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10 months to go, what keeps 'you' going in the last year?


It’s so strange reading this thread (and sometimes others) when people I’ve never met are describing feelings and experiences the same as I am having…it’s a bit spooky, but nice too!

The moving deadline thing is a wired feeling, I’ve done that quite a few times (many times…), moving that totally fixed goal of “I’ll have my life back in month x” and all the associated things that go with it – telling friends you’ll be a normal human being after date x, summer and kids etc. And that creeping feeling of building stress as the work load is just too big for the deadline to be humanly possible. It’s a relief to lose the pressure and face a new, more realistic deadline. Like you said Sue, it’s not slacking that means the deadlines aren’t met because we’re working plenty, it’s just the reality of PhD land. I also think for me there’s a mixture of over enthusiasm at what I can achieve in a given time and a lack of experience in judging how long things take to write. Did someone mention a learning curve?!

I like the virtual party idea – they need a champagne icon!

There was a motivational quotes thread a while ago which I missed posting on, too distracted by work…
My favourites are the one from Nemo “Just keep swimming” - I think someone else mentioned that one. And in relation to feeling The Fear... “Just grow a pair and get on with it” Clearly it depends on the mood I’m in – I’d never say the second one to anyone but myself though!



Thought I'd dig this one up and see how many of us are still on the March deadline and how you're all doing?  I definitely noticed the jan into feb transition this week with a bit of a shock/fear/panic/excitement/exhaustion etc!

I think most of us have hopped onto Sue's 6 month thread (which is great) but I'm still heading for March due to finances and a job. I have shifted my final deadline too many times to shift it into yet another PhD year.

Hope everyone's doing ok

CG x


My final university deadline was the end of March. If I didn't make that I'd have to get an extension. But my thesis has been printed and bound now, and should be submitted next week :p

Good luck to everyone else still on the home straight.


Oh,wow, well done, Bilbo, you must be so proud....I am green with envy!!!
Hi CakeGirl.
I am still out here, I just don't even get time to post on here, so mad it is!
I am heading for mid July but no idea now how I will do it. I am up to my eyes in Real Life dramas and PhD ones too.
I will check out the 6 month forum!
All the very best,


Quote From PinkNeuron:

I was devastated to let go of my May deadline. I had my heart set on the whole summer off with my children and the big party I would have in June etc. etc. I was quite depressed when my Prof. said, no way would I finish by then as my analysis is going to be huge, I was very demotivated.):-)

That's me (again!). If I can't graduate this year, I don't see any reason to work really hard and finish by June, my revised deadline after the March one. Maybe I'll just have a slightly better quality of life and submit in Sep, I dunno. Am resigned to this thesis taking up all of this year too, another year of hard work, of putting life on hold, this thing just goes on forever. I should abandon the 6 mth thread and come back to this one, as it looks like I'm back to 10 mths!!

Neverending, and I'm just so over it. Need to move on, move cities, get a job, and can't do any of that while still writing...

Well done Bilbo! That's fantastic! Am so pleased for you. At least some of us are making progress...


Hi Sue
Lol!! Don't worry, I will stay here too, less pressure :)
Just got a presentation back from my Prof. He phoned me, well, there was not much I did right, it seems!
Basically have to re-do it all.
Once this conference is over on Wed. I am tackling the analysis and starting writing, yes, starting, so I have a lot to do....!
We shall keep each other company and not beat ourselves up!
Keep in touch