Hello there!
I'm seething at the moment as the designer for that event has made executive decisions about my pics and text that totally change the meaning!!!!:-s:-s:-s What's the point of spending ages poring over a Phd writing stuff, carefully labelling pics and putting them into a specific order that MAKES SENSE if someone just changes it? You spend ages making sure everything you do or write is justified academically throughout the whole of your PhD, then it gets ignored! Sorry to rant, but I'm really pissed off! I don't have high blood pressure or anything but wouldn't be surprised if all my bodily fluids weren't boiling over by now, with steam about to come out of my ears. Well, I suppose I should be glad I got the chance to amend it (hopefully) before it got too late.
Rant over. Sorry about that, a lot of things have been really annoying today but not as bad as for the poor person in the RTA this morning... :-( Puts things into perspective.
Lara, how's it going? Daren't ask, but I'm sure you got more done with the forum offline last night - I did!!
Armendaf...? Pari...?
======= Date Modified 24 Sep 2008 14:59:43 =======
Hi Ruby! nice to hear from you.
wow i am so sorry to hear that. that must be sooo frustrating!! i dont blame you for feeling so p***sed off, anyone in your position would feel the same way. i hope you manage to get it sorted out. you've been working so hard.
i missed the forum last night! i kept checking if it came back online but never did. i actually had a good night sleep last night. probably fell asleep around 2am and didnt get up till 12pm! i was out cold!
but i am glad i did, cause today i am refreshed.
well i just have one more topic left to write about... then i am drawing a line and saying the thesis is written, and if i have missed something then tough cookies! because i really gotta start proof reading and do the final formatting, and sorting out figures and appendix and all other little things that take a ridiculous amount of time!
my deadline to get my thesis in final final final version!! in pdf with everything completed is midnight tonight. it's a very long list of final corrections and things to do still! i'm so nervous!! time is ticking by so fast.
and then tommorow morning i will email my supervisor the final pdf version and then go into college myself to try to track him down and talk to him about submission. he can ignore my emails but he might have a hard time ignoring me if im standing infront of him. this time its war! :-s
i really just gotta get my thesis done now in final version, am very nervous as still theres lots to do!
but i found this website that if you send them the pdf by 10pm, you can collect it from them the next day at 3pm. and they print it out for you and everything. so tuesday is my final deadline, so i must email it to them by friday 10pm. to pick it up on monday at 3pm. and then can hand it in on the monday. i dont even know where to hand it in lol but will figure it out tommorow. need to prioritise!
but because i slept last night, i might be able to stay awake all night to get it done. i just hope it wont come to that.
okay i need to calm down otherwise wont be able to concentrate.
okay immediate aim: deadline 4pm:
1. write about different methylation methods and arrays and future work. (to chapter 5)
and then im drawing a line about writing any more new stuff.
okay i'm gonna start my egg timer. thanks for listening, i just had to talk about it to organise it in my head.
Hi lara,
I had a bad presentation yesterday that I was supposed to use to recruit participants. I kept pronouncing my words wrong and I came across as a bit thick - but I had to get up at 4-30 am to get there so was knackered. So in the end I looked like a sweaty wreck on amphetamines. And I'm still struggling with ethics forms and have loads of stuff coming up - so :-(
I got the contact details of 62 people who are potentially willing to help, so I was happy about that. I just really hope they do help now when I'm further down with the research and need them to participate. :-)
Good Evening everyone!!!
Lara, I am soooo excited for you.... T'row is ur submission day....I am sure that ur prof will be there to help u out.....Hope the printing thing will all work out fine.... And dont stress too much... Try to remember all this and enjoy them, will make for great memories...
So, Ruby how have u been?? Annoyed with the person who changed all ur pics!!! umggggh!! Try to fit in the sugesstion as much as u can, but if it needs a major revamp dont hassel urself over it (unless its worth it!!)...What u r doing seems really interesting to me, Can u tell me more abt ur PhD??
W!!! how have u been?? u were out of the forum for quite sometime..... 62 participants!! thats a gud number, that means they were impressed with u ...Dont fret abt things that happened in the past, things that u cant change....Think positively, So wats ur plan with the new participants???
I had an average day at collage...There are sooo many things to get aquinted to before I actually begin my lab work, So its just that I have soooo much of enthusiasm for doing my work and no WORK!!!!! How pathetic is that???? Anyways, since I dont have much to do except wait for some chemicals which I have ordered to arrive, I went for the basket ball trials of my college... And guess wat I got selected,,,,I just missed playing the game sooooo much!!!
