see this post of mine is number 666... :-)


Olivia has thought up JUST the idea! on how to recognise each other. But I am not putting it out here in public, will PM.