======= Date Modified 15 Jan 2009 20:45:00 =======
======= Date Modified 15 Jan 2009 19:48:20 =======
======= Date Modified 15 Jan 2009 18:25:07 =======
Hi Lara,
Have you got a date for your viva, or your examiners sorted yet? And do you reckon they'll give you a mock viva? Great that you're getting stuck into the reading though! (up) No one's really written about viva prep on here, I don't think, so there's something a bit mystical about it at the moment for me, unless there isn't very much to say about it?!
I'm plodding through my corrections at the moment, SO tedious, but I do like the idea of it being finished and being able to move onto something new. I think it's about the only thing that's keeping me going at the moment. Anyway, better get started I guess, I've had my day-after-being-at-work lie-in so I'd better have another coffee and get on with it. :-s
======= Date Modified 16 Jan 2009 13:21:05 =======
======= Date Modified 16 Jan 2009 15:33:43 =======
yes its called how to survive your viva. by rowena murray. its the only book about viva. and its good. i'm on the chapter about questions, which has given me loads of ideas about the type of questions i should be thinking about and preparing answers for.
i got it from amazon i think it was £16.00
miss spacey went to a talk about how to prepare for the viva, and it was recommended.
Hi Lara,
Thanks so much for your sensible comments, you are right of course about just doing what I can and getting the damn thing in. Yeah, it certainly is like being in a hellhole sometimes and it's nice to have some company on the train to deadsville, as you called it once, lol! Oh yes.
I'm sorry you're feeling crap, this whole thing really messes with your confidence and I think it might be like this until the very end, when they actually award you the thing. It's really hard squashing the negative thoughts sometimes and it must be difficult when you're planning for something that's not likely to be exactly fun. Like having an appointment to have something unpleasant done to you, that you have to plan in advance for, but it will be fine afterwards - that is the thing to focus on - you will get through it one way or another and have a life again eventually. It will be SO nice to have finished with the whole PhD thing for ever. You're doing what you can, thinking of questions is good, then you'll know how to answer them.
It's quite funny that your dad told you to stop faffing about, as my mum did that yesterday too. I was moaning as I was really struggling to get into this vile methodology chapter I've been grappling with for ages and she said well, that's no good is it? You haven't got time to be fed up so you'd better get on with it. She was right though, and I did get on with an easier one for the rest of the day, it seemed better to do something (anything!!) than nothing at all. Today I've just been reading various theory articles for it and it makes more sense today, though I've still done no writing on the computer, just rough notes.... ah well, maybe tomorrow....I'll have to by then. I'll fiddle with it till 9, then that's my lot for tonight as it's the second part of that detective thing on BBC1.
Hope you got enough reading finished today.
Armendaf, how's it been getting back into work after such a long hol?
======= Date Modified 19 Jan 2009 20:06:55 =======
Ah nice to hear from you Ruby! :-) your message cheered me up
and you're very welcome, glad i could help in any small way. and dont worry about not getting "writing" done. the reading you have done and most importantly understanding it, counts for alot, and will most definately help in the writing . so well done you ! reading is an essential part of writing. yes dont worry about the writing today and yeh take the evening off and relax and let your brain absorb and make all those connections overnight whilst you sleep ;) and tommorow when your fresh , the writing will just flow through you , all zen like haha.
you are SO right! thats what i should be thinking about, how it will all be over one way or the other :-) yah i cannot wait for that day when i wont have the phd cloud looming over my head and putting a dampner on everything i want to do, its like my life is on "pause" you can do such and such, AFTER your phd.
and yah thats exactly how it feels, like preparing for your own torture or execution lol
nice to have you as company, makes me a whole lot better.
i've finished transferring my thesis files onto my new computer. and sorted out endnote and microsoft 2007. i had to google on how to get word 2007 to recognise endnote, but sorted it out thankfully , good ol instructions on the net
word of warning. if you are using endnote. i found that one of my chapter documents kept crashing when i was doing the final formatting. i think if a document has TOO MANY citations, poor little "word" cant cope!
i've just finished reading chapter 6 which was on giving answers. it had an example of this phd student, of where the examiner misunderstood what she was saying and she didnt have the confidence to correct the examiner. yikes!
it said that in order not to challenge or contradict the examiner, you can simply say. i think i might have incorrectly answered such and such
Lara, I completely understand what you meant when you said its like preparing for your execution. That's exactly how I feel and I was thinking almost those exact words today. I have my second viva on Thursday and this is worse than the first. I can't 'see' past Thursday at the moment and there is just a background feeling of dread at the moment. My examiners were really very nice last time and I've no reason to think they won't be this time but there is just so much resting on this. Rationally I know I won't fail because the thesis is much better than it was (and much longer) and they didn't fail me the first time but there is this nasty little pixie sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear that they can fail me if they want to.
Ruby, best of luck with finishing your thesis. It really is an enormous pain at the end but there is life after, just hang in there.
Keep going everyone (up)
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