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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


Well done TG on getting the chapter done and sent! so proud of you!
and yah 8am is a good compromise, but woke up at 9.30am, ooops. will try for 9am tommorow!

celesmai glad you had fun at the wedding, and that is so sweet that you're a godmother. bless.


i like the positive vibe you two are sending out!

indeed a fresh new week to start on!


i was just given great advice by K on her diary, and she wrote (Which i wanted to share with you incase you didnt read it)..

"....Don't worry about long term plans such as finishing your thesis on time, just focus at 1 week at a time. I found short terms plans (1 week max) more achievable than long plans. Tiny plans (daily) never worked for me, it needed lots of efforts and usually left me frustrated at the end of the day. Perhaps, you can worry once a week instead of once a day, write down your plan for the week. And after the week finishes you can worry and check if you have achieved the targets or not. If you didn't achieve them you can write down the reasons so you will not face the same problems next week."


my week aim: spend time on each chapter (3-6) concentrating on the results section.

monday: chapter 3
tuesday: chapter 4
wednesday: chapter 5
thursday: chapter 6

todays aim:
chapter 3:
SNP results.


nice little article about the virtues of using an egg timer.

it's a good idea to give yourself a time constraint, otherwise (and i have a huge tendency to do this) i will spend hours and hours on something and go abit OTT on it.

telling yourself you only have 30minutes to do X helps to focus on the "essential" bits. and prevent you from going on tangents.


i've started working in 30minute bursts, but i do find once the timer goes off, i say to myself okay i just need 5 more minutes to get X done.
"Time constraints work because they force you to focus on only the most important aspects of any given task or project. Given an unlimited budget of time, it’s only human to start making things bigger than they are. We add embellishments. We ‘research’ on Google. We play with fonts and fuss over the margins."


"Am I saying anything can be completed in half an hour? Well, no. But that next action on your project can. If it can’t, you’ve made it too big. This leads to resistance which leads to procrastination. "
"...I pace my projects (and my day) in 15-30 minute increments"

"My Tips for Egg Timer Safety

I should say - I create a daily work plan that is organized in 15-30 min increments. I don’t schedule these times, I just list the things I want to advance today and put time estimates next to each. I work on them in whatever order I feel inspired. To get the most out of your time it helps to use the first few minutes to get my head on straight before diving right in.

Make the time outcome based: “When this 30 minutes is up I will….”
Think through the best approach — “If I want this ‘done’, done my best bet is….”
Then Dig in "


Hi Everyone,

Well, yesterday i didn't quite finish all my aims (i went to see a football match in the evening). Therefore today i must get the following done:

Finish section 1.2 chapter 1
Work on section 1.3 and 1.4.
Aim to get 1.3 finished also today.
Read 1 paper (re-fresh my memory!)
Sort out a few references.

Here goes......

Hope everyone has a good day!!!


hello yesterday did not go to plan. ended up with a friend round at my house coz her mummy is really ill and she wanted to chat then had a bbq last night so got nothing done. Oh well heres to today. I'm very very tired this week so finding it hard to keep the momentum going.
1. Type up results into excel
2. Read text for section 2.


Hi girls, didn't meet my aims yesterday either, but got one thing completed.

my aims for today:

SNP section (chapter 3)
1. global table
2. penny tree analysis (pt 1-16)
3. cluster tree analysis (pt 1-16)

good luck everyone!



I am getting the feeling we are all setting unrealistic aims for the day!!!!!!!!! Anyway hope everyone else managed to meet their aims and that you haven't had to stay up like me in order to get them done!!!!
Anyway, finally signing off, but think i need to re-set my daily goals so i am not having to work flat out all day just to meet them!
Anyway while it is fresh in my head my aims for tomorrow are:

Start at 9.30 (ish)

Work on section 1.4 and 1.5, chapter 1.
I will see how i go and try not to beat myself up if i don't get it all done. In truth if i can get all of 1.3 done any thing of 1.4 will be an added bonus!
Fingers crossed!!
Anyway see you all tomorrow!


morning. I was too tired to too much yesterday. Just very suddenly Im exhausted all the time. But I got a good nights sleep so lets hope today is more productive.
1. type up results
2. text for ch2 section 2


TG I totally agree! i think we are setting unrealistic goals!

i only managed to complete aim 1, (1/3) of what i was hoping to get done. i too went to bed around midnight. but i did procrastinate all day! felt really tired like you Celesmai.

my aim for today:

R cluster analysis snp data (pt 1-16)


and going to watch Batman Dark Knight tonight! i can't wait, been dying to watch it since it's been released. even though i don't really deserve a treat, as i haven't done much. but what the heck. i'm being naughty today. will work harder tommorow to make up for it.


Do you mind if I jump on the lets-finish-this-thesis-as-soon-as-possible bandwagon, and join you?

I'm following a different book (Murray, 2002) but the idea is the same; somebody has to know what I'm doing. I have to finish chapter 3 by tomorrow and it's already 6pm. So lets give it a go...


Welcome armendaf!! nice to have you join us good luck with chapter 3!
so the book by murrey, what kind of things does it suggest?

The Dark Knight was brilliant!!!
woke up at 8.40am today. clocking in for the day. I have some friends coming over around 5.30pm, so need to concentrate and get as much done, before they come

My aims today:
1. Cluster analysis of SNP analysis: 1-16.
2. re-do cluster analysis: 1-16 (taking out failed markers)