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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


Hey guys, sounds like you both have worked really hard! well done.


i spent like 9-10 hours going through all my emails related to chapter 6, like 4 years worth! now, i gotta trawl through all of it plus lab books and start piecing together a zero draft.


1. zero draft of part B chapter 6
2. zero draft of part C chapter 6

good luck everyone


Today is not my day! The research participant I'm working with had to Borrow my computer to make an important work conference call. Now, I KNOW how important those things can be - and I am glad that I could help out. But being without my computer for 3 hours without any preparation? I didn't realize how addicted I've become. I must be living out Donna Haraway's cyborgian vision. I just don't feel whole w. out my computer!

I have an interview this afternoon, but when I get back I will write.
Today goals are:
1) 1 Field Note Entry
2) 15 min focused writing on expectations/reality of MT

Good luck today!!


Anthro, you are so good with your motivation. i admire that!

i'm having a really really really slow day. i just really hate this chapter. its such a mess and i keep avoiding it. i'm going at snail pace.

forcing myself to get a zero draft down, but then keep worrying about all the other chapters i have to do aswell. i dont think i will meet the deadline of having a FULL first draft by next friday

i hate this chapter! it sucked up all my phd years and i still had nothing to show for it at the end of it. bunch of wild goose chases and failed experiments and negative data. so pointless. sorry i'm having a whinge

i'm just gonna write whatever i can. and just leave it, cant be arsed with this crappy chapter, to make it all interesting and perfect, when its so not.

ignore me! im just being obnoxious


okay someone just gave me some advice and that is to leave chapter 6 right now, and concentrate on finishing the rest of the chapters for the next 3 days and then come back to chapter 6.

so my aim for the rest of the day. is:
*complete missing sections and finalise chapter 3.

and then the next 3 days, get as much done on the other chapters. and then revisit chapter 6 on monday.

feeling abit better now about it. i was just sitting here wasting time and stressing about chapter 6.

now i can do something productive and finish off chapter 3.


hey i posted on laras blog but perhaps this would be the best place to be! My day 1 of writing went well on monday. Went to wedding on Tuesday which was lovely but now very sick! Not impressed on antibiotics and all - hate being on them when pregnant. Trying to do a job application then back to bed, think I will just return to the writing on monday! Oh my schedule is already messed up! Oh well


hey celesmai

welcome to the other thread glad you found your way here too..

sorry to hear your sick. poor you, cant be easy what with being preggars aswell. good idea take the weekend off and start again on monday bright and shiny.


Hello all,
Ok so im signing in for the day trying this whole paper again making something work.Goodluck for all who are working hard tonight!


seems like you're burning the midnight oil there dawn

me working sleepily on my chapter..


Hey all:

The board REALLY helped me tonight. I was all cozy in bed after a long day, just ready to throw in the towel and tell you guys that I had failed again. BUT, I realized I wanted to be able to post that I had at least finished the two modest goals I set for myself today. So, while its not much - I can say that I met both my writing goals for today - and will go to bed just a bit more relaxed.

Thanks for helping me push through!


way to go Anthropologa!!!!! that is really great that you pushed through and accomplished it. well done !
we're proud of you


update from yesterday. filled in most of the missing sections for chapter 3. (mainly the introduction bit, so finalised that last night) started to proof read the rest of the chapter, but felt really sleepy. so just going to do that now. but yes Anthro, if it wasn't for this thread, i would be lost !

aims for today:

1. finalise and proof read chapter 3.

2. write a first draft of chapter 5.
a) introduction
b) results
c) discussion


good luck everyone with your work today


just popping in, to confess, i have just accomplished aim number 1, hurrah and had great delight ticking it off my big wall spiderdiagram. yes i am sad like that, ticking off a chapter or a section, gives me joy lol.

now onto aim 2, starting a new chapter...

see you guys tonight!


hey peeps, it's friday, which means its BACKUP day.

please take some time out today and back up everything you have done this week onto at least 2 other formats: 3 differnet formats would be preferable, and also if you can keep one backup in a different location, example, one backup at work, one backup at home and another backup at a friends/families house.

backup to anyone of the following formats:

usb key


whooopsy Lara was naughty today.

after accomplishing aim number 1 and finishing off a chapter, i backed up all my files from this week onto dvd. and then took the rest of the day off unintentionally oooops. i guess i just needed to relax and unwind after finishing a chapter.

now i am back at the computer, for the evening/night shift. about to start work on chapter 5. me hopes!

new aims for tonight:
chapter 5:
1. introduction
2. results
3. discussion


Hi All,

I've been doing meetings all day, and don't have access to my computer. SO, I'm going to do 15 minutes of writing the old fashioned way - by hand!! After that, I'm taking a Friday night off and heading out to an art gallery opening. Gotta have some fun, right?