Hello everyone! And hello Anthropologa! good luck with your aims today see you tonight for confession time
okay my goals/aims for today:
1. Finish chapter 4 and complete to final version
2. finish chapter 3 and complete to final version
a family friend has asked to see what i have done so far, so that's given me the motivation to pull up both chapters to a final version state. i am planning on sending it to him by midnight tonight. and then i can focus on a brand new chapter tommorow, knowing these two chapters are done and dusted. well that's the plan anyway! nonstop work today. once i get both chapters done I will treat myself to a dvd film!!
good luck everyone!
just finished aim number 1. finalised chapter 4 and transferred it to final draft version.
time to move onto chapter 3. aim number 2.
but going to take a break in 20mins and have some dinner and chill for a couple of hours, before i start the "night shift".
but like JB says, park on the downhill slope so that its easier to get back into it. so I will start proof reading and editing chapter 3 for about 20mins.
Hey Lara:
Congrats on all your progress!! I liked your reference to the "down hill slope." Haven't worked with that approach so far, but might work on it soon.
1) Field Note Entry - did 1/2 of the entry so far
2) Focused Writing on Online Contacts - Did 9 minutes of Focused Writing (was interrupted at 9 min, and lost my train of thought).
3) Create questions for tomorrow interview - interview was canceled, so I got lazy.
Going to pick up on the focused writing before I go to bed and follow through. My REAL goal for tomorrow AM is to WRITE FIRST. I will allow myself to have coffee first, because without coffee I'm no use to the world. But I want to write before I post here, before I check email, etc. etc. See you all then!
Hello all, had downed tools last weekend. Just completed my wordcount for the day but I am just so stressed atm.
Have u ever got completely disenchanted and just tried to avoid your supervisor. I have been doing this for the last month and a bit. But recently thanks to Joan and you guys I have really gotten back into it. So Im writing my conference paper and getting a bit worried that it wont be good enough and really feeling like I should b submitting something as soon as I possibly can (like last week) to somehow make my awolness worthwhile. Just generally feeling up against it, my own fault really...
Urgh stressful.
Hi liminalplace - yes, I totally know what you feel like. I woke up with a knot of anxiety in my stomach today and just wondered what the hell I was doing. I also have avoided my advisers in the past - in fact, I'm still working up the nerve to write one of them an email. I think its been about 2 months since I said I would do it. Arrgg... well, not that it makes you feel better, but you've company if nothing else!
Hi A Gang,
Sorry for my lack of posts on the forum, have been a busy girly recently:
Fri- Had to go to the dentisits for 2 filings, so worked from home but didn't managed to get much work done as there were people being shown round the house, because its being sold.
Sat & Sun- Had the weekend off so didn't do any work. Did lots of gardening on the veggie patch, went to the cinema etc. Did manage to do some reading for a book review i've got to write.
Mon- Finished analysis for some consultancy work I am doing. Hopefully it will lead to an authorship on a paper.
Yesterday- Made more changes to a paper I have been writing for about 7 months, started writing a zero draft of introduction chapter.
Today's Aims:
1. Email relevent people the completed data analysis after last check of what I have done.
2. Continue with zero-draft of introduction, I want to type the notes I have written into some sort of prose.
Hopefully will get both those done, I have a seminar at 2 and then am leaving at 3.30 to go to see the foot doctor about my terrible feet! Have a good day everyone and will check in later.
Hey everyone! nice to see all the messages and nice to hear what everyone has been up to!
i've been very lazy today, hardly could get out of bed! i wasn't sleeping, but just felt really tired. so read in bed for awhile (a book unrelated to phd). eventually got out of bed at 12.30pm.
it's 2pm and i still haven't done anything. i'm starting on a new chapter. so maybe that's why. i'm about to do a mind map to get me going.
writing a chapter from scratch is scary!!
oh yeh my aims hehe:
1. collect all rough scraps and information needed for chapter 6. (i.e old emails, lab books, old reports, rough notes, anything).
2. write zero draft of chapter 6: part B
3. write zero draft of chapter 6: part C
(part A was done a couple of weeks ago,it's in its 1st draft almost final format, so will let that stay sleeping for now).
I only did aim 1 yesterday, i did abit of aim 2, but was too tired in the end.
yeh, try the downhill slope, you will find it is useful
so did it work, trying to write first before anything else?
liminalplace, nice to hear from you! and have you back.
i am feeling stressed too!
oh yes, i have on many many occassions avoided my supervisor. i still do it!
like Joan would say, don't worry about whether the conference paper will be good enough. just do your best, and let the cards fall.
we're all our worst critics!! harder on ourselves than others would be.
hope you have a good day today.
hey SillyBilly,
glad you had a break, it's good to treat yourself once in a while.and sounds like you had a stressful time at the dentist.
and that's great you starting a zero draft of introduction! good for you.
hope your appointment goes well and you get it sorted out.
Hi All:
Im rushing out to a interview, but I'll update this afternoon! Wishing you all productivity and relaxation!
Hello all, thank you so much lara and anthropologia for your messages, it is lovely to hear I'm not alone in my avoidance.
Tonight I am trying to write another thousand or so words on this paper. So those are my aims for tonight
Good luck everyone in your work!!!
Argh still not finished my word count for today, this is like pulling teeth.
How can I be so bad at translating free thinking to coherancy? Lordy!
Its one of those days where I just can't be arsed.
lol D
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