Hey Ruby! thanks for the message :)
and congratulations on finishing your chapter, that is great! 15, 000 words is VERY impressive!
well i have to confess i have done nothing so far. i just spent a couple of hours doing some internet searches on best way to lose weight , and i have decided to invest in a mini trampoline, i will buy it as soon as i submit my thesis. and bounce my way to a healthier me!
i am going to do some exercise, have some lunch and then settle down for the day and proof read chapter 2. and then tommorow onwards, i think i will start exercising first thing in the morning, as to get it out of the way and then start work. well thats the plan! i also started an accountability thread for weight loss hehe.
my aims for today:
1. proof read chapter 2, 3, and 4.
Hi Lara,
I noticed your weightwatching thread, hope it works! I'm not fat really, just a lazy so and so that puts weight on a bit when I go into so-called intellectual couch potato mode. I'm more concerned about staying healthy and getting through this winter and the rest of the PhD with no colds etc. than a bit of extra fat, but I'm not good with work-related stress so I suppose exercise would help... They do good exercise classes at my local gym that are a mish-mash of yoga, pilates and tai chi, set to pop music, so it's definitely not for yoga purists, more for people that want to get rid of a bit of stress, have a good stretch but find normal yoga deadly boring. I was thinking of going again soon anyway, though I'm not a huge fan of Robbie Williams songs and the like, but they are very good classes and harder work than you might think!!!
I've done sod all today I'm afraid, I started reading that chapter and I must have got bored with it, as I started doing something else... I wonder what...? Can't remember now, how embarrassing! I'll have another go at it before bedtime anyway. I'm at work for the next few days so I suppose I'd better give it my best shot tonight!
Good luck with your corrections!
i procrastinated most of the day! he he. but i have finished proof reading and correcting chapter 2. :-) the material and methods chapter. and made a list of some of the sections where i think i will add more information later after i have finished proof reading the entire thesis.
i just had dinner, i am going to relax for an hour or so and watch a House episode, and then proof read chapter 3 (me hopes!)
how was everyone else's day?
======= Date Modified 06 Oct 2008 20:38:48 =======
thanks Ruby :-)
he he we posted at the same time, dont worry i did sod all today aswell!
good luck with the work tonight! that's good you trying to do some tonight, but get an early night, you dont want to be tired for work tommorow.
will miss having you around the next few days whilst you're at work.
Armendaf, Pari, Angel, how was your day?
hehe so we did! I'll try to pop in while I'm at work, though I should make sure I don't look shifty and just save it for lunchtime really. That exhibition opens tomorrow too, so it will be interesting to see what it looks like!
Good luck with the rest of your reading, I'm impressed you've done as much as you have after the past few week's exertions!!
See you soon!:-)
I haven't read all the posts as it has been a while but just wanted to say hi and well done to everyone getting so much done. Also a massive congratulations to Celesmai!! Wonderful news, I hope you and baby are well. As for me, though I would give a quick update. I have been at my new job for 2 weeks (this is the third) and although there is loads of stuff to learn I am really enjoying it. It is science based but not acedemic which was a bit strange at first but I am now getting used to it!
On the thesis front I am now starting my viva prep! I am a little worried about the viva at the minute but I am starting a plan of work starting tonight so hopefully I will be as prepared as I can be. I will also be working one full day each weekend and during evenings in the week. The other weekend day I have decided to have off as a break as I don't want to over tire myself what with the new job and viva prep etc.
Anyway, my aims for tonight :
Blood pathogenesis section in chapter 1! This is a big part of the thesis so am going to spend this week in the evenings re-reading this section of chapter 1, making extra notes and on post it notes where i have quoted a paper I am going to just write, the main aim of the research, what they did and what they found. Then I am sticking these post its into the thesis as memory triggers if i need them!! Well that is the theory anyway!!!!!!!!
Anyway, hope everyone is well and good luck with everyone's aims for the rest of this evening and tomorrow!!! xx
======= Date Modified 07 Oct 2008 22:17:15 =======
Thanks Ruby! that's really nice of you to say :-) I appreciate that! :-)
i hope you had a good day at work. and the exhibition went okay
Tractorgirl!! really happy to hear from you! sounds like you're really enjoying the job, that is great! nothing better than finding a job you like. that is so cool!
can i ask what exactly the job is? as i have no clue what i want to do after my phd, i know i definately dont want to stay in academia. but science is all that i know, so what exactly is your job about sounds interesting!
and that is really admirable that you're starting the viva prep already, you have plenty of time, so yah just take it slow, and definately take a day off to relax. i hear that viva can take anytime betweek 2-6 months? but they have to give you 1 month notice before the viva examination (i think) not sure though, just stuff i hear. do you know when your viva is?
======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2008 01:44:14 =======
confession time :$ i procrastinated all day, but started proof reading chapter 3 at around 6ish. then took a break for dinner.
so far I have proof read 20 pages. i have another 20 pages to proof read, and then i just need to do the corrections on the word file.
tommorow i really have to stop procrastinating and just get all my chapters proof read and corrected, so tommorow i am going to be very strict with myself and proof read/correct chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. :-s:-s:-s
okay i am calling it a night. i have finished proof reading chapter 3. i have yet to make the corrections on the word file. but i am feeling too tired to do it now, and i dont want to risk doing it whilst i am tired incase i make mistakes correcting my mistakes! so will do it tommorow instead.
i found so many mistakes! that i missed the first time i did the proof reading, which i did about 2 weeks ago- under stress and high pressure and half asleep.
i really feel that proof reading on paper really helps, and also being alert, and also having a bit of a break from the content. the writing seems all new to me now
am going to watch abit of a dvd and then head for bed, i have to wake up early tommorow, am expecting my rebounder anytime between 9am - 3pm. so i better wake up by 8.30am, so i am not a scary pj wearing bed hair monster when i answer the door to the courier. lol
(* rebounder - the adult exercise term for mini trampoline!).
