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Accountability Partners - Write your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day


Hi Ruby!! lol at your message, you always make me laugh! true true, there are limits indeed hahahaha.

and well done on the exhibition, that is great news, well done you! :-)

Armendaf! great that you're going to be working from home tommorow, hurrah ! i will be happy for the company.
and thanks for the advice, i did take a good long break, had dinner and watched my favourite show at the moment "lost in austen" i wish i could be lost in a jane austen novel, prefarably with Mr Darcy but played by Colin Firth teeehheehehe.

feeling sleepy now though, but i really want to finish off chapter 4, as Ruby said, its nearly done so i can tick it off.
so i'm clocked in for the night shift. i was meant to actually finish off chapter 5 today aswell. but thats not gonna happen, so will leave that for tommorow.
hope you both have a good night sleep and see you tommorow :p


okay i am calling it a night .. just finished chapter 4. hurrah! :-)
now i have 4 chapters left.
tommorow i am working on chapter 5. which is going to take the whole day as the results are all over the place and written on paper -i've made the figures, but finding the right files will no doubt take time! hoping to get chapter 5 done by the evening.
because i was meant to work on chapter 5 today, i might have to work on the methods chapter tommorow aswell. but doubt i will get time. so i will just focus on chapter 5 tommorow and get it finished and finalised. i am behind schedule, but then aren't i always lol
okay see you tommorow folks. bye for now.


Hi girls,

I'm back to working on the thesis, but just got some not very good news about my extension. Based on the progress he's seen, my supervisor doesn't believe I can make it, even with the extension. Obviously I'm shocked, and the only thing I can do now is to wrap everything up the best I can to bring to him to show for my progress... and beg him to reconsider. So, I'll be working on that all day hoping that I can meet him tomorrow. :-(

I hope you girls are doing better than I am.


Hello everyone!
Amandaf- we'll keep our fingers crossed for the extension to be reconsidered
Lara- Great job abt finishing ch-4!
I'm still pushing the first results section to be finished.
back to work



Lara, hope you're up and about now, with your upside down working hours, and that chapter 5's whizzing along nicely today!

Sheena, good luck with your results section today.

Armendaf, all you can do is prepare as much as you can today, to give a realistic idea of what work's remaining and see what he says. Hope your meeting goes ok tomorrow, and you can decide on a Plan B between you both, if imminent submission isn't an option. Good luck with it today anyway, let us know how you get on.

I'm having a coffee break at work now, so just popped over to see how you're getting on. I've been thwarted by annoying things all day but there you go. That is life. The positive side of work being a bit frustrating sometimes is that it increases my determination to get on with my Phd and finish it ASAP!!! Oooh I could never be a fulltime student, it would drive me mad - half job, half PhD suits me ok for a bit of variety.

Hope you all have a productive rest of day.


Quote From armendaf:

Hi girls,

I'm back to working on the thesis, but just got some not very good news about my extension. Based on the progress he's seen, my supervisor doesn't believe I can make it, even with the extension. Obviously I'm shocked, and the only thing I can do now is to wrap everything up the best I can to bring to him to show for my progress... and beg him to reconsider. So, I'll be working on that all day hoping that I can meet him tomorrow. :-(

I hope you girls are doing better than I am.

Armendaf, what does this mean, if he thinks you wont be able to make it. do you *HAVE* to submit, what happens if you don't? will you get fined ? or it a case of submit or fail ?? cause if its a choice between submitting *something* and not submitting and fail, submit *something*!

dont feel bad. because my supervisor back in june, said that i would not be able to meet my deadline and refuses to sign my entry forms! you just prove him wrong!!

you just wrap it up as best as you can, and just submit it, if you have to submit it. because you can always get thrown back a major revision.. better than failing out right.

you can do it. i know you can!! (up)


Quote From sheena:

Hello everyone!

Amandaf- we'll keep our fingers crossed for the extension to be reconsidered

Lara- Great job abt finishing ch-4!

I'm still pushing the first results section to be finished.

back to work

Thanks Sheena!! :-) good luck with your results section. i will be joining you, i gotta get my results section of chapter 5 done today!! and i havent even started!


Quote From rubyw:


Lara, hope you're up and about now, with your upside down working hours, and that chapter 5's whizzing along nicely today!


lol Ruby, upside down working hours indeed!! i ended up waking up at 2pm (Went to bed at 5am, after i finished the chapter at 3ish, had something to eat etc).
but i havent started yet!!

so im just about to start and will work until 7pm non stop and then have dinner and then pull another all nighter to get chapter 5 done!!

i really find it impressive that you have a job and a phd! thats amazing how you juggle both!


Quote From tractorgirl:

Lara: You are steaming ahead!!!! Well done, you are almost there!!!!!!!! You are definitely going to meet your deadline and should be really proud by a) how much you have done and b) by your sheer determination!! You really do inspire me not just in the world of the PhD but generally. Well done and hope today is going well!!!

As for me, i submitted my thesis in to the university this morning!!! I got there for half past eight this morning and because i was the first one they had the copies bound within half an hour!!! I then went to the office to hand them in!! It feels kinda strange and when i look at my copy it doesn't feel like i wrote it!!!!! It feels quite surreal that this 265 page document has been the subject of such an intensive 7 months of blood, sweat and tears!!!!!!!! I am going to my home town tomorrow for a few days and then next week i am going to start the preparations for the viva!

