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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


======= Date Modified 13 Sep 2008 22:17:46 =======
just for fun, share your list of things you want to do once you submit your thesis

my list of things i want to do once i submit my thesis are:

meet up with all my friends.
go to the cinema and watch all the movies, lol yes all of them.
play badminton
play tennis
join a gym (maybe if i can afford it, or go on those pay per day things)
sort out all my dvds
learn to play the piano properly. at the moment i can only play the beginning of 9 crimes by damien rice, took me ages to learn it :-)
go to copenhagen to visit my best friend and her baby
go to san francisco to visit my cousin
erm what else.. can't think of anymore.

what's your list?


after submitting the thesis I want to:

Binge read all the books I've been queuing up for months.
Go to Wimbledon.
Go to the Proms.
Go on a sky trip.
Learn German.
Go back to training Trampoline and Volleyball.
Go to the gym in a regular basis.
Visit my parents without having the thesis hanging over my head.
See all the films I've missed.
Catch up with friends and family.
Do some DIY.
Go on a much needed retail therapy.


Signing in for tonites shift!!!
My friends just left after dinner (and thank God they did all the dishes for me ;-)) and here I am sneaking a peek at wat the rest of u r up to.....
Great going Lara!!!Hope ur 3 hr marathon thesis writing has bosted ur morale......yeah!! n i hope that u can tick all the things on ur wish list soon!!
Ermm Amenderf, I am writing a a plan as to what I will be doing for my PhD; Quite different from a transfer. This is the initial, rough draft of what i will be doing in the next three years of PhD!!!(Phew!! sounds slightly scary!!!!)
Hap Hap Happy Birthday to Rubys mom, wish u had a great day!!
Will be working for at least one and a half hour,
Happy studying everybody!!!(up)


======= Date Modified 13 Sep 2008 23:39:00 =======

Well, that'll do me for tonight. Can't say I've done much apart from tinkering with this first chapter but no doubt I'll speed ahead with it tomorrow!

Lara, I hope you get the results section done tonight - you're nearly there!!

Armendaf, it's great that you've got so far with chapter 3, a lovely discovery if you're nearer to the end than you thought - yay indeed!!

Pari, thank you - my mum did seem very happy!! I probably neglect my family horribly at the moment with all this PhD stuff, but not forever! Hope your work goes well tonight.

List of things I want to do after submitting???? Oh yes, that 'getting a life again' list!!! Haha, I know it well!!! Mainly like your two lists really...

Catch up with friends and family
Go to lots of exhibitions
Go to more gigs
See more films
Do a bit of DIY
Start doing some gardening again.
Sleep a lot
Sort out my clothes and do a bit of shopping for new stuff.
Start thinking about work-related things a bit without actually doing them (thinking is nice and will be quite enough at that point!)...mainly a good idea for my fellowship application for the next academic year, and an idea for something for a festival being organised for next summer.

Hope you get a good evening's work done, night owls!
See you tomorrow.


Hi Ruby, rest up and have a good night! and that's great that tommorow you will be speedy gonzales on the chapter, trust me even tinkering is a huge achievement! every bit counts so well done you!
btw, love the list of things Ruby and Armendaf, great stuff ! i enjoyed reading them :-)

Pari nice to have you join us. that's really sweet your friends helped with the washing up, in my book the person who does the cooking isnt mean to do the washing up ! hehe
Hey Armendaf, how you holding up? that is so great that you're nearly done with chapter 3.

Well i finally finished the results section of chapter 3. yah!!! :-) its probably crap though lol but its the best i can do!!! and it's DONE, so i am happy with that, and it is in its finalised version with all the figures and everything. the only thing i will have to do is sort out the appendix. of all the extra stuff i couldnt put in the chapter - but that's easy, so will leave that for later. but my goodness i cant believe i spent the whole day on the last part of the results section, i thought it was only going to take a few hours!! oh well it had to be done! and this results section was the messiest and crapiest and the one i dreaded the most. so i am glad its done!
now i just have to write the discussion section. but right now, i really need a break. so going to unglue myself. i think i will indulge myself and have that bubble bath and then if i am not too tired will take a crack at starting the discussion. but i am guessing i am going to be sleepy, so i might head to bed, i dont think its a good idea to stay up late twice in a row, as all day my body has been feeling achy.

i am behind schedule though, but hopefully it will all get done. i'm staying positive these days. hopefully by end of tommorow chapter 3 will be done.


You know, you guys are the only thing that is keeping me positive and helping me to stay focused and motivated. like seriously, it's so strange, but just sharing my aims and my accomplishments with ya'll kind folk, really motivates and encourages me. so a BIG THANK YOU to you all!! :-) (up) you're all really helping me with my working on my chapters :-)


The writing is slow, but at least the discussion is flowing, so can't complain too much. I'm also tired and very hungry now though, so will take a break to have some food and if I do not unwind too much I might come back to write some more. Otherwise I'll join the ones that have called it a night and go to bed.

Have a good night sleep :-)


Quote From Lara:

You know, you guys are the only thing that is keeping me positive and helping me to stay focused and motivated. like seriously, it's so strange, but just sharing my aims and my accomplishments with ya'll kind folk, really motivates and encourages me. so a BIG THANK YOU to you all!! :-) (up) you're all really helping me with my working on my chapters :-)

I know what you mean - my brother said yesterday this forum sounds like WeightWatchers, except we're online and trying to finish a thesis instead of reducing the fat!