Oh!! today I have to read up some papers and will call it a day early. T'row I just have to watch a senior doing some expts, some hopefully that will be fun!!!
Have a hud evening and I will be back with u t'row!!!!
Keep the smiles on !!!!!
Pari, it's better to have too much enthusiasm and no work than the other way round! Good to get selected for the basketball though.
I'll tell my supervisor about the pic problems, she will understand and say the right things! Don't know how much to say about my PhD really, it's quite nice being more or less anonymous on here, though I'm probably not really as it's too much effort!
See you tomorrow!
Hey Everyone!!
Gud morning!!! It seems like a great day.... I love the weather... Hope everyone has a SUPERB day ahead....
Hahhaha!!! Ruby I agree with u!!! Yeah!! I am sure that ur sup will agree with u , since u have done most of the work.... gud luck with that!
Cya all later!!!
Bu Bye!!!:-)
Just wanted to thank you guys for this thread. I got the book off the back of it and feel quite inspired now. I am only at the 'write first' stage, and have done my 10 mins a day twice now, but already feel like I have made progress in my work. I think I was hiding behind books before, but the answers aren't there; they need to come from me!
Hi Alice, nice to see someone else over here!
I'm still quite new to the forum and this thread and I must admit I've been pleasantly surprised that it does actually help me get on with the whole writing-up thing. Even that 15 minutes stint to get you started when you're really stuck seems to do the trick. Plus knowing everyone on here is in the same situation makes a huge difference, more than I imagined it would. People are generally so supportive, which has surprised me too. In fact, this site's been a very good discovery - I wish I'd found it ages ago!
======= Date Modified 25 Sep 2008 23:47:26 =======
hi everyone! thanks for the well wishes. just a quick update. not finished putting together my thesis. i totally underestimated how long it would take to proof read! i literally was reading all day and night , right up until 9am , when my eye lids kept dropping and i fell asleep.
but ive proof read and checked 5 chapters now. and have 2 chapters left. then i gotta do references, and table of contents and figures and stuff. i wanted to write this nice acknowledgement section, but dont think i will have time for that!
im planning on emailing it to my sup as soon as i am done and then going in to see him tommorow morning, ive not seen him for a year! i hope he just signs my forms and lets me just submit. if all goes well. then i might go straight to the printing place and get it printed, feel abit nervous sending it over the net for some reason!!
so its an all nighter for me again.
i slept for 3 hours this morning. and that was me being generous to myself lol
but yah word of warning, proof reading takes a hell of a long time! im so stupid, i dont know why i thought i could read my entire thesis in one day , which is about 50-60,000 words, i am not sure yet, not done the final word count yet.
anyways just needed a quick break.
thanks everyone for your support during these past few weeks especially. i really dont know how i would have done it without you all. i was just thinking ,i dont know how i did it all. the only thing i think it was , was just doing something everyday and not worrying about the future but doing as much as i could each day. and hoping one day it will all come together.
im nervous though meeting my sup, as i know he will say its all crap!! and im gonna fail. but i dont care. ive done it to the best of my ability. if its a fail. then i accept that. my goal was to complete my thesis. fingers crossed nothing goes wrong tonight! end note for some reason doesnt want to format one of my chapters, so going to have to do one page at time , dont know why, all the other chapters are fine.
its funny though , i was planning on having everything done last week! just goes to show artificial deadlines are so important!!
i think the turning point for me, was when TG said she was at the stage of proof reading and i thought to myself, i really want to be at that stage! that was the trigger.
and then you all supporting and encouragin me every day.
thank you so much :-)
okay aims for tonight, deadline 8am.
proof read and check chapter 6
proof read and check chapter 7.
table of contents
table of figures
table of tables lol
abbreviations, been writing them in one file as i came across them, and during writing up aswell (handy tip)
then gotta print out the abstract on the form
and fill in my exam forms
and erm. what else
title page is done.
oh i was going to add my published paper to the back of my thesis, but i dont know how to do that, how would you paste a pdf page onto a word document. cause of the margins and stuff . ah cant be arsed. i will just write, part of chapter 3 has been published in blah blah journal.
what else, am i missing something?
acknowledge will just write one sentence to thank my supervisors and my family and friends. will leave the nice version for when i have to do corrections.
er, what else...
okay bet get cracking and hope that pdf file converter works okay!
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