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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


anyways i could work for a couple of hours tonight. but not in the mood... and i've decided to change my work routine..

i'm going to go to bed early tonight. and start waking up early in the morning. i am beginnig to feel physically crap working or staying up until 5am and waking up at midday, i dont like it and feel guilty and i am finding i am not being productive at all..

i read on a blog just now, that i found inspiring to do just that..which i will copy paste for you guys :



"~ Write out short attainable goals

Writing small monthly to weekly goals helps to see short-term accomplishments. Many times long-term goals look overwhelming and too far off. However, short-term goals are easily visible and rewards are sooner."

~ Focus on week at a time

Staying focused on one week's list of assignments at a time, and completing each task as if it were the last one, helps to stay highly motivated.

At times, looking at the entire list of course requirements can be overwhelming and a sense of, "I can't do this. I have no time," may envelope one's state of mind. Don't let this happen.


"Varying the Routine

If you’ve been torturing yourself by pulling all-nighters, go to bed early and see if you are more productive in the morning. Some say that for every hour earlier that you turn in, you gain two hours in alertness the next day"


Morning Has Broken—Are You Writing?
July 14, 2008 by Nancy Whichard

"Get up early, no matter how much you think you think you need sleep, and write.

Writing a dissertation takes single-mindedness. It takes mental focus. It works best when you feel calm, when anxiety is low, stress is low, and you feel little or no ambivalence.

The space where we thought we would write completely disappears, as if swept away by a summer downpour.

And at the end of that day when time once again eluded us, this is what I know. When once again we have not met our goal and when once again we feel beaten down and knocked about, we certainly do not feel that we’re participating in a metaphor. We are not part of a fast-moving stream. We are slouching in a chair and self-medicating by eating, drinking, or watching TV.

We know we should go on to bed, but there we are– wondering where the time went."


...."Go to bed! The only way to get writing done is to get ahead of the storm. Get to bed and then get up early, no matter how much you think you think you need sleep. Write. Write early in the morning.

Write before you hear other people in your building starting to rise. Write before your own kids are awake. Write before you hear car doors slamming or cars moving. Write before your mind starts to feel befuddled by the demands of whatever else is in your life.

Write when you are calm and when it is quiet."


inspired by what Nancy has written, I am going to try this. I am going to go to bed early tonight and wake up in the morning.
I am also going to rethink my plan and start afresh tommorow and make a weekly plan only. and not think beyond the week.


Hi Lara

I am also calling it a day! Not quite there with chapter 6 but to be honest i did have a break in the day. It was such a lovely day (first sunny one in ages!) so had a lovely pub lunch with my boyfriend. Anyway, i am going to get some sleep, get up fresh tomorrow and finish the chapter off (fingers crossed!!).
Don't you worry about your day and also about "boring us with any problems" That is what we are all here for!! To support each other. Don't you worry about sending your sup the email you wanted too. You are quite right to send what you want and that you don't always have to take other peoples advice! As long as you are ok and happy with the email that is all that matters


Don't you worry about what other people think and don't worry about not getting everything done today either. Tomorrow is a new day, so we can get back on track then. We are looking at a brand new fresh week and there is loads of potential to get loads done!!
Anyway, have a good sleep and catch you tomorrow!!

PS If there are any mistakes in this post, sorry about that only am feeling really tired so am sure there are mistakes in there somewhere!!!!!


Hi again!!

Ok aims for today:

1) Tidy up house as landlord is visiting at 11.30 am and it is a mess. Hope he renews our contract and we can stay another year!!!!
2) Once landlord has gone, finish chapter 6
3) Go through chapters 2,3,4,5 and also 6 again to add in my extra figures, and to generally tidy up the chapters.

So all in all a tidying day today!!!

If it all goes well, might treat myself and book cinema tickets for one night next week to see the new batman film, heard it is supposed to be quite good!!

Hope everyone else has a good day and fingers crossed that today i can actually achieve all my aims!!!!


awwww Thanks so much Tractogirl, you put a smile on my face!! I really appreciate everything you said

I love what you said about how this week is a fresh new week. okay cool, lets go for a sprint and see how much we can get done this week.

that's really nice you got to spend sometime in the sunshine with your bf. thats important.

and good you didnt push yourself too hard overnight because i always find when i do that, then i am useless the next day.

well i got up at 10.30am lol i set my alarm for 9am, but kept hitting snooze. but its a start, tommorow will try again for 9am/10am.
and got to my study desk at 11am. i am just about to start. get a few hours in, and then take a break for late lunch.

Thanks again TG, your words are always such a comfort to me you really are so great!


Good luck with tidying up day today TG. sounds like you are on a roll!
and definately go treat yourself to the new batman movie, you deserve it. and yes i've heard its REALLY good. I am going to treat myself to watch it too, on the day i have to go meet my sup, sooo dreading it, but gotta get it done, and then after i will go watch the film to treat myself lol.

My immediate aim before lunch:

1. R cluster analysis pt 6, pt 14, check cluster analysis of pt 1-16
2. print out cluster analysis
3. global R cluster analysis


i like this morning routine. working on your thesis FIRST before anything else.

I'm going to try to wake up earlier tommorow. i feel much better now, that i have done *something*

clocking out for a mid- day break, having lunch with the family.

1. aim 1 done
2. can't print, ran out of ink.
3. not finished: but organised the data- will finish the analysis later on today. shouldn't take too long now.

time clocked in @ my desk: 11.30 - 13.30
total actual "productive time" : 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes).

ps what a lovely day today! i feel like going for a quick bike ride in the park before family lunch. might just sneak off for abit hehe


Hi Lara,

What brilliant progress, well done on finishing your first aim. That is fantastic. Thanks also for all your encouragement etc, you are the one who is great though, not me!! and you inspire a lot of us on this forum and you are doing so well with your work. Well done!!!
Hope you have a lovely family lunch and go on that bike ride, you deserve it!!!
As for me
aim 1 : Done, landlord was ok and we are here for another year so that is a relief!!!!!
aim 2: done!!!!! Chapter 6 is finally done!! (That is until read by my sup and no doubt it will change again!!!) but least this version is done!!!
Now about to have some late lunch, then moving on the next aim!!!
Hope you have a great afternoon!!!


TG WELL DONE on getting chapter 6 done!!! that is brilliant!!! i am impressed :)

thank you so much for all the lovely things you said, it really made me smile! you're so kind. and really encouraging!! makes me feel very positive after reading your message.

and great news about staying in the flat for another year, that's a relief!


well i had a long chat with my brother and he gave me some really encouraging and positive advice about waking up EARLY and having a routine, so i'm excited about trying it out. so tommorow, my aim is to wake up at 5am! he was like, go to bed by 11pm, and wake up at 5am, even if you feel you want to sleep, tough, just wake up, first day will be hard, but you will get used to it. and your brain is most alert during the day. and told me to stop working through the night and going to bed at 3/4am. because night time is for your body to sleep and how your brain is the most alert in the morning. he said you would be suprised how alert you will be in the morning. so i'm going to try it out tommorow i'm gonna head to bed by 11pm.


and also i'm going to make a plan for the next month/week and spend time on each chapter. so feeling quite positive because of the support you give me TG and others on this forum, and the positive encouragement my brother gave me.

so TG what you say, lets blow this week out of oblivion hehe.