angie well done! its done now, and your sup can read it when he/she is back.
celesmai, well done on consistently meeting your aims .
i dont know if i should even bother putting my aims down cause i never manage to meet them i'm very annoyed at myself.
well since it's august 1st. i should rethink my plan and make a fresh plan, so i am not constantly "catching up" on the aims in the past..that i didnt complete the past 4 days. because feels so disheartening. so will make a fresh start today. wipe the slate clean so to speak. and make a fresh new plan for the next 7 days. starting today.
Sounds good Lara! There's no point playing catch up all the time. It gets very disheartening! Keep them as realistic as possible and then you get more motivation from getting them done if you know what i mean. You are doing brillantly so dont get disheartened.
Well I got my restructing done and printed this morning so the longest section of ch2 is done. Next week on to the rest of it- Im hoping it shouldnt take so long.
Spent this afternoon trying to sort out sample mess in the uni. Not sure whats going on. Other than people being lazy!! hmmm the things were there and I couldnt find my supervisor. OH well done as far as Im concerned. Caught up on emails too. So ive a wedding tomorrow and taking sunday off so back to it all on monday!
Have a good weekend and hope you all get some well deserved rest!
Hi Everyone!!!
Lara, Thank you so much for all your advice, i really needed that and you have helped so much, thanks again! I have started to restrict myself to having a "worrying time" where i note down the stuff bothering me and it really helps! Will definitely do this from now on!!!
You are so right, i think i was putting too much pressure on me, worried that my sup will think i don't have enough idea's, worried i won't get everything finished for the end of September deadline!!! But by worrying at only the set time has helped to keep things in check!!
Also, you are right this won't be the final version i hand in and as long as i get some idea's down and even if it is a scrappy version, it is something to work on and go through with my sup. Least it is a start!!!!
Thanks so much for the encouragement, you are right, one A4 side is a start, and is something at least!!! And least i can build on this!! Thanks ever so much for being so positive, it has helped me loads.
As for today, i still haven't finished but have gone a very rough version of the chapter written out, and i can build on this over the weekend. I definitely need to hand it in on Monday, so i will just do my best to get it into the best state i can and then get some feedback. So aims for the weekend, finish chapter 7!!!!!!!
I have a couple of friends visiting tomorrow night so will have a break then, so i am not working constantly!
I hope everyone else has had a good day today and thank everyone has a great weekend! Lara, don't worry too much about not meeting all your aims, celemai is right, sometimes writing too much down means it is impossible to meet all the aims in a day!!!!! I am also guilty for this and then spend all week trying to catch up!!! Maybe we need to set more realistic targets, reward ourselves when these are done and if we have time to start extra aims then that is a bonus!!
Try not to worry though, you really are doing so well and all of us are slowly getting there together!!!
PS You really cheered me up with what you said about my infection strains!!!! Brilliant! I agree, it is like that film with Dustin Hoffman and the monkey "Outbreak!!!!!!" What with that and the terminator films, we are doing quite well!! We now need to think of a film to link your work to!!!!!!!
Anyway, hope you have had a good day today, and hope you are going to have a good weekend.
Angie81, Sorry to hear your sup is not about but it is great you have sent the email, it is finished down and is great to tick this off. Hope you have a lovely weekend.
Celemai: Hope you enjoy the wedding and hope the builders are a lot more quiet.
As for me aims for tomorrow and Sunday : Get chapter 7 finished!!
Have a great weekend everybody!!!
lol!! your messages (especially the last one) really made me laugh!! you've put a big smile on my face. and i am soooooooooooooooo happy to hear that the worry time worked for you! brilliant!!
and good on you for sticking with your chapter 7 and taking the pressure off yourself. fantastic!
thanks so much for the kind words you wrote, i really enjoyed reading all your messages!!
you've given me the boost and encouragement in return! it really is inspiring to me to see your progress and "stick with it" attitude . top kudos to you!!
lol i love our film references lol!!
and you're so right about the long list of aims i tend to produce everyday, will be more realistic from tommorow onwards.
i'm also going to try to spend an hour on each chapter everyday. that way i will feel better that i am spending time with each of my chapters. abit like the advice on the procrastination website. "spend time on each task, like spending time with each child" lol we can see our chapters as our little children, that need time and attention lol
good luck with chapter 7. i am fully confident that you will get it done! you can do it. you've shown me in the past that you've accomplished things you really aimed for!
*clocking in*
my aims for today.
chapter 3:
1. describe a few penny trees
2. compare few patients of penny and cluster
3. SNP data global table
4. cluster analysis of SNP data
5. penny analysis of SNP data
6. cluster analysis of SNP and M/S data
chapter 4:
7. sort out cluster analysis
8. global cluster analysis
chapter 5:
9. cluster analysis of meth data
10. compare meth data with m/s data
good luck TG with your chapter 7 I will be keeping you company today, going to glue myself to the chair all day today. but will take a 10minute break every hour so i don't get tired.
and celesmai and angie you two have a great weekend
Hi Lara!
Thanks for your brilliant messages and hope you day is going well. My computer has been playing up and i keep losing my internet connection, hence the late clocking in!!!!!!!!!
Today have printed off chapter 7 and am currently re-drafting it! I tend to just write anything down to start with, rubbish or not and then try to re-write it!!! Really hard going though! Have only managed 2 hours so then just spent half an hour writing my plan for next week! I need to sort out chapter 1 starting on Monday and this will be a mammoth task i think so thought i had better get some sort of plan together as to how to tackle it!!!
How is your day going? Hope you are getting your aims done, but again don't worry if you don't meet them all. You are working on something and that is brilliant!!
I haven't quite met all my aims today and will need to spent tomorrow getting chapter 7 finished but i am going to try not to worry too much as i have a couple of friends arriving in an hour so am going to try and have a good evening. Still a bit worried though i have left myself loads to do tomorrow, but will try really hard to get it all done, although i can see it being a long day tomorrow!!!!
My fault for arranging a night out with friends!! Still, like we say tomorrow is another day!!!!
Hope everything is going well for you today, just think we are all really getting somewhere. I am trying to look back a bit. Try to remember the state of our thesis say 4 months ago!! 4 months ago we had a lot less done so we are all really making progress!! Thinking about that is keeping me going at the minute!!
Anyway, good luck with your work today and have a lovely evening and will check in tomorrow with my aims, need to get the chapter finished tomorrow (at least in rough to hand in for some feedback!!!)
Have a great day!!!
PS Apparently, they are making 3 more terminator films with Christian Bale playing John Connor! I think we should have a part in the film, we could be running from the terminators who could be dressed up as the people from senate house!!!! What do you think!!!!!!!
OMG I love Christian Bale! that would be so awesome if he was cast as John Connor, what a great casing idea!!! thats just made my day
thanks for your message, and you are so right about how a few months ago i had nothing. yah you're so right, just gotta do abit everyday.
although the article about planning (cited by janey) does make me feel abit better, than no matter what we plan to do, its not possible to always meet them.
"We know everything always takes longer than expected; we just seem to forget, again and again. In one study, students were asked when they expected to complete an essay, and gave an average answer of 10 days before deadline. The reality was an average of one day before deadline. Yet when the students were asked when they normally completed such essays, they knew the truth: one day before deadline. "
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