Tractorgirl, it's lovely to hear from you! I'm really glad the job's working out well, though I'm impressed with your plans for doing viva prep each night on top of that! How long do you have until the actual viva date?
Lara, you've done loads of work, nothing wrong with a bit of a break here and there, except when the breaks get longer than the work-time lol ;-) oh yes, we've all done it!!! I hope your trampoline meets all your expectations too!
The exhibition went fine, everyone said it was good and long overdue, though I think it will be more useful as a departmental marketing and recruitment aid than anything else for me personally. I feel manky today, everyone is sick and I don't want to be really ill, so will see how it goes. Someone came over to me yesterday while I was working and thrust her snotty face about 6 inches from mine to apologise for having a cold - why?! It was obvious enough and I never speak to her usually. But hopefully I will not get any iller, as there is a lot of work to do here and elsewhere. I dreamt about not finishing my PhD in time last night, and about a madman with an axe waiting outside a house which was a bit scary, but maybe it was just because of feeling ill.
Anyway, good luck with your corrections today! (up)
======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2008 13:55:34 =======
======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2008 17:32:43 =======
EXACTLY Ruby, my breaks are longer than my work time!!!!! like way way longer...so bad. i need to get more disciplined. i am about to start some work, my trampoline arrived today! so been distracted with it today. its great fun!
okay going to work until dinner time and correct chapter 3, and print out chapter 4.
scary dream you had there! and hope you dont get ill ! one reason why i am home bound, i am scared to go out on public transport and falling ill, catching a cold, i wish i could wear those masks without everyone starting at me like a weirdo. although in japan i hear you have to wear a mask those surgical types, if you have a cold. i think thats a great idea! but dont think it would catch on here!!
my aims for today:
1. correct chapter 3.
2. print chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7.
3. proof read chapters: 4, 5, 6 and 7.
4. correct chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7.
======= Date Modified 08 Oct 2008 17:27:46 =======
I think Verypoor is saying that that five times is too much , and that one should be *disciplined* enough internally, and that part of the "assessment" of doing a phd, is how disciplined you are. but i dont see how sharing your aims and achievements, takes away from being discipline? getting support from others, is not a sign of weakness.
i am far from disciplined, there is a big difference between idealling *should be* and realistically, phd writing is up and down, and it is very hard to maintain 100% discipline 100% of the time, we will all fall off the wagon and need a "pick me up"
everyone is different, some are more disciplined than others. what matters we try our best and whatever works for us. I am with Armendaf on this one.
Hey everyone....
Great that u r taking the thesis so seriously for the second time round Lara....I guess u r a perfectionist!!! Gud for u grl ..U r sooo motivated.....And tell me more abt ur trampoline....It must be sooo fun!!!!
Ruby , how have u been??How was the exhibition?? I am very curious abt it....Wat did u exhibit??? Abt the bad dream...sometimes they can be spooky though cant they?? I had this recurring dream during my childhood that I was with 2 of my best friend in a jungle and we got lost!!!I used to feel sad for the early part of the day.... Hope u have gud dreams tonite.....
Amenderf!!! hello!! how have u been...The recruiting is going on well I hope....And yes!! One of the main reasons I am on this forum is because of this thread...It helps me to track my progress and helps me to be desciplined, So, like Lara I too am with u....
Tractor grl, hope u are doing gud!! and how is the job going??
I am sooo xcited, one part of my first set of experiments worked today...I am over the moon...The past couple of days were slightly frustrating coz I was stuck at one place....But then I decided to work out things in a much calmer manner and things worked out fine!!! My Prof was sooo thrilled for me....So t'row I will be back in my lab early in the morining...So motivated right now....
Cya people t'row!!!
gud nite....sweet dreams!!!
Thank you Pari, you really are so sweet! I must confess though, i have been a bad phd student and not very motivated, and been very very slow in proof reading my thesis, most of the days i spend procrastinating! i need to pull my socks up and work more hours. i've only proof read and corrected for grammer mistakes 3 chapters. but then again, its better than nothing, so i'm thinking more positive. hopefully tommorow i can start working on new stuff i can add.
update, i just finished correcting chapter 3. and i am now printing chapter 4. i am going to take a break at 10pm though for Heroes hehe.
about my trampoline! hehe thanks for asking Pari!! its a mini trampoline called a "rebounder". NASA recommends it as a great exercise. its good on the joints, as the spingyness takes the impact when you come back down to earth. and how when you're jumping every cell is exercised! it was fun jumping up and down on it hehehe :-) loads of benefits from it, like increased metabolism, weight loss, prevention of osteoporesis. preventing ageing, increased lung capacity, improving lymphatic system, getting rid of toxins etc.
basically the jumping action of the trampoline subjects the body to gravitational pulls ranging from zero at the top of each bounce to 2-3 times the force of gravity at the bottom when you land on the trampoline. so basically everytime you land, your body is subjected to twice the force of gravity, this strengthenes the muscle-skeleton system and helps prevent osteoporosis.
so the bouncing causes each and every cell to feel the G force, and each cell in the body gets stronger individually.
bouncing also cleanses cells beacuse the lymphatic system is activated by this type of activity, the cells are constantly being flushed of metabolic waste.
i've been reading all about the benefits of rebounding and am really excited about it :-) i've been feeling really tired lately, but this is going to help me get more energy.:-)
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