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An arts phD in 3 years


======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 14:12:26 =======

Quote From eska:

======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 13:59:31 =======
Quote form Manboob

'Yes, I do blindly believe that I know everything, especially things that I have no expertise or experience in, and I do also have zero respect for the expertise and experience of others, so I am really sorry for that, and for talking twaddle, being a petty child and moaning about typos, and for not actually reading your posts properly'

That's Ok Moob, just remember this a voluntary position.

Eska, you know I was right, stop getting all defensive.

Oh, and would you also like some coaching in how to use the 'Quote' button properly?

Yes, I would really like some coaching aboutthe quiote button, especially if stiops the petty tit for tat squabble you seem to enjoy so much. I may also make you feel like an expert, and I can see you enjoy that.

Also, as you are so upet about my typos a new key board would help. As I .study arts, I can't afford one myself

Mods, don't you have rules about lack of respect for other people's research areas? How incredibly rude Moob is? Did you get some special training for that, moob?


Quote From eska:

Also, as you are so upet about my typos a new key board would help. As I .study arts, I can't afford one myself

Mods, don't you have rules about lack of respect for other people's research areas? How incredibly rude Moob is? Did you get some special training for that, moob?

Lack of respect? I do think it's inane, but that's just me being subjective. Although, when I look at the subject in the opposit way to the latter I can see how people could be interested in it.

Special training... I was just stating my opinion, I could have been a whole lot ruder. How are you going to grow as a researcher or for that matter as a person if you can't take criticism?

======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 14:51:56 =======
So where's the training in the quotes thing then? I meant it, I would really like to know.

It's fine by me to think studying film, or whatever you like, is inane. I think areas of the sciences are damaging, and inane. But I wouldn't think it my place to 'teach' PhD students their subject in those areas by giving them criticism about the method of their discipline, and I wouldn't join in thread discussion that relate to their subjects either.



======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 14:55:07 =======

Quote From eska:

So where's the training in the quotes thing then? I meant it, I would really like to know.

At the top left, adjacent to your screen name, there is a little button with the word 'QUOTE' on it. When you press this button it will display the quoted text in your reply and highlight it so as people know it's a quote (remember, you need to press the quote button that applies to the text that you are quoting)
Alternatively, you could do it manually (quote] your text here [/quote) copy and paste your desired text between the words quote that are held within the brackets (remember, the outside brackets on each of the quotes are removed, you'll have to replace them with the same type of bracket that is shown in the interior next to the actual quoted text).



was that condescending enough for you?


Quote From eska:

It's fine by me to think studying film, or whatever you like, is inane. I think areas of the sciences are damaging, and inane. But I wouldn't think it my place to 'teach' PhD students their subject in those areas by giving them criticism about the method of their discipline, and I wouldn't join in thread discussion that relate to their subjects either.

Quote From Moobs:

How about the wider socio-political impacts that "Feminism displayed on screen" has had on the psyche of the viewing public over the years e.g. their growing acceptance of a woman having a more powerful role in society, rather than just homemakers?
Also, it would be prudent to address the Actresses whom were involved in these provocative films so as their own point of view on their contribution to Feminism in France could be noted, that is if they have one, and weren't just pawns in some ideological female directors metaphorical game of genderised chess.

So, do you think what I typed there is completely incorrect?

Thank you Manboob, that was not condescending at all; however, when you say 'your' avatar etc, do you mean the avatar of person who I will be quoting, and not 'my' avatar? Because I can't find one, or a quote button, on screen, as I'm writing.


Quote From dr_man_boobs:

I do think it's inane, but that's just me being subjective. Although, when I look at the subject in the opposit way to the latter I can see how people could be interested in it.

I beg your pardon? I tend to have scambled eggs on toast for my breakfast on a Sunday, but it looks like you eat thesauruses. On a more serious note though, here is a site you may find helpful:
There's actually a gobbledygook generator on the site, so lets see how I can tell you to show more respect to other forumites in a more flowery way: We need to get on-message about our regenerated incremental resources.


Quote From eska:

Thank you Manboob, that was not condescending at all; however, when you say 'your' avatar etc, do you mean the avatar of person who I will be quoting, and not 'my' avatar? Because I can't find one, or a quote button, on screen, as I'm writing.

Next to MY avatar, you need to click QUOTE to take my text directly into your own message.


Quote From walminskipeasucker:

Quote From dr_man_boobs:

I do think it's inane, but that's just me being subjective. Although, when I look at the subject in the opposit way to the latter I can see how people could be interested in it.

I beg your pardon? I tend to have scambled eggs on toast for my breakfast on a Sunday, but it looks like you eat thesauruses. On a more serious note though, here is a site you may find helpful:
There's actually a gobbledygook generator on the site, so lets see how I can tell you to show more respect to other forumites in a more flowery way: We need to get on-message about our regenerated incremental resources.

haha @ drivel defence. Albeit a little complex, my statement was prefectly intelligible.

======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 15:34:51 =======
Hi moob, I have tonnes of marking to do and I really don't want to get into a lengthy debate with you about this, especially as you think it is such a inane suject, so I can only presume yor reason for banging on about it comes down to some kind of insecurity or ego issue. Or that you secrretly wish you were doing a phD in film stuies (however, just remember the key board sacrifices you would have had to make if you hade made that choice) and hate your wn subject.