Aww thanks TG, that was such a lovely and nice thing to say, i really appreciate the compliment regarding the determination. i have you to thank for it!! seriously seeing you finished, really inspired me to try to wrap the phd up and just get it done. so thank you!!

i hope you are having some well deserved fun and time off!! dont worry about the viva yet! take at least a couple of weeks off and indulge yourself!! and then you can join the accountability thread for viva preperations, if i ever hand in my thesis, i will join you for the viva daily accounts!!!

well done again! you really impressed me in getting your thesis done and handed in 2 weeks before deadline, you are a star!!! and my inspiration! :-)


======= Date Modified 18 Sep 2008 22:51:07 =======

Quote From Lara:

i really find it impressive that you have a job and a phd! thats amazing how you juggle both!

Oh no, not at all impressive I'm afraid - it would be if I'd already completed and was further up the 'career ladder', though I think I would be a scary robot-woman if that was the case! Work's very sociable at my college, there are so many really nice and interesting people there that it balances out the weird perspective you get when you're doing the isolated PhD writing/studying thing. Suits me!

Hope the late shift goes well for you night owls.

I'll be back on the PhD trail again tomorrow, so see you then.


======= Date Modified 18 Sep 2008 23:19:40 =======
Hi Ruby :-) nice to hear from you. this thread was quiet today! sounds like a really nice working environment, thats so important. so what does your job entail?

see you tommorow :) hope you have a good night. and lol at scary robot woman hahaha
today i have been very slow and crap! still havent finished the results section of chapter 5. i'm being really rubbish!! i've run out of steam. but i've got plenty of glue so i'm not moving until i get it done grrrrr and then take a break and get the discussion section done and then introduction. i HAVE to get chapter 5 done today!!! (battle face):-s

Hey Armendaf, hope you managed to wrap everything up and good luck with your meeting tommorow! let us know how it goes. i have faith and confidence in you, that you can get it done!!

anyone else out there working tonight?


Hi girls,

Thanks Lara, Rubyw and Sheena for your words of support. This morning when I was shocked and scared I sort of made some progress, I even finished another section in chapter 3, so I'm getting closer now. Unfortunately that wore off after lunch and now I'm only somehow depressed. Anyway, I'll just bring everything I've got to show him what I've been up to and discuss my options, if any.

I hope everything goes well in the night shift. I'll post some update when I know more.


Hi Armendaf, that sounds great that you finished another section, way hey! you are getting there!! great stuff. I dont blame you for feeling depressed, that is totally understandable. Yep, just show him everything you have done, and he will realise how seriously hard you have been working. and i am sure together you can sort it out. it's not over till it's over! so good luck! and hope you get a good night sleep. good luck for tommorow!!

i'm still working on the results section at snail pace, but getting there word by word. i have "sleepy hollow" on in the background, great film! so it's keeping me awake and motivated to stay glued to my chair. i should get it done within the next 30minutes hopefully! then will take a break for food and relax abit.


======= Date Modified 19 Sep 2008 11:02:01 =======
Hello, morning everyone.

Lara, hope you got chapter 5 out of the way last night, ooh Sleepy Hollow, great film - what good taste you have! I love Tim Burton's melancholy little illustrations of people too, oyster boy, stain boy etc. My job(s)? I work in research in an art college, where I also teach and am doing my PhD. Hopefully it will be more straightforward next year after completion.

Armendaf, hope you got enough done last night, I'm sure you'll find a way forward after discussing the situation with your supervisor.

Aims for today: edit chapter 4. It's an interesting one - not that the rest are really boring of course! Or are they....? Time will tell!!! It's quite long, but shouldn't be too bad to do, as it's quite a recent one. Plus I can stride up the road to the library if I need more references and a break.

See you later.


Hello, invisible people with a life elsewhere,

I've come back to talk to myself and tell myself publicly what progress I've made today. Will it embarrass me into doing more before the day is finished? Who knows.

So what have I done in this long, long day? Weeeellll, I've been a bit on the slow side really, I've edited 8 pages out of 35, so that's probably about one fifth of this fascinating chapter, if my crappy maths is right. Ok, I suppose.

And I watched Diagnosis Murder for a lunchbreak, very disappointing actually, as the BBC is repeating all the really old episodes and they're not as good. IMO of course. The stories are a bit slow, not enough complex sleuthing going on and I think Dick's moustache is a bit too big, plus Amanda Bentley works with living people instead of corpses, and little Dr Jesse Travis is replaced by a man who used to be Pamela Anderson's boyfriend in real life, before she got famous as a Baywatch Babe. He's a bit dull to watch though. I wonder what the attraction was for old Pammy....?

And I've had a forum fish named after me :-) I hope they look after it, because I don't want to end up being flushed down the toilet if it dies. Well, I wouldn't fit down a toilet but the fish would, that's what people do with them sometimes.

Well, I'll begin the evening shift anyway. I should finish this chapter by the end of tomorrow as I'll be off doing something on Sunday, so tonight I should get another 8 pages done.

So how's it going, Lara? Armendaf?

I'll be back later for another scintillating monologue.