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Anyone else wasted the break?


Hi Phdbug

Just thinking, could you define the term wasted

Quote From phdbug:

spent all the time on cooking, travelling, entertaining friends, celebrating my Bday in xmas week, and chatting with family...

GOSH i feel so guilty...and drained out with nothing :-s

Sounds to me like your time has simply been spent doing normal things that people do at this time of year.

If you've managed to spend your time socialising with friends and family, surely this time is not wasted at all, these people, are, after all much more important than work, no?


Bug, I feel exhausted and like poop just reading your post!!!!!!!!!!!! You wrote 8000 words, read 125 articles (wtf????) and wrote another 4000 words for publication and you feel its wasted time? (let alone the applications) flipping heck - I dread to think what you'd reckon to my productivity - errr zero! Welll, that's not exactly true, I did do a bit of work but nothing to mention and I've got to submit a paper for my board in 2 weeks - how in the name of all things holy did you write all that AND have Christmas and New Year and not be suffering from repetitive strain injury? Ok, lol, I did 20K for my MA diss in about 2 weeks, but there were no other distractions and they were just drafts that needed reworking, but honestly, you've raised my stress levels and made me extremely impressed!
Sigh, I must get on, I'm procrastinating, partly because I have NO idea what I'm supposed to be doing - may well make a post on that - what the heck is in a lit review - and also because I can't stand the lit review/methodology/sources section of an essay and this is one big one with no exciting bit to look forward to writing lol lol lol - sigh.


God Almighty I feel dreadful now! :$

I'd be praising myself no end if I'd done all that in a couple of weeks - and over Xmas!!!


Ok, bug gone into hiding. (btw, amanda, if i could write 20k in two weeks i would dance with joy and be *extremely* proud of myself!)

And PS: wasted was a wrong term I used :$

(Ok, now I feel like deleting my original post LOL, but I shant!!!!!)


I'm very jealous - both of the rested and the worked......
I worked until the 23rd, looked after hubby with flu on 24th, had flu by the 25th, roll on pretty much the rest of the break in bed until 2nd.
Now that's what I call 'wasted break'!!!


Lol bug, don't delete ;-) Seriously though, that is some going - mine was out of necessity - my supervisor announced the beginning of Aug that he was going on holiday mid aug and so wouldn't be back til 2 weeks before submission - hence frantic writing! I've never been so exhausted lol and it makes me worry for the write-up of the Phd at the end - not sure I could repeat that feat!

Pamplemousse - (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))) that's awful you poor thing, nothing worse than being really ill at Christmas especially with a sick hubby too - nightmare! Hope you're all better now xx


Stressed - your post made me smile; feel much better thank-you!!
Just about getting back into the swing of things; thank goodness for the British Library.