I am probably writing this because I want to avoid marking, but I am giving my valuable time to you so please read what I write this time, properly. You apperaed to ignore much of what I said last time. Remember, I am sacrifing time outdside in the glorious, and rare, sunshine to do this for you.

However, here is my response:

1.Yes, the role of women, as portrayed in films, has changed over time, and this does relate to feminism, although it is not necessarily 'feminism in film' perse, what you descibe would more accurately be termed 'representation of women in film'. The topic you describe is incredibly broad and would need to be narrowed down dramatically for any level of acdemic writing from pre-GCSE upwards. It would not be accepted as a PhD topic as it stands, and it would make a pretty disastrous first year undergrad essay. Also, it has been studied, extensively, already - it's kind of A'Level standard stuff, in terms of broad subject matter.
2. Having worked on many films, British and American, I have observed that actors do not make much difference to the overarching aspects of the characters they portray, that lies in the hands of the writers, directors and producers they work for. Actors are, on the whole, highly skilled interpreters of what other people want them to do. This is a widley accepted reality of the film making process, both in the industry and in academia. Marlon Brando was a notable exeption to this, otherwise universal, mode of practice, and he did create his own characters: People run research projects in him as an anomily within dramtic construction because of it. It may be intersting to look at Last Tango in Paris in terms of feminism and his performance, but that is not a French film and Brando is not a French actress.
3. Becasue of the above, it would be much more productive to interview the film's director and producers if researching the topic you suggest: they call the shots and have to issue approval on all creative decisions n the film-making process. But, if you look back at my earlier post, you will see why that approach is not always that fruitful or ncessary.

They're the main points, and now I'm going out to enjoy the sunshine now, I hope we can be at peace: Even if you think what I do is inane, you don't have to voice it so much, in a thread which is about arts PhDs.

P.s. I have far to much to do to be sitting here repeating things and I want paying for any further tuition on this topic.


Quote From eska:

======= Date Modified 11 Apr 2010 15:34:51 =======
Hi moob, I have tonnes of marking to do and I really don't want to get into a lengthy debate with you about this, especially as you think it is such a inane suject, so I can only presume yor reason for banging on about it comes down to some kind of insecurity or ego issue. Or that you secrretly wish you were doing a phD in film stuies (however, just remember the key board sacrifices you would have had to make if you hade made that choice) and hate your wn subject.

I find my subject (Climatology) very interesting. I just enjoy perusing the forum to see what's been discussed, and whether or not it is wanted, needed or appreciated I like to add a comment now and again (the joys of free speech).

1.Yes, the role of women, as portrayed in films, has changed over time, and this does relate to feminism, although it is not necessarily 'feminism in film' perse, what you descibe would more accurately be termed 'representation of women in film'. The topic you describe is incredibly broad and would need to be narrowed down dramatically for any level of acdemic writing from pre-GCSE upwards. It would not be accepted as a PhD topic as it stands, and it would make a pretty disastrous first year undergrad essay. Also, it has been studied, extensively, already - it's kind of A'Level standard stuff, in terms of broad subject matter.

I agree, the representation of women in film is directly linked to feminist script writers and director/producers needs to further their agenda. Due to this I changed my PhD title a little, it makes more sense now; The socio-political impacts of Feminist ideals displayed on screen and their influence on the psyche of the viewing public. I believe this title would be do-able.

2. Having worked on many films, British and American, I have observed that actors do not make much difference to the overarching aspects of the characters they portray, that lies in the hands of the writers, directors and producers they work for. Actors are, on the whole, highly skilled interpreters of what other people want them to do. This is a widley accepted reality of the film making process, both in the industry and in academia. Marlon Brando was a notable exeption to this, otherwise universal, mode of practice, and he did create his own characters: People run research projects in him as an anomily within dramtic construction because of it. It may be intersting to look at Last Tango in Paris in terms of feminism and his performance, but that is not a French film and Brando is not a French actress.

I haven't seen Last Tango in Paris, I'll check it out, cheers!

3. Becasue of the above, it would be much more productive to interview the film's director and producers if researching the topic you suggest: they call the shots and have to issue approval on all creative decisions n the film-making process. But, if you look back at my earlier post, you will see why that approach is not always that fruitful or ncessary.

Yes, I agree with you on this, and I did mention interviewing the director/producer in my previous post, I just thought that interviewing the actress about her thoughts on the implications that the role entailed would also be a good idea, just to get a different perspective on the subject.

Enjoy the sun!!!


Hi Jenny, I submitted my thesis in 3yrs exactly, I'm in the sciences so my thesis would be quite short in comparison to one in the humanities. The thing about research is knowing when enough is enough and there is always going to be things you want to put into your thesis no matter how long it is. I would say set yourself personal goals, have a weekly timetable( a routine is good:-) ), allowing for holidays, sickness etc. At the start everybody hopes to finish in 3yrs but we dont know what these three years will bring, set yourself the 3yr target, but remember there is the choice of extension if you need it!

Good Luck :-)

Hi again moob, a final bit of free advice: If you are researching the effects of feminist representations of women (in any area of cinema) on audiences, the you will need to reserach your audiences, rather than the people who make the films. Thisis called a cultural studies approach and borrows much from sociology and psychology, some of the others may be able to help you with a suitable set of methods for testing your thesis, whatever it may be.