Oooh Lara, excellent to finish that results section last night - you should be dancing on the ceiling with delight, if it was humanly possible!! Well done!! It won't be crap btw as you've spent too much time and thought on it, you're just too close to see that and your standards are obviously extremely high!!

Hi Armendaf and Pari, hope you get enough done if you're working today.

*clocking in now*
Aims for today: Get on with chapter one. Three days to finish it and make inroads into the next one, before I'm back at work in the hurly burly of the new term.

See you later!


Hey everyone! a very late start for me !! ooops.

in the end last night i was so tired i had no energy to take that bubble bath, it was like 1am, and so went straight to bed, and didnt get up till 12pm! i havent done anything yet, i just called up one of my best friends and had a nice catch up with her, which was nice.

feeling abit hungry right now though, but i will do the reading for my discussion and then take a break for food and then come back and write the discussion, and then once its done take that bubble bath as a treat!


Thanks Ruby for your message, i really appreicate your kind words about the results section. :-) you made me feel better about it. and i was happy that its done now.
Armendaf sounds like you're really getting into the writing so well done you.
Ruby thats so funny what your brother said! lol, although i probably will have to join weight watches to get rid of my thesis weight!

My aims for today:
1. read a bunch of papers for discussion section chapter 3.
2. write discussion section for chapter 3.
3. add some extra result analysis to chapter 4 and finalise
5. finalise chapter 4 discussion.
6. finalise chapter 3 (introduction and discussion)

so my aim basically by tommorow morning is to have both chapter 3 and chapter 4 finalised!
good luck everyone with your work today.
Pari, hope your assignment is going well.


Hi everyone,

I've been working on that chapter and I ended up restructuring it; not radically, but just making sure that the order and headings make sense in the overall discussion. So now I'm looking at a chapter three which has six (so far) sections: 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 are finished (final draft like); 3.4 and 3.5 are partially drafted and 3.6 is empty. Total word count so far is 8,729.

Immediate aim is to finish section 3.4, which will do as soon as I get some food (I'm starving) :p

Lara, I hope that reading went well and that you soon can go back to writing.

Rubyw, how's chapter 1 coming along? I know the pressure of having to get stuff out of the way before term starts; good luck with that. When we finish this we should probably talk about sharing teaching strategies ;-)

Pari, how did it go last night, are you working today?


Good luck to everyone working today! This thread has kept me sane even though I've been a lurker rather than a poster. I printed out my thesis today and will take it for binding tomorrow morning. I thought I'd never make it - it has been such a long, hard and stressful 4 years. But here I am with 450 pages of printed thesis! I keep reading my work and don't think it's great but my supervisor seems to think it's good!

What I want to say is that doing a PhD makes you full of self-doubt but don't let this get you down. You CAN do it. Keep going Lara and soon your weekends will be soooo much more relaxed.



Hello Everyone!!!!
First of all Congrats Krasthy!!! 450 pages of ur sweat and toil!!!! Well done..... A biiig round of applause!!!!
Lara!What Tremendous will power to stay up so late and finish ur goals for the day... Dont fret too much about it!! I am sure that it has turned out really well... Hope u can finish the remaining bits of 3 & 4 chapeters quickly today!!!
Rubyw...Thanks for asking abt me.... I was a (resonably???!!) good girl today and got up at 6.30 and started with my project proposal...I have done 80% of it!! and I think I will finish the rest in a couple of hours....


Armendorf 8,970 words....woooow!!!I am sooo amaked *bows in front of u*...Here I am struggling to write abt 300 words for my proposal.....Great Job!!!
All u people are such an inspiration for me...:-x Coz I know how much work u r doing every day and how much sacrifices u r making!!!! Gud things will come to u dont worry!!!!
I will be finishing the final bits of my proposal in few hours and will crash early today!!!! No night job for me...Since it s a Sunday I have given the "owl" in me also a holiday!!!!
Gud luck everybody...and keep the words flowing!!!!
More power to all!!!
Cya in few hours!!!(up)


I know what you mean - my brother said yesterday this forum sounds like WeightWatchers, except we're online and trying to finish a thesis instead of reducing the fat!

Rubyw....Hey!! we could be the word watchers!!!!! wat say???
Bu bye!!!


======= Date Modified 14 Sep 2008 20:08:06 =======
Hi everyone,

Krashty, congratulations on getting to the printing out stage - excellent work!! Hearing about others getting to the end is great, as it seems so far off sometimes when you're struggling along.

Armendaf, I'm doing the same as you really, restructuring.... I'm more worried about getting sucked into the whirl of stress when term starts than anything else, it's always chaotic in the autumn but there's other stuff going on too, so it's a bit of a strange atmosphere at the moment - not really conducive to doing PhD work as well.

Lara, hope your work is going well. What happened with the dead pc situation?

Pari, good luck on finishing your work tonight.

I've had enough for today I'm afraid, am really tired and fed up with it. Restructuring this chapter is a nightmare, I've ended up going through each flipping paragraph and working out where they should all go, whether another chapter, a different section or whatever. I don't know if it will work or not this way, but I don't think there is an easy solution really, so maybe it's what looks like the best compromise of several choices. I know it's the worst chapter to rewrite as it's got to be well structured and argued as it's one of the strongest theoretically, and when this is done the rest should be easier. Sorry to moan, I'll watch some telly and have an early night, I think. It'll look better tomorrow and there's still time to catch up with my deadline.

Hope the rest of you workers get lots done tonight!
See you tomorrow.